This article lists common issues you might encounter while using Power Apps. Issues are grouped by area, and summary-level workarounds are provided where applicable, with pointers to primary documentation locations where you might find more details.
Refer to the introductory article Power Apps troubleshooting strategies for guidance on narrowing down the source of your issue. That article outlines key principles for debugging both functional and performance issues.
Automatic Next links for galleries and grids don't work for action-based connectors.
Next links (the property on a query result that enables a gallery or grid to automatically page in the next set of results of a query) aren't supported for action-based connectors. For a discussion of this topic, see the Overview of connectors for canvas apps.
If an app created using Power Apps build 2.0.540 or earlier relies on a database in the Dataverse and at least one custom connector in a different environment, you'll need to deploy the connector to the same environment as the database and update the app to use the new connector. Otherwise, a dialog will notify users that the API wasn't found. For more information, see Environments overview.
Column names with spaces
If you're using a list created using Microsoft Lists, a SharePoint library, or an Excel table in which a column name contains a space, the column name with a space can be used with single quotes, like this someList.'Color Tag'.
Apps that connect to on-premises SharePoint
If you share an app that relies on connections that aren't automatically shared (for example, an on-premises SharePoint site), users who open the app in a browser will see a dialog box with no text when they select or tap Sign in. To close the dialog box, select or tap the close (X) icon in the upper-right corner. The dialog box doesn't appear if you open the app in Power Apps Studio or Power Apps mobile. For more information about shared connections, see Share app resources.
For apps that are created from data, only the first 500 records of a data source can be accessed.
Power Apps works with large data sources by delegating operations to the data source. For operations that can't be delegated, Power Apps will give a warning at authoring time and operate on only the first 500 records of the data source. For more information, see the Delegation overview.
Excel data must be formatted as a table.
For information about limitations when you use Excel as a data source, see Cloud-storage connections.
Microsoft Lists is supported but not SharePoint libraries, some types of list columns, or columns that support multiple values or selections.
issues on certain Android mobile devices when using authenticator
In certain devices and scenarios, you might experience sign-in failures when using an authenticator. This is due to the OEM limiting this functionality. For more information, see ADALError: BROKER_AUTHENTICATOR_NOT_RESPONDING.
Office 365 Video connector isn't supported.
Power Automate flows are orphaned in Power Apps.
Power Automate flows that are added using an older version of the Power Apps panel might be orphaned and removed. To fix this issue, re-add the flows manually.
Power Fx
Connection.Connected returns the wrong value during OnStart in Power Apps for Windows.
While offline, the Connection.Connected formula might wrongly return true immediately after starting an app in the Windows app. As a workaround, use a Timer control to delay the execution of the logic depending on it.
Problems changing dimensions or orientation of SharePoint forms
If you have issues with the Screen size + orientation settings for custom SharePoint forms, you can use the Custom size to work around the issue. First, reset the setting by selecting the Small size, then toggle Orientation to Portrait and then back to Landscape. Then, select Custom and enter a desired screen size. For reference, the preset values are "Width: 270, Height: 480" for the Small Portrait size, and "Width: 720, Height: 480" for the Small Landscape size.
Copying and pasting screens across apps
Copying and pasting screens across apps isn't currently supported. To work around this issue, add a new screen to your target app, copy the controls from the screen in your source app, and then paste them into the screen of your target app.
Changing the layout of SharePoint forms
While customizing SharePoint forms in certain languages, if you try to change the layout from Portrait (default) to Landscape, the app might show multiple errors (yellow triangles in controls). To resolve these errors and retain the landscape layout, select Undo.
Changing a flow in a shared app
If you add a flow to an app, share it, and then add a service or change a connection in the flow, you must remove the flow from the shared app, re-add the flow, and then reshare the app. Otherwise, users who trigger the flow receive an authentication failure.
Changing a "Title" field in a table
If you change the Title field for a table that other tables reference through one or more lookups, an error occurs when you try to save the change. To work around this issue, remove any lookups to the table for which you want to change the Title field, make the change, and then re-create the lookups. For more information about lookups, see Create a relationship between tables.
When Power Apps generates an app from data, the field used for sorting and searching isn't automatically configured.
Remove or rearrange controls within the card as you see fit, just as you would with the custom card.
Card gallery is deprecated.
Existing apps that use this feature continue to run for now, but you can't add a card gallery. Replace card galleries with the new Edit form and Display form controls.
Browser running out of memory
If you're using the 32-bit version of Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge and run out of memory while using Power Apps, consider using the 64-bit version.
Power Apps for Windows
Power Apps mobile app for the Windows platform doesn't support the Dropbox connector.
A pop-up dialog shows the following message in this situation:
We can't connect to the service you need right now. Check your network connection or try again later.
When this issue occurs, consider using a web player on the Windows platform.
Microsoft Entra Conditional Access with the policy "Require device to be marked as compliant" doesn't work in Power Apps for Windows.
When the Conditional Access policy is set to "Require device to be marked as compliant" in Microsoft Entra ID, users receive the following sign-in error and can't access their Power Apps.
To work around the issue, they can use a browser.
The application contains sensitive information and can only be accessed from devices or client applications that meet your enterprise management compliance policy.
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