AssemblyBuilder.Save Método
Parte de la información hace referencia a la versión preliminar del producto, que puede haberse modificado sustancialmente antes de lanzar la versión definitiva. Microsoft no otorga ninguna garantía, explícita o implícita, con respecto a la información proporcionada aquí.
Guarda este ensamblado dinámico en el disco.
Save(String) |
Guarda este ensamblado dinámico en el disco. |
Save(String, PortableExecutableKinds, ImageFileMachine) |
Guarda este ensamblado dinámico en el disco, especificando la naturaleza del código en los ejecutables del ensamblado y en la plataforma de destino. |
- Source:
- AssemblyBuilder.cs
Guarda este ensamblado dinámico en el disco.
void Save(System::String ^ assemblyFileName);
public void Save (string assemblyFileName);
member this.Save : string -> unit
Public Sub Save (assemblyFileName As String)
- assemblyFileName
- String
El nombre de archivo del ensamblado.
La longitud de assemblyFileName
es 0.
o bien
Hay dos o más archivos de recursos de módulos en el ensamblado con el mismo nombre.
o bien
El directorio de destino del ensamblado no es válido.
o bien
no es un nombre de archivo simple (por ejemplo, tiene un directorio o un componente de unidad) o se definió más de un recurso sin administrar, incluido un recurso de información de versión, en este ensamblado.
o bien
La cadena CultureInfo
de AssemblyCultureAttribute no es una cadena válida y se llamó a DefineVersionInfoResource(String, String, String, String, String) antes de llamar a este método.
es null
Se produce un error de salida al guardar.
No se llamó a CreateType() para ninguno de los tipos de los módulos del ensamblado que se van a escribir en el disco.
En el ejemplo de código siguiente se crea un ensamblado dinámico y, a continuación, se conserva en un disco local mediante Save
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Reflection::Emit;
// The Point class is the class we will reflect on and copy into our
// dynamic assembly. The public static function PointMain() will be used
// as our entry point.
// We are constructing the type seen here dynamically, and will write it
// out into a .exe file for later execution from the command-line.
// ---
// __gc class Point {
// private:
// int x;
// int y;
// public:
// Point(int ix, int iy) {
// this->x = ix;
// this->y = iy;
// }
// int DotProduct (Point* p) {
// return ((this->x * p->x) + (this->y * p->y));
// }
// static void PointMain() {
// Console::Write(S"Enter the 'x' value for point 1: ");
// int x1 = Convert::ToInt32(Console::ReadLine());
// Console::Write(S"Enter the 'y' value for point 1: ");
// int y1 = Convert::ToInt32(Console::ReadLine());
// Console::Write(S"Enter the 'x' value for point 2: ");
// int x2 = Convert::ToInt32(Console::ReadLine());
// Console::Write(S"Enter the 'y' value for point 2: ");
// int y2 = Convert::ToInt32(Console::ReadLine());
// Point* p1 = new Point(x1, y1);
// Point* p2 = new Point(x2, y2);
// Console::WriteLine(S"( {0}, {1}) . ( {2}, {3}) = {4}.",
// __box(x1), __box(y1), __box(x2), __box(y2), p1->DotProduct(p2));
// }
// };
// ---
Type^ BuildDynAssembly()
Type^ pointType = nullptr;
AppDomain^ currentDom = Thread::GetDomain();
Console::Write( "Please enter a name for your new assembly: " );
StringBuilder^ asmFileNameBldr = gcnew StringBuilder;
asmFileNameBldr->Append( Console::ReadLine() );
asmFileNameBldr->Append( ".exe" );
String^ asmFileName = asmFileNameBldr->ToString();
AssemblyName^ myAsmName = gcnew AssemblyName;
myAsmName->Name = "MyDynamicAssembly";
AssemblyBuilder^ myAsmBldr = currentDom->DefineDynamicAssembly( myAsmName, AssemblyBuilderAccess::RunAndSave );
// We've created a dynamic assembly space - now, we need to create a module
// within it to reflect the type Point into.
ModuleBuilder^ myModuleBldr = myAsmBldr->DefineDynamicModule( asmFileName, asmFileName );
TypeBuilder^ myTypeBldr = myModuleBldr->DefineType( "Point" );
FieldBuilder^ xField = myTypeBldr->DefineField( "x", int::typeid, FieldAttributes::Private );
FieldBuilder^ yField = myTypeBldr->DefineField( "y", int::typeid, FieldAttributes::Private );
// Build the constructor.
