29. apr, 14 - 30. apr, 19
Liituge 29.–30. aprillil lõppeva Windows Serveri virtuaalse sündmusega, et saada põhjalikke tehnilisi seansse ja reaalajas Q&V-d Koos Microsofti inseneridega.
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Uusimate funktsioonide, turbevärskenduste ja tehnilise toe kasutamiseks võtke kasutusele Microsoft Edge.
Displays the location of files that match the given search pattern.
where [/r <Dir>] [/q] [/f] [/t] [$<ENV>:|<Path>:]<Pattern>[ ...]
Parameter | Description |
/r <Dir> | Indicates a recursive search, starting with the specified directory. |
/q | Returns an exit code (0 for success, 1 for failure) without displaying the list of matched files. |
/f | Displays the results of the where command in quotation marks. |
/t | Displays the file size and the last modified date and time of each matched file. |
[$<ENV>:|<Path>:]<Pattern>[ ...] | Specifies the search pattern for the files to match. At least one pattern is required, and the pattern can include wildcard characters (* and ?). By default, where searches the current directory and the paths that are specified in the PATH environment variable. You can specify a different path to search by using the format $ENV:Pattern (where ENV is an existing environment variable containing one or more paths) or by using the format Path:Pattern (where Path is the directory path you want to search). These optional formats should not be used with the /r command-line option. |
/? | Displays help at the command prompt. |
To find all files named Test in drive C of the current computer and its subdirectories, type:
where /r c:\ test
To list all files in the Public directory, type:
where $public:*.*
To find all files named Notepad in drive C of the remote computer, Computer1, and its subdirectories, type:
where /r \\computer1\c notepad.*
29. apr, 14 - 30. apr, 19
Liituge 29.–30. aprillil lõppeva Windows Serveri virtuaalse sündmusega, et saada põhjalikke tehnilisi seansse ja reaalajas Q&V-d Koos Microsofti inseneridega.
Registreeruge kohe