29. apr, 14 - 30. apr, 19
Liituge 29.–30. aprillil lõppeva Windows Serveri virtuaalse sündmusega, et saada põhjalikke tehnilisi seansse ja reaalajas Q&V-d Koos Microsofti inseneridega.
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Renames files or directories.
This command is the same as the ren command.
rename [<drive>:][<path>]<filename1> <filename2>
Parameter | Description |
[<drive>:][<path>]<filename1> |
Specifies the location and name of the file or set of files you want to rename. Filename1 can include wildcard characters (* and ?). |
<filename2> |
Specifies the new name for the file. You can use wildcard characters to specify new names for multiple files. |
/? | Displays help at the command prompt. |
You can't specify a new drive or path when renaming files. You also can't use this command to rename files across drives or to move files to a different directory.
Characters represented by wildcard characters in filename2 will be identical to the corresponding characters in filename1.
Filename2 must be a unique file name. If filename2 matches an existing file name, the following message appears: Duplicate file name or file not found
To change all the .txt file name extensions in the current directory to .doc extensions, type:
rename *.txt *.doc
To change the name of a directory from Chap10 to Part10, type:
rename chap10 part10
29. apr, 14 - 30. apr, 19
Liituge 29.–30. aprillil lõppeva Windows Serveri virtuaalse sündmusega, et saada põhjalikke tehnilisi seansse ja reaalajas Q&V-d Koos Microsofti inseneridega.
Registreeruge kohe