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Stroke.GetPoints Method

Returns an array of Point structures that make up the Stroke object.

Overload List

Name Description
Stroke.GetPoints () Returns all of the Point structures that make up the Stroke object.
Stroke.GetPoints (Int32, Int32) Returns a specified range of the Point structures that make up the Stroke object.


This method returns an array of floating point index values that describe the points. A floating point index is a float value that represents a location somewhere between two points in the Stroke object. As examples, if 0.0 is the first point in the stroke and 1.0 is the second point in the stroke, 0.5 is halfway between the first and second points. Similarly, a floating point index value of 37.25 represents a location that is 25 percent along the line between points 37 and 38 of the stroke.

See Also


Stroke Class
Stroke Members
Microsoft.Ink Namespace