Publish your active, trained app


LUIS will be retired on October 1st 2025 and starting April 1st 2023 you will not be able to create new LUIS resources. We recommend migrating your LUIS applications to conversational language understanding to benefit from continued product support and multilingual capabilities.

When you finish building, training, and testing your active LUIS app, you make it available to your client application by publishing it to an endpoint.


  1. Sign in to the LUIS portal, and select your Subscription and Authoring resource to see the apps assigned to that authoring resource.

  2. Open your app by selecting its name on My Apps page.

  3. To publish to the endpoint, select Publish in the top-right corner of the panel.

    A screenshot showing the navigation bar at the top of the screen, with the publish button in the top-right.

  4. Select your settings for the published prediction endpoint, then select Publish.

Select publish settings then select Publish button

Publishing slots

Select the correct slot when the pop-up window displays:

  • Staging
  • Production

By using both publishing slots, you can have two different versions of your app available at the published endpoints, or the same version on two different endpoints.

Publish in more than one region

The app is published to all regions associated with the LUIS prediction resources. You can find your LUIS prediction resources in the LUIS portal by clicking Manage from the top navigation menu, and selecting Azure Resources.

For example, if you add 2 prediction resources to an application in two regions, westus and eastus , and add these to the app as resources, the app is published in both regions. For more information about LUIS regions, see Regions.

Configure publish settings

After you select the slot, configure the publish settings for:

  • Sentiment analysis: Sentiment analysis allows LUIS to integrate with the Language service to provide sentiment and key phrase analysis. You do not have to provide a Language service key and there is no billing charge for this service to your Azure account. See Sentiment analysis for more information about the sentiment analysis JSON endpoint response.

  • Speech priming: Speech priming is the process of sending the LUIS model output to the Speech service prior to converting the text to speech. This allows the speech service to provide speech conversion more accurately for your model. This allows for Speech and LUIS requests and responses in one call by making one speech call and getting back a LUIS response. It provides less latency overall.

After you publish, these settings are available for review from the Manage section's Publish settings page. You can change the settings with every publish. If you cancel a publish, any changes you made during the publish are also canceled.

When your app is published

When your app is successfully published, a success notification Will appear at the top of the browser. The notification also includes a link to the endpoints.

If you need the endpoint URL, select the link or select Manage in the top menu, then select Azure Resources in the left menu.

Next steps