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PenInputPanel.Width Property

Deprecated. Gets the width of the pen input panel in client coordinates. PenInputPanel has been replaced by Microsoft.Ink.TextInput.

Namespace: Microsoft.Ink
Assembly: Microsoft.Ink (in


Public ReadOnly Property Width As Integer
Dim instance As PenInputPanel
Dim value As Integer

value = instance.Width
public int Width { get; }
property int Width {
    int get ();
/** @property */
public int get_Width ()
public function get Width () : int
Not applicable.

Property Value

The width of the pen input panel in client coordinates.




The number of pixels equal to 4.75 inches at 96 dots per inch (dpi).


The number of pixels equal to 4.75 inches at 120 dpi.


The number of pixels equal to 4.75 inches at 133 dpi.


The width of the PenInputPanel object is dependent on the screen resolution for the particular Tablet PC.

Starting with Microsoft® Windows® XP Tablet PC Edition 2005, the Tablet PC Input Panel allows the user to continue entering handwriting by automatically increasing the size of the Input Panel to accomodate new handwriting. The Height and Width properties do not update to reflect the new size as the Input Panel grows. These properties return the original size of the Input Panel. They also do not report the dimensions of the Input Panel hover target.

Security noteSecurity Note:

If using under partial trust, this property requires SecurityPermissionFlag.AllFlags permission, in addition to the permissions required by PenInputPanel. See Security and Trust for more information.


This C# example creates a PenInputPanel object, thePenInputPanel, and attaches it to an InkEdit control, inkEdit1. It then attaches a VisibleChanged event handler, VisibleChanged_Event. In the event handler, it adds a sentence to the content of the edit control to which the PenInputPanel is attached. The sentence states the width of the pen input panel in pixels by retrieving the Width property and converting it to a string with the ToString method.



// Delcare the PenInputPanel object
PenInputPanel thePenInputPanel;

public Form1()
    // Required for Windows Form Designer support

    // Create and attach the new PenInputPanel to an InkEdit control.
    thePenInputPanel = new PenInputPanel(inkEdit1);

    // Add a VisibleChanged event handler
    thePenInputPanel.VisibleChanged +=
        new PenInputPanelVisibleChangedEventHandler(VisibleChanged_Event);


public void VisibleChanged_Event(object sender,
                                 PenInputPanelVisibleChangedEventArgs e)
    // Make sure the object that generated
    // the event is a PenInputPanel object
    if (sender is PenInputPanel)
        PenInputPanel theSenderPanel = (PenInputPanel)sender;

        // When the panel has become visible...
        if (e.NewVisibility)
            // Display the width of the panel in the attached edit control
            theSenderPanel.AttachedEditControl.Text +=
                    "The width of the panel is ";
            theSenderPanel.AttachedEditControl.Text +=
            theSenderPanel.AttachedEditControl.Text += " pixels.\n";

This Microsoft Visual Basic® .NET example creates a PenInputPanel object, thePenInputPanel, and attaches it to an InkEdit control, InkEdit1. It then attaches a VisibleChanged event handler, VisibleChanged_Event. In the event handler, it adds a sentence to the content of the edit control to which the PenInputPanel is attached. The sentence states the width of the pen input panel in pixels by retrieving the Width property and converting it to a string with the ToString method.

[Visual Basic]


' Declare the PenInputPanel object
Dim thePenInputPanel As PenInputPanel

Public Sub New()

    ' Required for Windows Form Designer support

    ' Create and attach the new PenInputPanel to an InkEdit control.
    thePenInputPanel = New PenInputPanel(InkEdit1)

    ' Add a VisibleChanged event handler
    AddHandler thePenInputPanel.VisibleChanged, _
               AddressOf VisibleChanged_Event
End Sub 'New


Public Sub VisibleChanged_Event(sender As Object, e As _
    ' Make sure the object that generated
    ' the event is a PenInputPanel object
    If TypeOf sender Is PenInputPanel Then
       Dim theSenderPanel As PenInputPanel = CType(sender, PenInputPanel)

       ' When the panel has become visible...
       If e.NewVisibility Then
          ' Display the width of the panel in the attached edit control
          theSenderPanel.AttachedEditControl.Text += _
                   "The width of the panel is "

          theSenderPanel.AttachedEditControl.Text += _

         theSenderPanel.AttachedEditControl.Text += _
                  " pixels." + ControlChars.Lf
       End If
    End If
End Sub 'VisibleChanged_Event


Windows 98, Windows Server 2000 SP4, Windows CE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Mobile for Pocket PC, Windows Mobile for Smartphone, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 is supported on Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows XP SP2, and Windows Server 2003 SP1.

Version Information

.NET Framework

Supported in: 3.0

See Also


PenInputPanel Class
PenInputPanel Members
Microsoft.Ink Namespace