Enumeración DiscretizationMethod

Defines how a continuous range of values is converted into a discrete, or fixed, number of values.

Espacio de nombres:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices
Ensamblado:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices (en Microsoft.AnalysisServices.dll)


public enum DiscretizationMethod


Nombre del miembro Descripción
Automatic Chooses best grouping technique among EqualArea, Clusters, and Threshold methods.
Clusters Finds buckets by performing single-dimensional clustering on the input values by using the K-Means algorithm.
EqualAreas Specifies that when the distribution of continuous values is plotted as a curve, the areas under the curve covered by each bucket range are equal.
None No grouping is requested.
Thresholds Specifies that when the distribution of continuous values is plotted as a curve, buckets are be created based on the inflection points (where gradient changes direction) in their distribution curve
UserDefined Specifies that the user can define a custom grouping of the members


Nuevo:   17 de julio de 2006

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Espacio de nombres Microsoft.AnalysisServices