17. märts, 21 - 21. märts, 10
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Cannot restore warning 'warning code' because it was disabled globally
This warning occurs if you use the /nowarn command line option or project setting to disable a warning for the entire compilation unit, but you use #pragma warning restore
to attempt to restore that warning. To resolve this error, remove the /nowarn command line option or project setting, or remove the #pragma warning restore
for any warnings you are disabling via the command line or project settings. For more information, see #pragma warning.
The following sample generates CS1635:
// CS1635.cs
// compile with: /w:1 /nowarn:162
enum MyEnum {one=1,two=2,three=3};
class MyClass
public static void Main()
#pragma warning disable 162
if (MyEnum.three == MyEnum.two)
#pragma warning restore 162
Toote „.NET“ tagasiside
.NET on avatud lähtekoodiga projekt. Tagasiside andmiseks valige link:
17. märts, 21 - 21. märts, 10
Liituge sarjaga, et luua muude arendajate ja ekspertidega skaleeritavad tehisintellektilahendused, mis põhinevad reaalajas kasutusjuhtumitel.
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