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SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines enables you to use full versions of SQL Server in the cloud without having to manage any on-premises hardware. SQL Server VMs also simplify licensing costs when you pay as you go.
Azure virtual machines run in many different geographic regions around the world. They also offer a variety of machine sizes. The virtual machine image gallery allows you to create a SQL Server VM with the right version, edition, and operating system. This makes virtual machines a good option for a many different SQL Server workloads.
If you're new to Azure SQL, check out the SQL Server on Azure VM Overview video from our in-depth Azure SQL video series:
Get started with SQL Server VMs
To get started, choose a SQL Server virtual machine image with your required version, edition, and operating system. The following sections provide direct links to the Azure portal for the SQL Server virtual machine gallery images.
When you configure SQL Server on Linux, you install the Database Engine package and then several optional packages depending on your requirements. The Linux virtual machine images for SQL Server automatically install most packages for you. The following table shows which packages are installed for each distribution.
Tämä oppimispolku tarjoaa yleiskatsauksen yleisten Linux-palvelinfunktioiden käyttöönottoon Azure-näennäiskoneissa. Opi ottamaan käyttöön SQL Server, verkkosovelluspalvelin MEAN-pinon avulla, suorittamaan tietokannan siirto ja hallitsemaan IT-toimintoja Azure Automanagen avulla.
Hallitse SQL Server -tietokantainfrastruktuuria pilvipalveluissa, paikallisissa tietokannoissa ja hybridirelaatiotietokannoissa Microsoft PaaS -relaatiotietokantatarjonnan avulla.