Point.Subtraction(Point, Size) Operador


Convierte una estructura Point según el valor negativo del Size especificado.

 static System::Drawing::Point operator -(System::Drawing::Point pt, System::Drawing::Size sz);
public static System.Drawing.Point operator - (System.Drawing.Point pt, System.Drawing.Size sz);
static member ( - ) : System.Drawing.Point * System.Drawing.Size -> System.Drawing.Point
Public Shared Operator - (pt As Point, sz As Size) As Point



Point que se va a convertir.


Size que especifica el par de números que se va a restar a las coordenadas de pt.


Estructura Point que se convierte según el valor negativo de una determinada estructura Size.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo usar el PointConverter operador y Subtraction . Este ejemplo está diseñado para usarse con Windows Forms. Pegue este código en un formulario y llame al método al controlar el ShowPointConverter evento del Paint formulario, pasando e como PaintEventArgs.

void ShowPointConverter( PaintEventArgs^ e )
   // Create the PointConverter.
   System::ComponentModel::TypeConverter^ converter = System::ComponentModel::TypeDescriptor::GetConverter( Point::typeid );
   Point point1 =  *dynamic_cast<Point^>(converter->ConvertFromString( "200, 200" ));

   // Use the subtraction operator to get a second point.
   Point point2 = point1 - System::Drawing::Size( 190, 190 );

   // Draw a line between the two points.
   e->Graphics->DrawLine( Pens::Black, point1, point2 );
private void ShowPointConverter(PaintEventArgs e)

    // Create the PointConverter.
    System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter converter = 

    Point point1 = (Point) converter.ConvertFromString("200, 200");

    // Use the subtraction operator to get a second point.
    Point point2 = point1 - new Size(190, 190);

    // Draw a line between the two points.
    e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, point1, point2);
Private Sub ShowPointConverter(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)

    ' Create the PointConverter.
    Dim converter As System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter = _

    Dim point1 As Point = _
        CType(converter.ConvertFromString("200, 200"), Point)

    ' Use the subtraction operator to get a second point.
    Dim point2 As Point = Point.op_Subtraction(point1, _
        New Size(190, 190))

    ' Draw a line between the two points.
    e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, point1, point2)
End Sub

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