Type^ objType = Type::GetType( "System.Object" );
ConstructorInfo^ objCtor = objType->GetConstructor( gcnew array<Type^>(0) );
array<Type^>^temp4 = {int::typeid,int::typeid};
array<Type^>^ctorParams = temp4;
ConstructorBuilder^ pointCtor = myTypeBldr->DefineConstructor( MethodAttributes::Public, CallingConventions::Standard, ctorParams );
ILGenerator^ ctorIL = pointCtor->GetILGenerator();
ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_0 );
ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Call, objCtor );
ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_0 );
ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_1 );
ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stfld, xField );
ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_0 );
ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_2 );
ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stfld, yField );
ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ret );
// Build the DotProduct method.
Console::WriteLine( "Constructor built." );
array<Type^>^temp0 = {myTypeBldr};
MethodBuilder^ pointDPBldr = myTypeBldr->DefineMethod( "DotProduct", MethodAttributes::Public, int::typeid, temp0 );
ILGenerator^ dpIL = pointDPBldr->GetILGenerator();
dpIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_0 );
dpIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldfld, xField );
dpIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_1 );
dpIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldfld, xField );
dpIL->Emit( OpCodes::Mul_Ovf_Un );
dpIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_0 );
dpIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldfld, yField );
dpIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_1 );
dpIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldfld, yField );
dpIL->Emit( OpCodes::Mul_Ovf_Un );
dpIL->Emit( OpCodes::Add_Ovf_Un );
dpIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ret );
// Build the PointMain method.
Console::WriteLine( "DotProduct built." );
MethodBuilder^ pointMainBldr = myTypeBldr->DefineMethod( "PointMain", static_cast<MethodAttributes>(MethodAttributes::Public | MethodAttributes::Static), void::typeid, nullptr );
pointMainBldr->InitLocals = true;
ILGenerator^ pmIL = pointMainBldr->GetILGenerator();
// We have four methods that we wish to call, and must represent as
// MethodInfo tokens:
// - void Console::WriteLine(String*)
// - String* Console::ReadLine()
// - int Convert::Int32(String*)
// - void Console::WriteLine(String*, Object*[])
array<Type^>^temp1 = {String::typeid};
MethodInfo^ writeMI = Console::typeid->GetMethod( "Write", temp1 );
MethodInfo^ readLineMI = Console::typeid->GetMethod( "ReadLine", gcnew array<Type^>(0) );
array<Type^>^temp2 = {String::typeid};
MethodInfo^ convertInt32MI = Convert::typeid->GetMethod( "ToInt32", temp2 );
array<Type^>^temp5 = {String::typeid,array<Object^>::typeid};
array<Type^>^wlParams = temp5;
MethodInfo^ writeLineMI = Console::typeid->GetMethod( "WriteLine", wlParams );
// Although we could just refer to the local variables by
// index (short ints for Ldloc/Stloc, bytes for LdLoc_S/Stloc_S),
// this time, we'll use LocalBuilders for clarity and to
// demonstrate their usage and syntax.
