Executing Mobcon LongHaul Tests using Virtual HLK studio
The Mobile-Connectivity (MobCon) LongHaul testing effort aims to improve and maintain the quality of connectivity solution that Microsoft provides for customers. Long-Haul testing framework identifies key scenarios in our connectivity solutions (Cellular, WiFi, NetworkUx and Connection-Awareness) and includes tests from those scenarios. These tests are executed in a randomized stress fashion for how-much-ever long (duration of execution can be passed as a parameter) that is specified by the tester. The intention of adding these tests is to identify issues and fix them before an end-user would hit such issues.
Test Setup
The test setup is exactly same as that of any other HLK test execution. You have a test machine and a host PC that is in the same subnet. The host PC will have Virtual HLK Controller (VHLK installed).
Test Execution
Step 1 : Ensure that the test device is listed in the controller and is in Ready State
Step 2 : Go to the Project tab and create a new project
Step 3 : Go to the Selection tab and under "system" select our test PC
Step 4 : Go to the Tests tab and select Mobcon longhaul test suite
Previous step of selecting the device should populate all the necessary tests in the "Tests" tab.
Step 5 : Populate necessary parameters
Once you select the mobcon longhaul test suite and click "Run Selected", a window will pop-up showing a list of parameters as below :
Parameter List
Variable Name
Whether to execute the test case of switching cellular slot from physical SIM to ESIM and back. Acceptable values "TRUE" and "FALSE"
Whether to execute the test case of Multiple PDP context data access. Acceptable values "TRUE" and "FALSE"
Whether to execute the download and install of an ESIM profile. Acceptable values "TRUE" and "FALSE"
AccessString to be used for second PDP context
Chooses which tests to run based on selected subsystem(s). Cellular=0x01, Wi-Fi=0x02, CA=0x04, UI=0x08. To select multiple, use bitwise "|" (e.g. 0x03 = Cellular | Wi-Fi -- this selection will allow both the Cellular and Wi-Fi longhaul tests to run)
Custom TAEF arguments that user can enter. Currently, support is limited to the default, auto-populated command arguments : "/randomstress /randomStressTimeout=0:00:30 /p:testmode=randomstress /enableStressLogging=false". Tester can modify randomStressTimeout to any value in format HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS(H:MM:SS). Tester can also modify enableStressLogging as true or false [Setting this value to false will display all the logs on the command prompt in test device].
Step 6 : Start the test
Once we populate the necessary parameters and press ok, the test will start running.
Step 7 : Results
After the test is executed, go to the Results tab to retrieve the logs. We can get both te logs and NetTrace logs from the execution.
TestExecution logs :
NetTrace logs can be collected by rightclicking "Run Test" -> "Additional Files" -> "MobconLongHaulTests.etl"