

Domain-specific content detection

In addition to tagging and high-level categorization, Azure AI Vision also supports further domain-specific analysis using models that are trained on specialized data.

There are two ways to use the domain-specific models: by themselves (scoped analysis) or as an enhancement to the image categorization feature.

Scoped analysis

You can analyze an image using only the chosen domain-specific model by calling the Models/<model>/Analyze API.

The following is a sample JSON response returned by the models/celebrities/analyze API for the given image:

Satya Nadella standing, smiling

  "result": {
    "celebrities": [{
      "faceRectangle": {
        "top": 391,
        "left": 318,
        "width": 184,
        "height": 184
      "name": "Satya Nadella",
      "confidence": 0.99999856948852539
  "requestId": "8217262a-1a90-4498-a242-68376a4b956b",
  "metadata": {
    "width": 800,
    "height": 1200,
    "format": "Jpeg"

Enhanced categorization analysis

You can also use domain-specific models to supplement general image analysis. You do this as part of high-level categorization by specifying domain-specific models in the details parameter of the Analyze Image API call.

In this case, the 86-category taxonomy classifier is called first. If any of the detected categories have a matching domain-specific model, the image is passed through that model as well and the results are added.

The following JSON response shows how domain-specific analysis can be included as the detail node in a broader categorization analysis.

          "name":"Satya Nadella",
          "name":"Forbidden City",

List the domain-specific models

Currently, Azure AI Vision supports the following domain-specific models:

Name Description
celebrities Celebrity recognition, supported for images classified in the people_ category
landmarks Landmark recognition, supported for images classified in the outdoor_ or building_ categories

Calling the Models API returns this information along with the categories to which each model can apply:


Use the API

This feature is available through the Analyze Image 3.2 API. You can call this API through a native SDK or through REST calls. Include Celebrities or Landmarks in the details query parameter. Then, when you get the full JSON response, parse the string for the contents of the "details" section.