LocalBuilder^ x1LB = pmIL->DeclareLocal( int::typeid );
LocalBuilder^ y1LB = pmIL->DeclareLocal( int::typeid );
LocalBuilder^ x2LB = pmIL->DeclareLocal( int::typeid );
LocalBuilder^ y2LB = pmIL->DeclareLocal( int::typeid );
LocalBuilder^ point1LB = pmIL->DeclareLocal( myTypeBldr );
LocalBuilder^ point2LB = pmIL->DeclareLocal( myTypeBldr );
LocalBuilder^ tempObjArrLB = pmIL->DeclareLocal( array<Object^>::typeid );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldstr, "Enter the 'x' value for point 1: " );
pmIL->EmitCall( OpCodes::Call, writeMI, nullptr );
pmIL->EmitCall( OpCodes::Call, readLineMI, nullptr );
pmIL->EmitCall( OpCodes::Call, convertInt32MI, nullptr );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stloc, x1LB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldstr, "Enter the 'y' value for point 1: " );
pmIL->EmitCall( OpCodes::Call, writeMI, nullptr );
pmIL->EmitCall( OpCodes::Call, readLineMI, nullptr );
pmIL->EmitCall( OpCodes::Call, convertInt32MI, nullptr );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stloc, y1LB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldstr, "Enter the 'x' value for point 2: " );
pmIL->EmitCall( OpCodes::Call, writeMI, nullptr );
pmIL->EmitCall( OpCodes::Call, readLineMI, nullptr );
pmIL->EmitCall( OpCodes::Call, convertInt32MI, nullptr );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stloc, x2LB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldstr, "Enter the 'y' value for point 2: " );
pmIL->EmitCall( OpCodes::Call, writeMI, nullptr );
pmIL->EmitCall( OpCodes::Call, readLineMI, nullptr );
pmIL->EmitCall( OpCodes::Call, convertInt32MI, nullptr );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stloc, y2LB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc, x1LB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc, y1LB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Newobj, pointCtor );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stloc, point1LB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc, x2LB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc, y2LB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Newobj, pointCtor );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stloc, point2LB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldstr, "( {0}, {1}) . ( {2}, {3}) = {4}." );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldc_I4_5 );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Newarr, Object::typeid );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stloc, tempObjArrLB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc, tempObjArrLB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldc_I4_0 );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc, x1LB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Box, int::typeid );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stelem_Ref );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc, tempObjArrLB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldc_I4_1 );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc, y1LB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Box, int::typeid );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stelem_Ref );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc, tempObjArrLB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldc_I4_2 );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc, x2LB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Box, int::typeid );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stelem_Ref );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc, tempObjArrLB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldc_I4_3 );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc, y2LB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Box, int::typeid );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stelem_Ref );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc, tempObjArrLB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldc_I4_4 );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc, point1LB );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc, point2LB );
pmIL->EmitCall( OpCodes::Callvirt, pointDPBldr, nullptr );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Box, int::typeid );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stelem_Ref );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc, tempObjArrLB );
pmIL->EmitCall( OpCodes::Call, writeLineMI, nullptr );
pmIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ret );
Console::WriteLine( "PointMain (entry point) built." );
pointType = myTypeBldr->CreateType();
Console::WriteLine( "Type completed." );
myAsmBldr->SetEntryPoint( pointMainBldr );
myAsmBldr->Save( asmFileName );
Console::WriteLine( "Assembly saved as ' {0}'.", asmFileName );
Console::WriteLine( "Type ' {0}' at the prompt to run your new dynamically generated dot product calculator.", asmFileName );
// After execution, this program will have generated and written to disk,
// in the directory you executed it from, a program named
// <name_you_entered_here>.exe. You can run it by typing
// the name you gave it during execution, in the same directory where
// you executed this program.
return pointType;
int main()
Type^ myType = BuildDynAssembly();
Console::WriteLine( "---" );
// Let's invoke the type 'Point' created in our dynamic assembly.
array<Object^>^temp3 = {nullptr,nullptr};
Object^ ptInstance = Activator::CreateInstance( myType, temp3 );
myType->InvokeMember( "PointMain", BindingFlags::InvokeMethod, nullptr, ptInstance, gcnew array<Object^>(0) );
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
// The Point class is the class we will reflect on and copy into our
// dynamic assembly. The public static function PointMain() will be used
// as our entry point.
// We are constructing the type seen here dynamically, and will write it
// out into a .exe file for later execution from the command-line.
// ---
// class Point {
// private int x;
// private int y;
// public Point(int ix, int iy) {
// this.x = ix;
// this.y = iy;
// }
// public int DotProduct (Point p) {
// return ((this.x * p.x) + (this.y * p.y));
// }
// public static void PointMain() {
// Console.Write("Enter the 'x' value for point 1: ");
// int x1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
// Console.Write("Enter the 'y' value for point 1: ");
// int y1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
// Console.Write("Enter the 'x' value for point 2: ");
// int x2 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
// Console.Write("Enter the 'y' value for point 2: ");
// int y2 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
// Point p1 = new Point(x1, y1);
// Point p2 = new Point(x2, y2);
// Console.WriteLine("({0}, {1}) . ({2}, {3}) = {4}.",
// x1, y1, x2, y2, p1.DotProduct(p2));
// }
// }
// ---
class AssemblyBuilderDemo {
public static Type BuildDynAssembly() {
Type pointType = null;
AppDomain currentDom = Thread.GetDomain();
Console.Write("Please enter a name for your new assembly: ");
StringBuilder asmFileNameBldr = new StringBuilder();
string asmFileName = asmFileNameBldr.ToString();
AssemblyName myAsmName = new AssemblyName();
myAsmName.Name = "MyDynamicAssembly";
AssemblyBuilder myAsmBldr = currentDom.DefineDynamicAssembly(
// We've created a dynamic assembly space - now, we need to create a module
// within it to reflect the type Point into.
ModuleBuilder myModuleBldr = myAsmBldr.DefineDynamicModule(asmFileName,
TypeBuilder myTypeBldr = myModuleBldr.DefineType("Point");
FieldBuilder xField = myTypeBldr.DefineField("x", typeof(int),
FieldBuilder yField = myTypeBldr.DefineField("y", typeof(int),
// Build the constructor.
Type objType = Type.GetType("System.Object");
ConstructorInfo objCtor = objType.GetConstructor(new Type[0]);
Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] {typeof(int), typeof(int)};
ConstructorBuilder pointCtor = myTypeBldr.DefineConstructor(
ILGenerator ctorIL = pointCtor.GetILGenerator();
ctorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Call, objCtor);
ctorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, xField);
ctorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, yField);
// Build the DotProduct method.
Console.WriteLine("Constructor built.");
MethodBuilder pointDPBldr = myTypeBldr.DefineMethod("DotProduct",
new Type[] {myTypeBldr});
ILGenerator dpIL = pointDPBldr.GetILGenerator();
dpIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, xField);
dpIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, xField);
dpIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, yField);
dpIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, yField);
// Build the PointMain method.
Console.WriteLine("DotProduct built.");
MethodBuilder pointMainBldr = myTypeBldr.DefineMethod("PointMain",
MethodAttributes.Public |
pointMainBldr.InitLocals = true;
ILGenerator pmIL = pointMainBldr.GetILGenerator();
// We have four methods that we wish to call, and must represent as
// MethodInfo tokens:
// - void Console.WriteLine(string)
// - string Console.ReadLine()
// - int Convert.Int32(string)
// - void Console.WriteLine(string, object[])
MethodInfo writeMI = typeof(Console).GetMethod(
new Type[] {typeof(string)});
MethodInfo readLineMI = typeof(Console).GetMethod(
new Type[0]);
MethodInfo convertInt32MI = typeof(Convert).GetMethod(
new Type[] {typeof(string)});
Type[] wlParams = new Type[] {typeof(string), typeof(object[])};
MethodInfo writeLineMI = typeof(Console).GetMethod(
// Although we could just refer to the local variables by
// index (short ints for Ldloc/Stloc, bytes for LdLoc_S/Stloc_S),
// this time, we'll use LocalBuilders for clarity and to
// demonstrate their usage and syntax.
LocalBuilder x1LB = pmIL.DeclareLocal(typeof(int));
LocalBuilder y1LB = pmIL.DeclareLocal(typeof(int));
LocalBuilder x2LB = pmIL.DeclareLocal(typeof(int));
LocalBuilder y2LB = pmIL.DeclareLocal(typeof(int));
LocalBuilder point1LB = pmIL.DeclareLocal(myTypeBldr);
LocalBuilder point2LB = pmIL.DeclareLocal(myTypeBldr);
LocalBuilder tempObjArrLB = pmIL.DeclareLocal(typeof(object[]));
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Enter the 'x' value for point 1: ");
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, writeMI, null);
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, readLineMI, null);
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, convertInt32MI, null);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, x1LB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Enter the 'y' value for point 1: ");
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, writeMI, null);
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, readLineMI, null);
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, convertInt32MI, null);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, y1LB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Enter the 'x' value for point 2: ");
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, writeMI, null);
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, readLineMI, null);
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, convertInt32MI, null);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, x2LB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Enter the 'y' value for point 2: ");
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, writeMI, null);
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, readLineMI, null);
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, convertInt32MI, null);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, y2LB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, x1LB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, y1LB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, pointCtor);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, point1LB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, x2LB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, y2LB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, pointCtor);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, point2LB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "({0}, {1}) . ({2}, {3}) = {4}.");
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, typeof(Object));
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, tempObjArrLB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, tempObjArrLB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, x1LB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Box, typeof(int));
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, tempObjArrLB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, y1LB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Box, typeof(int));
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, tempObjArrLB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, x2LB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Box, typeof(int));
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, tempObjArrLB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, y2LB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Box, typeof(int));
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, tempObjArrLB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, point1LB);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, point2LB);
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, pointDPBldr, null);
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Box, typeof(int));
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, tempObjArrLB);
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, writeLineMI, null);
Console.WriteLine("PointMain (entry point) built.");
pointType = myTypeBldr.CreateType();
Console.WriteLine("Type completed.");
Console.WriteLine("Assembly saved as '{0}'.", asmFileName);
Console.WriteLine("Type '{0}' at the prompt to run your new " +
"dynamically generated dot product calculator.",
// After execution, this program will have generated and written to disk,
// in the directory you executed it from, a program named
// <name_you_entered_here>.exe. You can run it by typing
// the name you gave it during execution, in the same directory where
// you executed this program.
return pointType;
public static void Main() {
Type myType = BuildDynAssembly();
// Let's invoke the type 'Point' created in our dynamic assembly.
object ptInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(myType, new object[] {0,0});
new object[0]);
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Reflection.Emit
' The Point class is the class we will reflect on and copy into our
' dynamic assembly. The public static function PointMain() will be used
' as our entry point.
' We are constructing the type seen here dynamically, and will write it
' out into a .exe file for later execution from the command-line.
' ---
' Class Point
' Private x As Integer
' Private y As Integer
' Public Sub New(ix As Integer, iy As Integer)
' Me.x = ix
' Me.y = iy
' End Sub
' Public Function DotProduct(p As Point) As Integer
' Return Me.x * p.x + Me.y * p.y
' End Function 'DotProduct
' Public Shared Sub Main()
' Console.Write("Enter the 'x' value for point 1: ")
' Dim x1 As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())
' Console.Write("Enter the 'y' value for point 1: ")
' Dim y1 As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())
' Console.Write("Enter the 'x' value for point 2: ")
' Dim x2 As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())
' Console.Write("Enter the 'y' value for point 2: ")
' Dim y2 As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())
' Dim p1 As New Point(x1, y1)
' Dim p2 As New Point(x2, y2)
' Console.WriteLine("({0}, {1}) . ({2}, {3}) = {4}.", x1, y1, x2, y2, p1.DotProduct(p2))
' End Sub
' End Class
' ---
Class AssemblyBuilderDemo
Public Shared Function BuildDynAssembly() As Type
Dim pointType As Type = Nothing
Dim currentDom As AppDomain = Thread.GetDomain()
Console.Write("Please enter a name for your new assembly: ")
Dim asmFileNameBldr As New StringBuilder()
Dim asmFileName As String = asmFileNameBldr.ToString()
Dim myAsmName As New AssemblyName()
myAsmName.Name = "MyDynamicAssembly"
Dim myAsmBldr As AssemblyBuilder = currentDom.DefineDynamicAssembly(myAsmName, _
' We've created a dynamic assembly space - now, we need to create a module
' within it to reflect the type Point into.
Dim myModuleBldr As ModuleBuilder = myAsmBldr.DefineDynamicModule(asmFileName, _
Dim myTypeBldr As TypeBuilder = myModuleBldr.DefineType("Point")
Dim xField As FieldBuilder = myTypeBldr.DefineField("x", GetType(Integer), _
Dim yField As FieldBuilder = myTypeBldr.DefineField("y", GetType(Integer), _
' Build the constructor.
Dim objType As Type = Type.GetType("System.Object")
Dim objCtor As ConstructorInfo = objType.GetConstructor(New Type() {})
Dim ctorParams() As Type = {GetType(Integer), GetType(Integer)}
Dim pointCtor As ConstructorBuilder = myTypeBldr.DefineConstructor( _
MethodAttributes.Public, _
CallingConventions.Standard, _
Dim ctorIL As ILGenerator = pointCtor.GetILGenerator()
ctorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Call, objCtor)
ctorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, xField)
ctorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, yField)
' Build the DotProduct method.
Console.WriteLine("Constructor built.")
Dim pointDPBldr As MethodBuilder = myTypeBldr.DefineMethod("DotProduct", _
MethodAttributes.Public, _
GetType(Integer), _
New Type(0) {myTypeBldr})
Dim dpIL As ILGenerator = pointDPBldr.GetILGenerator()
dpIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, xField)
dpIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, xField)
dpIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, yField)
dpIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, yField)
' Build the PointMain method.
Console.WriteLine("DotProduct built.")
