Microsoft 365 kogukonnakonverents
6. mai, 14 - 9. mai, 00
Oskused tehteajamise ajastuks parimal kogukonna juhitud Microsoft 365 üritusel, 6.–8. mail Las Vegases.
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As the admin of an organization, you may need to add one of your users or contacts to a distribution group. See Create distribution groups in Microsoft 365. For example, you can add employees or external partners or vendors to an email distribution group.
In the Microsoft 365 admin center, select Teams and groups > Active teams and groups > Distribution list.
On the group page, select the name of the group you want to add a contact to.
On the Members tab, under Members, select View all and manage members.
On the View Members page, select Add members, and select the user or contact you want to add to the distribution group.
You can also remove a user on View Members page. Select the user, select the ellipsis symbol and choose Remove member.
Select Add and close.
Learn to send email as a distribution group in Microsoft 365.
Microsoft 365 kogukonnakonverents
6. mai, 14 - 9. mai, 00
Oskused tehteajamise ajastuks parimal kogukonna juhitud Microsoft 365 üritusel, 6.–8. mail Las Vegases.
Manage groups in Microsoft 365 - Training
This module provides instruction on how to create groups for distributing email to multiple users within Exchange Online. It also explains how to create groups to support collaboration in SharePoint Online.
Microsoft 365 Certified: Teams Administrator Associate - Certifications
Demonstrate skills to plan, deploy, configure, and manage Microsoft Teams to focus on efficient and effective collaboration and communication in a Microsoft 365 environment.