Compartir a través de

del método PublishingWeb.GetAvailablePageLayouts

Devuelve los objetos PageLayout disponibles para la creación de objetos de PublishingPage de este PublishingWeb.

Espacio de nombres:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing
Ensamblado:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing (en Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.dll)


Public Function GetAvailablePageLayouts As PageLayout()
Dim instance As PublishingWeb
Dim returnValue As PageLayout()

returnValue = instance.GetAvailablePageLayouts()
public PageLayout[] GetAvailablePageLayouts()

Valor devuelto

Tipo: []
Una matriz de PageLayoutdisponibles para la creación de objetos de PublishingPage dentro de este objeto PublishingWeb .


Los objetos disponibles PageLayout devueltos por este método se pueden heredar de un objeto de PublishingWeb primario, como se indica en la propiedad IsInheritingAvailablePageLayouts.

Utilice el método GetAvailablePageLayouts(SPContentTypeId) para devolver un subconjunto de los objetos PageLayout filtrados por el identificador de propiedad de AssociatedContentType .

Utilice los métodos PageLayouts(), **AllowAllPageLayouts()**y InheritAvailablePageLayouts para modificar el conjunto de objetos PageLayout devuelto por este método.


En este ejemplo se restringe el conjunto de diseños de página disponibles que se utilizan para crear páginas en una publicación Web para que estén disponibles sólo los diseños de página asociados con un tipo de contenido especificado.

Antes de utilizar este ejemplo, compruebe que el parámetro associatedContentTypeId es de un tipo de contenido en el sitio Web raíz del sitio.

using SPContentTypeId = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentTypeId;
using SPContentType = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentType;
using SPSite = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite;
using SPFile = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFile;
using SPWeb = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb;
using PublishingSite = Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingSite;
using PublishingWeb = Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb;
using PageLayoutCollection = Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PageLayoutCollection;
using PageLayout = Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PageLayout;

namespace Microsoft.SDK.SharePointServer.Samples
    public static class PublishingWebCodeSamples
        public static void RestrictPageLayoutsByContentType(
PublishingWeb publishingWeb, 
SPContentTypeId associatedContentTypeId)
// Replace these variable values and input parameters with your own values.
bool excludeHiddenLayouts = true;
bool resetAllSubsitesToInherit = true;

// Validate the input parameters.
if (null == publishingWeb)
    throw new System.ArgumentNullException("publishingWeb");

SPSite site = publishingWeb.Web.Site;
PublishingSite publishingSite = new PublishingSite(site);

// Retrieve a collection of all page layouts in the site collection
// that match the content type.
SPContentType associatedContentType = publishingSite.ContentTypes[associatedContentTypeId];
if (null == associatedContentType)
    throw new System.ArgumentException(
        "The SPContentTypeId did not match an SPContentType in the SPSite.RootWeb",

PageLayoutCollection pageLayoutsByContentType = 
    publishingSite.GetPageLayouts(associatedContentType, excludeHiddenLayouts);

// Update the Web to use these page layouts when creating pages.


//  Verify the expected results. Note: This is not required. It demonstrates
//  the results of calling the SetAvailablePageLayouts method.

PageLayout[] availablePageLayouts = publishingWeb.GetAvailablePageLayouts();
foreach (PageLayout pageLayout in availablePageLayouts)
        pageLayout.AssociatedContentType.Id == associatedContentTypeId);
Imports SPContentTypeId = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentTypeId
Imports SPContentType = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentType
Imports SPSite = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite
Imports SPFile = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFile
Imports SPWeb = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb
Imports PublishingSite = Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingSite
Imports PublishingWeb = Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb
Imports PageLayoutCollection = Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PageLayoutCollection
Imports PageLayout = Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PageLayout

Namespace Microsoft.SDK.SharePointServer.Samples
    Public NotInheritable Class PublishingWebCodeSamples

        Private Sub New()
        End Sub
        Public Shared Sub RestrictPageLayoutsByContentType(ByVal publishingWeb As PublishingWeb, ByVal associatedContentTypeId As SPContentTypeId)
' Replace these variable values and input parameters with your own values.
Dim excludeHiddenLayouts As Boolean = True
Dim resetAllSubsitesToInherit As Boolean = True

' Validate the input parameters.
If Nothing Is publishingWeb Then
    Throw New System.ArgumentNullException("publishingWeb")
End If

Dim site As SPSite = publishingWeb.Web.Site
Dim publishingSite As New PublishingSite(site)

' Retrieve a collection of all page layouts in the site collection
' that match the content type.
Dim associatedContentType As SPContentType = publishingSite.ContentTypes(associatedContentTypeId)
If Nothing Is associatedContentType Then
    Throw New System.ArgumentException("The SPContentTypeId did not match an SPContentType in the SPSite.RootWeb", "associatedContentTypeId")
End If

Dim pageLayoutsByContentType As PageLayoutCollection = publishingSite.GetPageLayouts(associatedContentType, excludeHiddenLayouts)

' Update the Web to use these page layouts when creating pages.
publishingWeb.SetAvailablePageLayouts(pageLayoutsByContentType.ToArray(), resetAllSubsitesToInherit)


'  Verify the expected results. Note: This is not required. It demonstrates
'  the results of calling the SetAvailablePageLayouts method.
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((Not publishingWeb.IsAllowingAllPageLayouts))
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((Not publishingWeb.IsInheritingAvailablePageLayouts))

Dim availablePageLayouts() As PageLayout = publishingWeb.GetAvailablePageLayouts()
For Each pageLayout As PageLayout In availablePageLayouts
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(pageLayout.AssociatedContentType.Id Is associatedContentTypeId)
Next pageLayout
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

Vea también


clase PublishingWeb

Miembros PublishingWeb

Sobrecarga GetAvailablePageLayouts

Espacio de nombres Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing

