All currently supported versions of Windows 11 General Availability Channel.
All currently supported versions of Windows 10 General Availability Channel.
Which Windows Autopilot solution to use
Which version of Windows Autopilot to use is dependent on many factors and variables, with each environment having different needs. Windows Autopilot device preparation in its initial offering isn't as feature rich as Windows Autopilot, but it does have some advantages and features not available in Windows Autopilot.
In general, the following are some of the major factors when considering between Windows Autopilot device preparation or Windows Autopilot:
Windows Autopilot device preparation
Windows Autopilot
Government Community Cloud High (GCCH) and Department of Defense (DoD) environments
Using Windows Autopilot device preparation and Windows Autopilot concurrently
Windows Autopilot device preparation and Windows autopilot can be used concurrently and side by side within an organization. However, any one device in an environment can only run one of the two solutions. Windows Autopilot profiles take precedence over Windows Autopilot device preparation policies. If a Windows Autopilot registered device needs to go through a Windows Autopilot device preparation deployment, it must first be removed as a Windows Autopilot device. For more information, see Deregister a device.
Use Autopilot to deploy new hardware or refreshing an existing hardware with the organization’s desired configuration, without using the traditional imaging process.
Plan and execute an endpoint deployment strategy, using essential elements of modern management, co-management approaches, and Microsoft Intune integration.