This article provides an overview about the Microsoft Defender for IoT license and trial license. It also explains how to extend the trial period, if needed, and continue the Proof of Concept (POC) to further explore the value of Defender for IoT.
The Defender for IoT license
The Defender for IoT license is site-based according to the number of devices that your network has and needs to monitor. This ranges from a site that is an extra-small license for 100 devices to an extra large site license for over 5,000 devices.
Each physical site needs to have one license associated with it, so you need to purchase the license that covers the number of devices at the site. For example, for a site with 2000 devices a customer needs to purchase one Extra Large (XL) license (covering up to 5000 devices). You cannot purchase two Large licenses (covering up to 1000 devices each). If you need a license for a site with more than 5000 devices, ask your seller to help you access the 2XL or 3XL licenses in the Azure portal.
Each Microsoft 365 license lasts for one year. A customer could also utilize the large-scale, long-term licensing option to fit your individual business needs, for more information contact the sales team.
Once the license is set up and running, full security value is provided to all your devices even if they exceed the limit of the license. When renewing the license ensure that it’s updated to the new size for your network.
The OT site license isn't included in the ME5 or E5 security packages.
Preconfigured hardware
Microsoft is partnered with Arrow Electronics to provide preconfigured hardware component appliances for deploying the sensors. To purchase a preconfigured appliance, contact Arrow at:
Customers can cancel a paid license within seven days of the start of the license and receive a prorated refund. After seven days, turn off the recurring billing setting to prevent automatic renewal.
Tenants without an active site license have a 30-day grace period from the last expired license to renew the expired licenses. Afterward the 30 days the Defender for IoT service stops, and data retention stops after 90 days.
Migration of an Azure Consumption Revenue (ACR) license to the new Microsoft 365 license
The legacy ACR license can be migrated to the new Microsoft 365 license. For more information, see migrate from a legacy OT plan.
During the period of the trial license Defender for IoT gives full security value to all of the devices connected to the site, even if there are more than 1000 devices.
A trial license can be extended by the customer up until 15 days before the end of the trial using the Microsoft 365 Admin Center.
Government license customers
For Government Community Cloud (GCC), Government Community Cloud High (GCC-H) and U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) customers who want to activate the trial, see government customers trial license extension.
Use this quickstart to set up a trial OT plan with Microsoft Defender for IoT and understand the next steps required to configure your network sensors.
Microsoft Defender for IoT provides comprehensive threat detection for IoT/OT environments, with multiple deployment options that include cloud-connected, fully on-premises, or hybrid.