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InstanceData.InstanceName Propiedad


Obtiene el nombre de instancia asociado a estos datos de instancia.

 property System::String ^ InstanceName { System::String ^ get(); };
public string InstanceName { get; }
member this.InstanceName : string
Public ReadOnly Property InstanceName As String

Valor de propiedad

Nombre de una instancia asociada al contador de rendimiento.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se crea y InstanceData se muestra el valor de su InstanceName propiedad y otras propiedades.

// Display the contents of an InstanceData object.
public static void ProcessInstanceDataObject(string name, CounterSample CSRef)

    InstanceData instData = new InstanceData(name, CSRef);
    Console.WriteLine("    Data from InstanceData object:\r\n" +
        "      InstanceName: {0,-31} RawValue: {1}", instData.InstanceName, instData.RawValue);

    CounterSample sample = instData.Sample;
    Console.WriteLine("    Data from CounterSample object:\r\n" +
        "      CounterType: {0,-32} SystemFrequency: {1}\r\n" +
        "      BaseValue: {2,-34} RawValue: {3}\r\n" +
        "      CounterFrequency: {4,-27} CounterTimeStamp: {5}\r\n" +
        "      TimeStamp: {6,-34} TimeStamp100nSec: {7}", sample.CounterType, sample.SystemFrequency, sample.BaseValue, sample.RawValue, sample.CounterFrequency, sample.CounterTimeStamp, sample.TimeStamp, sample.TimeStamp100nSec);
' Display the contents of an InstanceData object.
Sub ProcessInstanceDataObject(ByVal name As String, _
                              ByVal CSRef As CounterSample)

    Dim instData As New InstanceData(name, CSRef)
    Console.WriteLine("    Data from InstanceData object:" & vbCrLf & _
        "      InstanceName: {0,-31} RawValue: {1}", _
        instData.InstanceName, instData.RawValue)

    Dim sample As CounterSample = instData.Sample
    Console.WriteLine("    Data from CounterSample object:" & vbCrLf & _
        "      CounterType: {0,-32} SystemFrequency: {1}" & vbCrLf & _
        "      BaseValue: {2,-34} RawValue: {3}" & vbCrLf & _
        "      CounterFrequency: {4,-27} CounterTimeStamp: {5}" & vbCrLf & _
        "      TimeStamp: {6,-34} TimeStamp100nSec: {7}", _
        sample.CounterType, sample.SystemFrequency, sample.BaseValue, _
        sample.RawValue, sample.CounterFrequency, sample.CounterTimeStamp, _
        sample.TimeStamp, sample.TimeStamp100nSec)
End Sub

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