
CivicPlus Transform

Empowers business users to create and deploy digital forms for enterprise and government organizations as web and native apps, while allowing developers to customize, extend, or harness the forms through their own custom apps. Connect your forms with this connector to allow easy submission of your form data into your backend systems or databases without the need to write complex integration code.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name CivicPlus Support
URL https://www.civicoptimize.civicplus.help/hc/en-us
Email support@civicplus.com
Connector Metadata
Publisher OneBlink
Website http://oneblink.io/
Privacy policy http://oneblink.io/legal/privacy-policy
Categories Productivity;Data


  • You will need to log into CivicPlus Transform Productivity Suite using your email address.
  • Navigate to the 'Developer Keys' section of the console and create a new API key with the 'Forms' permission toggled on.


For further information on how to setup our connector, please refer to our support article here.

Deployment instructions

Please use these instructions to deploy this connector as custom connector in Microsoft Power Automate and Power Apps.

Further Support

For further support, you can contact us at support@civicplus.com - we're always happy to help.

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
API Key securestring The API Key for this api True

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Generate Form Submission PDF

Allows for Form Submission PDF to be generated

Get CivicPlus Pay Payment

Allows for a CivicPlus Pay Payment to be retrieved

Retrieve Form Submission Attachment

Allows for Form Submission attachments to be retrieved

Retrieve Form Submission Data

Allows for Form Submission data to be retrieved

Generate Form Submission PDF

Allows for Form Submission PDF to be generated


Name Key Required Type Description
Form Id
formId True integer

ID of the form that was submitted

Submission Id
submissionId True string

ID of the form submission

Include submission identifier in PDF
includeSubmissionIdInPdf boolean

The submission identifier can be included at the bottom of each page in the PDF

Include payment details in PDF
includePaymentInPdf boolean

Payment details can be included as the final page in the PDF

Page break on form pages
usePagesAsBreaks boolean

Form pages can be translated to page breaks in the PDF

Excluded form elements
excludedElementIds array of string

The identifiers of the form elements to exclude from the PDF

Include Approval Details In PDF
value string
PDF Page Size
pdfSize string


Output file content from the PDF Service

Form Submission PDF Content

Get CivicPlus Pay Payment

Allows for a CivicPlus Pay Payment to be retrieved


Name Key Required Type Description
Submission Id
submissionId True string

ID of the form submission


Retrieve Form Submission Attachment

Allows for Form Submission attachments to be retrieved


Name Key Required Type Description
Form Id
formId True integer

ID of the form the attachment was uploaded with

Attachment Id
attachmentId True string

ID of the uploaded attachment


Output file content of the form attachment

Attachment Content

Retrieve Form Submission Data

Allows for Form Submission data to be retrieved


Name Key Required Type Description
Form Id
formId True integer

ID of the form being retrieved

Submission Id
submissionId True string

ID of the form submission being retrieved



Triggers when a Form submission occurs

Creates a Form Submission Meta Webhook

Triggers when a Form submission occurs

Creates a Form Submission Meta Webhook


Name Key Required Type Description
label string

Label to display in CivicOptimize Productivity to identify the Workflow Event

formId number

Select a form to restrict this flow to a single form's submissions

trigger string

Select when this trigger will occur




Name Path Type Description
Form Id
formId integer
Submission Id
submissionId string
External Id
externalId string
App Id
formsAppId integer


Name Path Type Description
Form Name
definition.name string
Form Description
definition.description string
Submission Data
submission object
Submitted By: IP Address
ipAddress string
Submission Timestamp
submissionTimestamp date-time
Submitted By: User Id
user.providerUserId string
Submitted By: First Name
user.firstName string
Submitted By: Last Name
user.lastName string
Submitted By: Full Name
user.fullName string
Submitted By: Email Address
user.email string
Submitted By: Image URL
user.picture string
Submitted By: Role
user.role string
Submitted By: Internal User Id
user.userId string
Submitted By: Provider Type
user.providerType string
Submitted By: Supervisor User Id
user.supervisor.providerUserId string
Submitted By: Supervisor Full Name
user.supervisor.fullName string
Submitted By: Supervisor Email Address
user.supervisor.email string
device.type string
Device: Cordova Version
device.cordova string
Device: Model
device.model string
Device: Platform
device.platform string
Device: Universally Unique Identifier
device.uuid string
Device: Operating System Version
device.version string
Device: Manufacturer
device.manufacturer string
Device: Was a Simulator
device.isVirtual boolean
Device: Hardware Serial Number
device.serial string
Device: Browser Code
device.appCodeName string
Device: Browser Name
device.appName string
Device: Browser Version
device.appVersion string
Device: Were Cookies Enabled
device.cookieEnabled boolean
Device: Hardware Concurrency
device.hardwareConcurrency number
Device: Preferred Language
device.language string
Device: Maximum Supported Touch Points
device.maxTouchPoints number
Device: User Agent
device.userAgent string
Device: Browser Vendor
device.vendor string
Device: Browser Vendor Version
device.vendorSub string
Device: Was Controlled by Automation
device.webdriver boolean


Name Path Type Description
paymentTransaction CPPayTransactionDetailsViewModelResponseEnvelope


Name Path Type Description
result CPPayTransactionDetailsViewModel
Time Generated
timeGenerated string


Name Path Type Description
message string
: Error Code
code CPPayErrorCodeEnum


Name Path Type Description
: Type
type CPPayTransactionTypeEnum
: Id
id string
: State
state CPPayTransactionStateEnum
: Merchant Code
merchantCode string
: Payment Method
paymentMethodType CPPayPaymentMethodTypeEnum
: Credit Card : Last 4 Digits
lastFour string
: Credit Card : Expiration Month
expMonth integer
: Credit Card : Expiration Year
expYear integer
: Payment Type
paymentType CPPayPaymentTypeEnum
: Amount
amount double
: Error Code
errorCode CPPayErrorCodeEnum
: Customer Receipt
customerReceipt string
: Merchant Receipt
merchantReceipt string
: Signature Format
customerSignatureFormat CPPaySignatureFormatEnum
: Customer Signature
customerSignature string
: Created Date
createdOnUtc string
: Last Updated Date
lastModifiedOnUtc string


: Type


: State


: Payment Method


: Payment Type



: Error Code


: Signature Format


This is the basic data type 'binary'.