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LogRecord.Record Propiedad


Obtiene los datos de usuario del registro.

 property System::Object ^ Record { System::Object ^ get(); };
public object Record { get; }
member this.Record : obj
Public ReadOnly Property Record As Object

Valor de propiedad

Un objeto binario único que contiene los datos de usuario.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra el uso de esta propiedad.

    virtual bool AbortRecord(LogRecord^ log) override

        // Check the validity of the record.
        if (log == nullptr)
            return true;
        array<Object^>^ record = dynamic_cast<array<Object^>^>(log->Record);
        if (record == nullptr)
            return true;
        if (record->Length != 2)
            return true;

        // Extract old account data from the record.
        String^ filename = (String^) record[0];
        int balance = (int) record[1];

        // Restore the old state of the account.
        WriteAccountBalance(filename, balance);

        return false;
public override bool AbortRecord (LogRecord log)

    // Check the validity of the record.
    if (log == null) return(true);
    Object[] record = log.Record as Object[];
    if (record == null) return(true);
    if (record.Length != 2) return(true);

    // Extract old account data from the record.
    string filename = (string) record[0];
    int balance = (int) record[1];

    // Restore the old state of the account.
    AccountManager.WriteAccountBalance(filename, balance);

Public Overrides Function AbortRecord(ByVal log As LogRecord) As Boolean 
    ' Check the validity of the record.
    If log Is Nothing Then
        Return True
    End If
    Dim record As [Object]() = log.Record
    If record Is Nothing Then
        Return True
    End If
    If record.Length <> 2 Then
        Return True
    End If 
    ' Extract old account data from the record.
    Dim filename As String = CStr(record(0))
    Dim balance As Integer = Fix(record(1))
    ' Restore the old state of the account.
    AccountManager.WriteAccountBalance(filename, balance)
    Return False

End Function 'AbortRecord

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