Dim pointMainBldr As MethodBuilder = myTypeBldr.DefineMethod("PointMain", _
MethodAttributes.Public Or _
MethodAttributes.Static, _
Nothing, Nothing)
pointMainBldr.InitLocals = True
Dim pmIL As ILGenerator = pointMainBldr.GetILGenerator()
' We have four methods that we wish to call, and must represent as
' MethodInfo tokens:
' - Sub Console.WriteLine(string)
' - Function Console.ReadLine() As String
' - Function Convert.Int32(string) As Int
' - Sub Console.WriteLine(string, object[])
Dim writeMI As MethodInfo = GetType(Console).GetMethod("Write", _
New Type(0) {GetType(String)})
Dim readLineMI As MethodInfo = GetType(Console).GetMethod("ReadLine", _
New Type() {})
Dim convertInt32MI As MethodInfo = GetType(Convert).GetMethod("ToInt32", _
New Type(0) {GetType(String)})
Dim wlParams() As Type = {GetType(String), GetType(Object())}
Dim writeLineMI As MethodInfo = GetType(Console).GetMethod("WriteLine", wlParams)
' Although we could just refer to the local variables by
' index (short ints for Ldloc/Stloc, bytes for LdLoc_S/Stloc_S),
' this time, we'll use LocalBuilders for clarity and to
' demonstrate their usage and syntax.
Dim x1LB As LocalBuilder = pmIL.DeclareLocal(GetType(Integer))
Dim y1LB As LocalBuilder = pmIL.DeclareLocal(GetType(Integer))
Dim x2LB As LocalBuilder = pmIL.DeclareLocal(GetType(Integer))
Dim y2LB As LocalBuilder = pmIL.DeclareLocal(GetType(Integer))
Dim point1LB As LocalBuilder = pmIL.DeclareLocal(myTypeBldr)
Dim point2LB As LocalBuilder = pmIL.DeclareLocal(myTypeBldr)
Dim tempObjArrLB As LocalBuilder = pmIL.DeclareLocal(GetType(Object()))
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Enter the 'x' value for point 1: ")
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, writeMI, Nothing)
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, readLineMI, Nothing)
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, convertInt32MI, Nothing)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, x1LB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Enter the 'y' value for point 1: ")
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, writeMI, Nothing)
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, readLineMI, Nothing)
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, convertInt32MI, Nothing)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, y1LB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Enter the 'x' value for point 2: ")
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, writeMI, Nothing)
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, readLineMI, Nothing)
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, convertInt32MI, Nothing)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, x2LB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Enter the 'y' value for point 2: ")
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, writeMI, Nothing)
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, readLineMI, Nothing)
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, convertInt32MI, Nothing)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, y2LB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, x1LB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, y1LB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, pointCtor)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, point1LB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, x2LB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, y2LB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, pointCtor)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, point2LB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "({0}, {1}) . ({2}, {3}) = {4}.")
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, GetType([Object]))
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, tempObjArrLB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, tempObjArrLB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, x1LB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Box, GetType(Integer))
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, tempObjArrLB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, y1LB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Box, GetType(Integer))
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, tempObjArrLB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, x2LB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Box, GetType(Integer))
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, tempObjArrLB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, y2LB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Box, GetType(Integer))
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, tempObjArrLB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, point1LB)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, point2LB)
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, pointDPBldr, Nothing)
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Box, GetType(Integer))
pmIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, tempObjArrLB)
pmIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, writeLineMI, Nothing)
Console.WriteLine("PointMain (entry point) built.")
pointType = myTypeBldr.CreateType()
Console.WriteLine("Type completed.")
Console.WriteLine("Assembly saved as '{0}'.", asmFileName)
Console.WriteLine("Type '{0}' at the prompt to run your new " + "dynamically generated dot product calculator.", asmFileName)
' After execution, this program will have generated and written to disk,
' in the directory you executed it from, a program named
' <name_you_entered_here>.exe. You can run it by typing
' the name you gave it during execution, in the same directory where
' you executed this program.
Return pointType
End Function 'BuildDynAssembly
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim myType As Type = BuildDynAssembly()
' Let's invoke the type 'Point' created in our dynamic assembly.
Dim ptInstance As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(myType, New Object(1) {0, 0})
myType.InvokeMember("PointMain", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, _
Nothing, ptInstance, New Object() {})
End Sub
End Class
Guardar un ensamblado dinámico en disco solo se admite en .NET Framework.
