Build a RAG chatbot with Azure Cosmos DB NoSQL API
Koskee seuraavia::
In this guide, we demonstrate how to build a RAG Pattern application using a subset of the Movie Lens dataset. This sample leverages the Python SDK for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL to perform vector search for RAG, store and retrieve chat history, and store vectors of the chat history to use as a semantic cache. Azure OpenAI is used to generate embeddings and Large Language Model (LLM) completions.
At the end, we create a simple UX using Gradio to allow users to type in questions and display responses generated by Azure OpenAI or served from the cache. The responses will also display an elapsed time to show the impact caching has on performance versus generating a response.
You can find the full Python notebook sample here.
Populate sample_env_file.env with the appropriate credentials for Azure Cosmos DB and Azure OpenAI.
cosmos_uri = "https://<replace with cosmos db account name>"
cosmos_key = "<replace with cosmos db account key>"
cosmos_database_name = "database"
cosmos_collection_name = "vectorstore"
cosmos_vector_property_name = "vector"
cosmos_cache_database_name = "database"
cosmos_cache_collection_name = "vectorcache"
openai_endpoint = "<replace with azure openai endpoint>"
openai_key = "<replace with azure openai key>"
openai_type = "azure"
openai_api_version = "2023-05-15"
openai_embeddings_deployment = "<replace with azure openai embeddings deployment name>"
openai_embeddings_model = "<replace with azure openai embeddings model - e.g. text-embedding-3-large"
openai_embeddings_dimensions = "1536"
openai_completions_deployment = "<replace with azure openai completions deployment name>"
openai_completions_model = "<replace with azure openai completions model - e.g. gpt-35-turbo>"
storage_file_url = ""
# Import the required librariesimport time
import json
import uuid
import urllib
import ijson
import zipfile
from dotenv import dotenv_values
from openai import AzureOpenAI
from azure.core.exceptions import AzureError
from azure.cosmos import PartitionKey, exceptions
from time import sleep
import gradio as gr
# Cosmos DB importsfrom azure.cosmos import CosmosClient
# Load configuration
env_name = "sample_env_file.env"
config = dotenv_values(env_name)
cosmos_conn = config['cosmos_uri']
cosmos_key = config['cosmos_key']
cosmos_database = config['cosmos_database_name']
cosmos_collection = config['cosmos_collection_name']
cosmos_vector_property = config['cosmos_vector_property_name']
comsos_cache_db = config['cosmos_cache_database_name']
cosmos_cache = config['cosmos_cache_collection_name']
# Create the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL async client for faster data loading
cosmos_client = CosmosClient(url=cosmos_conn, credential=cosmos_key)
openai_endpoint = config['openai_endpoint']
openai_key = config['openai_key']
openai_api_version = config['openai_api_version']
openai_embeddings_deployment = config['openai_embeddings_deployment']
openai_embeddings_dimensions = int(config['openai_embeddings_dimensions'])
openai_completions_deployment = config['openai_completions_deployment']
# Movies file url
storage_file_url = config['storage_file_url']
# Create the OpenAI client
openai_client = AzureOpenAI(azure_endpoint=openai_endpoint, api_key=openai_key, api_version=openai_api_version)
3. Create a Database and Containers with Vector Policies
This function takes a database object, a collection name, the name of the document property that stores vectors, and the number of vector dimensions used for the embeddings.
db = cosmos_client.create_database_if_not_exists(cosmos_database)
# Create the vector embedding policy to specify vector details
vector_embedding_policy = {
"vectorEmbeddings": [
"path":"/" + cosmos_vector_property,
# Create the vector index policy to specify vector details
indexing_policy = {
"includedPaths": [
"path": "/*"
"excludedPaths": [
"path": "/\"_etag\"/?",
"path": "/" + cosmos_vector_property + "/*",
"vectorIndexes": [
"path": "/"+cosmos_vector_property,
"type": "quantizedFlat"
# Create the data collection with vector index (note: this creates a container with 10000 RUs to allow fast data load)try:
movies_container = db.create_container_if_not_exists(id=cosmos_collection,
print('Container with id \'{0}\' created'.format(
except exceptions.CosmosHttpResponseError:
raise# Create the cache collection with vector indextry:
cache_container = db.create_container_if_not_exists(id=cosmos_cache,
print('Container with id \'{0}\' created'.format(
except exceptions.CosmosHttpResponseError:
4. Generate Embeddings from Azure OpenAI
This function vectorizes the user input for vector search. Ensure the dimensionality and model used match the sample data provided, or else regenerate vectors with your desired model.
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_random_exponential
import logging
@retry(wait=wait_random_exponential(min=2, max=300), stop=stop_after_attempt(20))defgenerate_embeddings(text):try:
response = openai_client.embeddings.create(
embeddings = response.model_dump()
return embeddings['data'][0]['embedding']
except Exception as e:
# Log the exception with traceback for easier debugging
logging.error("An error occurred while generating embeddings.", exc_info=True)
5. Load Data from the JSON File
Extract the prevectorized MovieLens dataset from the zip file (see its location in notebook repo here).
# Unzip the data filewith zipfile.ZipFile("../../DataSet/Movies/", 'r') as zip_ref:
# Load the data file
data = []
with open('/Data/MovieLens-4489-256D.json', 'r') as d:
data = json.load(d)
# View the number of documents in the data (4489)
6. Store Data in Azure Cosmos DB
Upsert data into Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL. Records are written asynchronously.
#The following code to get raw movies data is commented out in favour of#getting prevectorized data. If you want to vectorize the raw data from#storage_file_url, uncomment the below, and set vectorizeFlag=True#data = urllib.request.urlopen(storage_file_url)#data = json.load(data)
vectorizeFlag=Falseimport asyncio
import time
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
asyncdefgenerate_vectors(items, vector_property):# Create a thread pool executor for the synchronous generate_embeddings
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Define a function to call generate_embeddings using run_in_executorasyncdefgenerate_embedding_for_item(item):try:
# Offload the sync generate_embeddings to a thread
vectorArray = await loop.run_in_executor(None, generate_embeddings, item['overview'])
item[vector_property] = vectorArray
except Exception as e:
# Log or handle exceptions if needed
logging.error(f"Error generating embedding for item: {item['overview'][:50]}...", exc_info=True)
# Create tasks for all the items to generate embeddings concurrently
tasks = [generate_embedding_for_item(item) for item in items]
# Run all the tasks concurrently and wait for their completionawait asyncio.gather(*tasks)
return items
start_time = time.time() # Record the start time# If vectorize flag is True, generate vectors for the dataif vectorize:
print("Vectorizing data, please wait...")
global data
data = await generate_vectors(data, "vector")
counter = 0
tasks = []
max_concurrency = 5# Adjust this value to control the level of concurrency
semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(max_concurrency)
print("Starting doc load, please wait...")
asyncdefupsert_object(obj):nonlocal counter
asyncwith semaphore:
await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(None, upsert_item_sync, obj)
# Progress reporting
counter += 1if counter % 100 == 0:
print(f"Sent {counter} documents for insertion into collection.")
for obj in data:
# Run all upsert tasks concurrently within the limits set by the semaphoreawait asyncio.gather(*tasks)
end_time = time.time() # Record the end time
duration = end_time - start_time # Calculate the duration
print(f"All {counter} documents inserted!")
print(f"Time taken: {duration:.2f} seconds ({duration:.3f} milliseconds)")
# Run the async function with the vectorize flag set to True or False as neededawait insert_data(vectorizeFlag) # or await insert_data() for default
7. Perform Vector Search
This function defines a vector search over the movies data and chat cache collections.
defvector_search(container, vectors, similarity_score=0.02, num_results=5):
results = container.query_items(
SELECT TOP @num_results c.overview, VectorDistance(c.vector, @embedding) as SimilarityScore
WHERE VectorDistance(c.vector,@embedding) > @similarity_score
ORDER BY VectorDistance(c.vector,@embedding)
{"name": "@embedding", "value": vectors},
{"name": "@num_results", "value": num_results},
{"name": "@similarity_score", "value": similarity_score}
results = list(results)
formatted_results = [{'SimilarityScore': result.pop('SimilarityScore'), 'document': result} for result in results]
return formatted_results
8. Get Recent Chat History
This function provides conversational context to the LLM, allowing it to better have a conversation with the user.
defget_chat_history(container, completions=3):
results = container.query_items(
SELECT TOP @completions *
{"name": "@completions", "value": completions},
results = list(results)
return results
9. Chat Completion Functions
Define the functions to handle the chat completion process, including caching responses.
defgenerate_completion(user_prompt, vector_search_results, chat_history):
system_prompt = '''
You are an intelligent assistant for movies. You are designed to provide helpful answers to user questions about movies in your database.
You are friendly, helpful, and informative and can be lighthearted. Be concise in your responses, but still friendly.
- Only answer questions related to the information provided below. Provide at least 3 candidate movie answers in a list.
- Write two lines of whitespace between each answer in the list.
messages = [{'role': 'system', 'content': system_prompt}]
for chat in chat_history:
messages.append({'role': 'user', 'content': chat['prompt'] + " " + chat['completion']})
messages.append({'role': 'user', 'content': user_prompt})
for result in vector_search_results:
messages.append({'role': 'system', 'content': json.dumps(result['document'])})
response =
return response.model_dump()
defchat_completion(cache_container, movies_container, user_input):
print("starting completion")
# Generate embeddings from the user input
user_embeddings = generate_embeddings(user_input)
# Query the chat history cache first to see if this question has been asked before
cache_results = get_cache(container=cache_container, vectors=user_embeddings, similarity_score=0.99, num_results=1)
if len(cache_results) > 0:
print("Cached Result\n")
return cache_results[0]['completion'], Trueelse:
# Perform vector search on the movie collection
print("New result\n")
search_results = vector_search(movies_container, user_embeddings)
print("Getting Chat History\n")
# Chat history
chat_history = get_chat_history(cache_container, 3)
# Generate the completion
print("Generating completions \n")
completions_results = generate_completion(user_input, search_results, chat_history)
print("Caching response \n")
# Cache the response
cache_response(cache_container, user_input, user_embeddings, completions_results)
# Return the generated LLM completionreturn completions_results['choices'][0]['message']['content'], False
10. Cache Generated Responses
Save the user prompts and generated completions to the cache for faster future responses.
Liity tapaamissarjaan ja luo skaalattavia tekoälyratkaisuja, jotka perustuvat reaalimaailman käyttötapauksiin muiden kehittäjien ja asiantuntijoiden kanssa.
Build an AI copilot for Contoso Bike Shop. Integrate Azure OpenAI and Cosmos DB to enable advanced data searches, use GPT-3.5 for enhanced results, and deploy the solution on Azure Kubernetes Service.
Kirjoita tehokkaita kyselyitä, luo indeksointikäytäntöjä, hallitse ja valmistele resursseja SQL-ohjelmointirajapinnassa ja SDK:ssa Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB:n avulla.