17. märts, 21 - 21. märts, 10
Liituge sarjaga, et luua muude arendajate ja ekspertidega skaleeritavad tehisintellektilahendused, mis põhinevad reaalajas kasutusjuhtumitel.
Registreeruge koheSeda brauserit enam ei toetata.
Uusimate funktsioonide, turbevärskenduste ja tehnilise toe kasutamiseks võtke kasutusele Microsoft Edge.
Namespace: microsoft.graph
APIs under the /beta
version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.
In Microsoft Entra entitlement management, an access package resource scope is a reference to a scope within a resource, for those resources that have multiple scopes.
You can determine the access package resource scope, for a resource which has roles already added to an access package, by using list accessPackageResourceRoleScopes to return a collection of accessPackageResourceRoleScope objects.
If the resource is in an access package catalog but has not yet had its roles added to an access package, you can determine the access package resource scope by using list accessPackageResources and including $expand=accessPackageResourceScopes,accessPackageResourceEnvironment
in the query.
Property | Type | Description |
description | String | The description of the scope. |
displayName | String | The display name of the scope. |
id | String | Read-only. |
isRootScope | Boolean | True if the scopes are arranged in a hierarchy and this is the top or root scope of the resource. |
originId | String | The unique identifier for the scope in the resource as defined in the origin system. |
originSystem | String | The origin system for the scope. |
roleOriginId | String | The origin system for the role, if different. |
url | String | A resource locator for the scope. |
Relationship | Type | Description |
accessPackageResource | accessPackageResource | Read-only. Nullable. |
The following JSON representation shows the resource type.
"description": "String",
"displayName": "String",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"isRootScope": true,
"originId": "String",
"originSystem": "String",
"roleOriginId": "String",
"url": "String"
17. märts, 21 - 21. märts, 10
Liituge sarjaga, et luua muude arendajate ja ekspertidega skaleeritavad tehisintellektilahendused, mis põhinevad reaalajas kasutusjuhtumitel.
Registreeruge kohe