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Interfaz IDeliveryExtension

Represents a delivery extension in SQL Server Reporting Services.

Espacio de nombres:  Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces
Ensamblados:   Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.UI.WebParts (en Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.UI.WebParts.dll)
  Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces (en Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces.dll)


Public Interface IDeliveryExtension _
    Inherits IExtension
Dim instance As IDeliveryExtension
public interface IDeliveryExtension : IExtension
public interface class IDeliveryExtension : IExtension
type IDeliveryExtension =  
        interface IExtension 
public interface IDeliveryExtension extends IExtension

El tipo IDeliveryExtension expone los siguientes miembros.


  Nombre Descripción
Propiedad pública ExtensionSettings Gets a list of settings that are used by the delivery extension to create a notification or report.
Propiedad pública IsPrivilegedUser Indicates whether the user is allowed access to all the functionality of the extension.
Propiedad pública LocalizedName Gets the localized name of the extension to be displayed in a user interface. (Se hereda de IExtension.)
Propiedad pública ReportServerInformation Gets information about the report server that the delivery extension requires in order to perform deliveries.



  Nombre Descripción
Método público Deliver Delivers the report notification to a user based on the contents of the notification.
Método público SetConfiguration Used to pass custom configuration data to an extension. (Se hereda de IExtension.)
Método público ValidateUserData Used to determine whether a given set of delivery extension settings are valid.



The IDeliveryExtension interface enables an you to implement a delivery extension class, which represents a way that report notifications can be delivered to users. For more information about the IDeliveryExtension interface, see Implementar la interfaz IDeliveryExtension para una extensión de entrega.

An application does not create an instance of the IDeliveryExtension interface directly, but creates an instance of a class that implements IDeliveryExtension.

Classes that implement IDeliveryExtension must implement all inherited members, and typically define additional members to add the delivery provider-specific functionality. For example, the IDeliveryExtension interface defines the Deliver method. In turn, the e-mail delivery provider that ships with Reporting Services implements the Deliver method in order to send reports notifications via e-mail.

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Espacio de nombres Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces