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Virtual Network NAT

Azure Public Test Date Azure Public Test Result

Azure US Gov Last Test Date Azure US Gov Last Test Result

Best Practice Check Cred Scan Check

Bicep Version

Deploy To Azure


This template deploys a NAT gateway and virtual network with a single subnet and public IP resource for the NAT gateway.

Overview and deployed resources

This template is a resource manager implementation of a quickstart for deploying a NAT gateway. A virtual network is deployed with a single subnet. The NAT gateway resource is associated with this subnet. A single public IP resource is created for the NAT gateway.

For more information on Virtual Network NAT service and NAT gateway see:

The following resources are deployed as part of the solution



  • publicIPAddresses: Public IP address for NAT gateway.
  • natGateways: NAT gateway resource
  • virtualNetworks: Virtual network for NAT gateway.
    • subnets: Subnet for virtual network for NAT gateway.

Tags: virtual network, vnet, nat, nat gateway, Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses, Microsoft.Network/natGateways, Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks