1000 XP
Explore Windows 365 Cloud PC management options
Management options for Windows 365 range from web portal to Microsoft Intune. The topics covered in this module include Cloud PC management options, Windows 365 security, Role-based access control, and Windows 365 reports.
Learning objectives
In this module, you'll learn:
- how to manage user licenses, apps, and devices in the Windows 365 portal and Microsoft Intune.
- the various management actions that can be performed, such as resetting, restarting, and renaming Cloud PCs.
- how to secure Cloud PC access, devices, and data.
- the various Cloud PC identity and authentication types.
- how to set up Role-based access control to manage access to your organization's resources.
- how to use Windows 365 Switch.
- how to access and analyze reports on Cloud PC utilization, performance, connection quality, etc.
- Basic understanding of on-premises computer networks and hardware concepts.
- Basic understanding of virtual machines and virtual networks.
- Basic understanding of Operating System and Application concepts.
- Basic understanding of Microsoft Entra ID.
- Basic understanding of Microsoft Intune and Configuration Manager.
- Experience using Windows 10 or later.
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