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Azure Function App with Virtual Network Integration

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Azure US Gov Last Test Date Azure US Gov Last Test Result

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This sample Azure Resource Manager template deploys an Azure Function Premium plan with virtual network integration enabled and allows the Azure Function to utilizes resources within the virtual network.

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Virtual Network

The virtual network into which the Azure Function Premium plan shall be integrated.

  • Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks: The virtual network for which to integrate, and one subnet to which the function app plan is delegated.


This template has a parameter functionPlanOS to choose Windows or Linux OS. Windows is selected by default. If you choose Linux, then parameter linuxFxVersion will be parameter, so you can skip it for Windows.

Elastic Premium Plan

The Azure Function app provisioned in this sample uses an Azure Functions Elastic Premium plan.

  • Microsoft.Web/serverfarms: The Azure Functions Premium plan (a.k.a. Elastic Premium plan)

Azure Function App

The Function App uses the AzureWebJobsStorage and WEBSITE_CONTENTAZUREFILECONNECTIONSTRING app settings to connect to a private endpoint-secured Storage Account.

  • Microsoft.Web/sites: The function app instance.

Azure Storage account

The Storage account that the Function uses for operation and for file contents.

Application Insights

Application Insights is used to provide monitor the Azure Function.

  • Microsoft.Insights/components: The Application Insights instance used by the Azure Function for monitoring.


Tags: Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks, Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts, Microsoft.Insights/components, Microsoft.Web/serverfarms, Microsoft.Web/sites