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DataSourceViewCollection.Insert Method (Int32, String)

Creates and inserts a DataSourceView, with the specified identifier, into the collection at the specified index.

Espacio de nombres: Microsoft.AnalysisServices
Ensamblado: Microsoft.AnalysisServices (in microsoft.analysisservices.dll)


Public Function Insert ( _
    index As Integer, _
    name As String _
) As DataSourceView
public DataSourceView Insert (
    int index,
    string name
DataSourceView^ Insert (
    int index, 
    String^ name
public DataSourceView Insert (
    int index, 
    String name
public function Insert (
    index : int, 
    name : String
) : DataSourceView


  • index
    The zero-based index at which the new DataSourceView will be inserted.
  • name
    The name of the DataSourceView to be inserted.

Valor devuelto

A new, empty DataSourceView.


Tipo de excepción Condición

index is less than zero.


index is equal to or greater than H:Microsoft.AnalysisServices.ModelComponentCollection.Count.

Seguridad para subprocesos

Any public static (Shared in Microsoft Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.


Plataformas de desarrollo

Para obtener una lista de las plataformas compatibles, vea Requisitos de hardware y software para instalar SQL Server 2005.

Plataformas de destino

Para obtener una lista de las plataformas compatibles, vea Requisitos de hardware y software para instalar SQL Server 2005.

Vea también


DataSourceViewCollection Class
DataSourceViewCollection Members
Microsoft.AnalysisServices Namespace