Este método guarda todos los módulos dinámicos no transitorios definidos en este ensamblado dinámico. Los módulos dinámicos transitorios no se guardan. El nombre del archivo de ensamblado puede ser el mismo que el nombre de uno de los módulos. Si es así, el manifiesto del ensamblado se almacena dentro de ese módulo.
puede ser diferente de los nombres de todos los módulos contenidos en el ensamblado. Si es así, el archivo de ensamblado contiene solo el manifiesto del ensamblado.
Para cada ResourceWriter uno obtenido mediante DefineResource, este método escribe el archivo .resources y llama Close a para cerrar la secuencia.
Debe assemblyFileName
ser un nombre de archivo simple sin un componente de unidad o directorio. Para crear un ensamblado en un directorio específico, use uno de los DefineDynamicAssembly métodos que toma un argumento de directorio de destino.
En la versión 2.0 de .NET Framework, esta sobrecarga del Save método equivale a llamar a la Save(String, PortableExecutableKinds, ImageFileMachine) sobrecarga del método con ILOnly para el portableExecutableKind
parámetro y I386 para el imageFileMachine
parámetro .
Se aplica a
.NET Framework 4.8.1 otras versiones
Producto | Versiones |
.NET Framework | 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1 |
Guarda este ensamblado dinámico en el disco, especificando la naturaleza del código en los ejecutables del ensamblado y en la plataforma de destino.
void Save(System::String ^ assemblyFileName, System::Reflection::PortableExecutableKinds portableExecutableKind, System::Reflection::ImageFileMachine imageFileMachine);
public void Save (string assemblyFileName, System.Reflection.PortableExecutableKinds portableExecutableKind, System.Reflection.ImageFileMachine imageFileMachine);
member this.Save : string * System.Reflection.PortableExecutableKinds * System.Reflection.ImageFileMachine -> unit
Public Sub Save (assemblyFileName As String, portableExecutableKind As PortableExecutableKinds, imageFileMachine As ImageFileMachine)
- assemblyFileName
- String
El nombre de archivo del ensamblado.
- portableExecutableKind
- PortableExecutableKinds
Combinación bit a bit de los valores PortableExecutableKinds que especifica la naturaleza del código.
- imageFileMachine
- ImageFileMachine
Uno de los valores ImageFileMachine que especifica la plataforma objetivo.
La longitud de assemblyFileName
es 0.
o bien
Hay dos o más archivos de recursos de módulos en el ensamblado con el mismo nombre.
o bien
El directorio de destino del ensamblado no es válido.
o bien
no es un nombre de archivo simple (por ejemplo, tiene un directorio o un componente de unidad), o se ha definido más de un recurso no administrado, incluidos recursos de información de versión, en este ensamblado.
o bien
La cadena CultureInfo
de AssemblyCultureAttribute no es una cadena válida y se llamó a DefineVersionInfoResource(String, String, String, String, String) antes de llamar a este método.
es null
Se produce un error de salida al guardar.
No se llamó a CreateType() para ninguno de los tipos de los módulos del ensamblado que se van a escribir en el disco.
Guardar un ensamblado dinámico en disco solo se admite en .NET Framework.
Si imageFileMachine
y portableExecutableKind
son incompatibles, imageFileMachine
tiene prioridad sobre portableExecutableKind
. No se inicia ninguna excepción. Por ejemplo, si especifica ImageFileMachine.I386 con PortableExecutableKinds.PE32Plus, PortableExecutableKinds.PE32Plus se omite .
Este método guarda todos los módulos dinámicos no transitorios definidos en este ensamblado dinámico. Los módulos dinámicos transitorios no se guardan. El nombre del archivo de ensamblado puede ser el mismo que el nombre de uno de los módulos. Si es así, el manifiesto del ensamblado se almacena dentro de ese módulo.
puede ser diferente de los nombres de todos los módulos contenidos en el ensamblado. Si es así, el archivo de ensamblado contiene solo el manifiesto del ensamblado.
Para cada ResourceWriter uno obtenido mediante DefineResource, este método escribe el archivo .resources y llama Close a para cerrar la secuencia.
Debe assemblyFileName
ser un nombre de archivo simple sin un componente de unidad o directorio. Para crear un ensamblado en un directorio específico, use uno de los DefineDynamicAssembly métodos que toma un argumento de directorio de destino.
Se aplica a
.NET Framework 4.8.1 otras versiones
Producto | Versiones |
.NET Framework | 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1 |
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