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LogicalMethodInfo.BeginInvoke(Object, Object[], AsyncCallback, Object) Método


Inicia una invocación asincrónica del método representado por LogicalMethodInfo.

 IAsyncResult ^ BeginInvoke(System::Object ^ target, cli::array <System::Object ^> ^ values, AsyncCallback ^ callback, System::Object ^ asyncState);
public IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (object target, object[] values, AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState);
member this.BeginInvoke : obj * obj[] * AsyncCallback * obj -> IAsyncResult
Public Function BeginInvoke (target As Object, values As Object(), callback As AsyncCallback, asyncState As Object) As IAsyncResult



Instancia de Object donde debe invocarse al método.


Lista de argumentos del método invocado. Se trata de una matriz de objetos que contiene el mismo número, orden y tipo que los parámetros del método. Si el método no requiere ningún parámetro, values debe ser null.


Delegado al que se va a llamar cuando finalice la invocación asincrónica. Si callback es null, no se llama al delegado.


Información de estado que se pasa al delegado.



Interfaz IAsyncResult que se pasa al método EndInvoke(Object, IAsyncResult) para obtener los valores devueltos en la llamada al método remoto.


El parámetro target es null.

El número, el tipo y el orden de los parámetros en values no coinciden con la firma del método invocado.

El llamador no tiene permiso para invocar al método.


   [PermissionSet(SecurityAction::Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
   static void main()
      // Get the type information.
      // Note: The MyMath class is a proxy class generated by the Wsdl.exe
      // utility for the Math Web service. This class can also be found in
      // the SoapHttpClientProtocol class example.
      Type^ myType = MyMath::MyMath::typeid;

      // Get the method info.
      MethodInfo^ myBeginMethod = myType->GetMethod( "BeginAdd" );
      MethodInfo^ myEndMethod = myType->GetMethod( "EndAdd" );

      // Create an instance of the LogicalMethodInfo class.
      array<MethodInfo^>^ temp0 = { myBeginMethod, myEndMethod };
      LogicalMethodInfo^ myLogicalMethodInfo =
         ( LogicalMethodInfo::Create( temp0, LogicalMethodTypes::Async ) )[ 0 ];

      // Get an instance of the proxy class.
      MyMath::MyMath^ myMathService = gcnew MyMath::MyMath;

      // Call the MyEndIntimationMethod method to intimate the end of
      // the asynchronous call.
      AsyncCallback^ myAsyncCallback = gcnew AsyncCallback( MyEndIntimationMethod );

      // Begin to invoke the Add method.
      array<Object^>^ temp1 = { 10, 10 };
      IAsyncResult^ myAsyncResult = myLogicalMethodInfo->BeginInvoke(
         myMathService, temp1, myAsyncCallback, nullptr );

      // Wait until invoke is complete.

      // Get the result.
      array<Object^>^ myReturnValue;
      myReturnValue = myLogicalMethodInfo->EndInvoke( myMathService, myAsyncResult );

      Console::WriteLine( "Sum of 10 and 10 is {0}", myReturnValue[ 0 ] );

   // This method will be called at the end of the asynchronous call.
   static void MyEndIntimationMethod( IAsyncResult^ /*Result*/ )
      Console::WriteLine( "Asynchronous call on Add method finished." );
public static void Main()
   // Get the type information.
   // Note: The MyMath class is a proxy class generated by the Wsdl.exe
   // utility for the Math Web service. This class can also be found in
   // the SoapHttpClientProtocol class example.
   Type myType = typeof(MyMath.MyMath);

   // Get the method info.
   MethodInfo myBeginMethod = myType.GetMethod("BeginAdd");
   MethodInfo myEndMethod = myType.GetMethod("EndAdd");

   // Create an instance of the LogicalMethodInfo class.
   LogicalMethodInfo myLogicalMethodInfo =
      (LogicalMethodInfo.Create(new MethodInfo[] {myBeginMethod,myEndMethod},

   // Get an instance of the proxy class.
   MyMath.MyMath myMathService = new MyMath.MyMath();

   // Call the MyEndIntimationMethod method to intimate the end of
   // the asynchronous call.
   AsyncCallback myAsyncCallback = new AsyncCallback(MyEndIntimationMethod);

   // Begin to invoke the Add method.
   IAsyncResult myAsyncResult = myLogicalMethodInfo.BeginInvoke(
      myMathService,new object[]{10,10},myAsyncCallback,null);

   // Wait until invoke is complete.

   // Get the result.
   object[] myReturnValue;
   myReturnValue = myLogicalMethodInfo.EndInvoke(myMathService,myAsyncResult);

   Console.WriteLine("Sum of 10 and 10 is " + myReturnValue[0]);

// This method will be called at the end of the asynchronous call.
static void MyEndIntimationMethod(IAsyncResult Result)
   Console.WriteLine("Asynchronous call on Add method finished.");
Public Shared Sub Main()

   ' Get the type information.
   ' Note: The MyMath class is a proxy class generated by the Wsdl.exe 
   ' utility for the Math Web Service. This class can also be found in
   ' the SoapHttpClientProtocol class example. 
   Dim myType As Type = GetType(MyMath.MyMath)

   ' Get the method info.
   Dim myBeginMethod As MethodInfo = myType.GetMethod("BeginAdd")
   Dim myEndMethod As MethodInfo = myType.GetMethod("EndAdd")

   ' Create an instance of the LogicalMethodInfo class.
   Dim myLogicalMethodInfo As LogicalMethodInfo = _
      LogicalMethodInfo.Create(New MethodInfo() {myBeginMethod, myEndMethod}, _

   ' Get an instance of the proxy class.
   Dim myMathService As New MyMath.MyMath()

   ' Call the MyEndIntimationMethod method to intimate the end of 
   ' the asynchronous call.
   Dim myAsyncCallback As New AsyncCallback(AddressOf MyEndIntimationMethod)

   ' Beging to invoke the Add method.
   Dim myAsyncResult As IAsyncResult = _
      myLogicalMethodInfo.BeginInvoke( _
      myMathService, New Object() {10, 10}, myAsyncCallback, Nothing)

   ' Wait until invoke is complete.

   ' Get the result.
   Dim myReturnValue() As Object
   myReturnValue = myLogicalMethodInfo.EndInvoke(myMathService, myAsyncResult)

   Console.WriteLine(("Sum of 10 and 10 is " & myReturnValue(0)))
End Sub

' This method will be called at the end of asynchronous call.
Shared Sub MyEndIntimationMethod(ByVal Result As IAsyncResult)
   Console.WriteLine("Asynchronous call on method 'Add' finished.")
End Sub

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