

Cross-region copy of VM restore points

In this article, you learn how to copy virtual machine (VM) restore points to another region.


To copy a restore point across a region, you need to precreate a restorePointCollection resource in the target region.

Learn more about cross-region copy and its limitation before you copy restore points.

Create a restore point collection in a target region

The first step in copying an existing VM restore point from one region to another is to create a restorePointCollection resource in the target region by referencing restorePointCollection from the source region.

URI request


Request body

    "name": "name of target restorePointCollection resource",
    "location": "location of target restorePointCollection resource",    
    "tags": {
        "department": "finance"
    "properties": {
         "source": {
               "id": "/subscriptions/{subid}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/microsoft.compute/restorePointCollections/{restorePointCollectionName}"


The request response includes a status code and a set of response headers.

Status code

The operation returns 201 during creation and 200 during the update.

Response body
    "name": "name of the copied restorePointCollection resource",
    "id": "CSM Id of copied restorePointCollection resource",
    "type": "Microsoft.Compute/restorePointCollections",
    "location": "location of the copied restorePointCollection resource",
    "tags": {
        "department": "finance"
    "properties": {
        "source": {
            "id": "/subscriptions/{subid}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/microsoft.compute/restorePointCollections/{restorePointCollectionName}",
            "location": "location of source RPC"

Create a VM restore point in a target region

The next step is to trigger the copy of a restore point in the target RestorePointCollection resource by referencing the restore point in the source region that needs to be copied.

URI request


Request body

    "name": "name of the restore point resource",
    "properties": {
        "sourceRestorePoint": {
            "id": "/subscriptions/{subid}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/microsoft.compute/restorePointCollections/{restorePointCollectionName}/restorePoints/{restorePointName}"


The location of sourceRestorePoint is inferred from that of the source RestorePointCollection.


The request response includes a status code and a set of response headers.

Status code

This operation is long running, so the operation returns 201 during creation. The client is expected to poll for the status by using the operation. Both the location and Azure-AsyncOperation headers are provided for this purpose.

During restore point creation, ProvisioningState appears as Creating in the GET restore point API response. If creation fails, ProvisioningState appears as Failed. ProvisioningState is set to Succeeded when the data copy across regions is initiated.


You can track the copy status by calling GET instance view (?$expand=instanceView) on the target VM restore point. For steps on how to do this, see the section "Get the VM restore points Copy/Replication status." The VM restore point is considered usable (can be used to restore a VM) only when a copy of all the disk restore points are successful.

Response body
    "id": "CSM Id of the restore point",
    "name": "name of the restore point",
    "properties": {
        "optionalProperties": "opaque bag of properties to be passed to extension",
        "sourceRestorePoint": {
            "id": "/subscriptions/{subid}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/microsoft.compute/restorePointCollections/{restorePointCollectionName}/restorePoints/{restorePointName}"
        "consistencyMode": "CrashConsistent | FileSystemConsistent | ApplicationConsistent",
        "sourceMetadata": {
            "vmId": "Unique Guid of the VM from which the restore point was created",
            "location": "source VM location",
            "hardwareProfile": {
                "vmSize": "Standard_A1"
            "osProfile": {
                "computername": "",
                "adminUsername": "",
                "secrets": [
                        "sourceVault": {
                            "id": "/subscriptions/<subId>/resourceGroups/<rgName>/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/<keyvault-name>"
                        "vaultCertificates": [
                                "certificateUrl": "https://<keyvault-name><secret-name>/<secret-version>",
                                "certificateStore": "certificateStoreName on Windows"
                "customData": "",
                "windowsConfiguration": {
                    "provisionVMAgent": "true|false",
                    "winRM": {
                        "listeners": [
                                "protocol": "http"
                                "protocol": "https",
                                "certificateUrl": ""
                    "additionalUnattendContent": [
                            "pass": "oobesystem",
                            "component": "Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup",
                            "settingName": "FirstLogonCommands|AutoLogon",
                            "content": "<XML unattend content>"
                    "enableAutomaticUpdates": "true|false"
                "linuxConfiguration": {
                    "disablePasswordAuthentication": "true|false",
                    "ssh": {
                        "publicKeys": [
                                "path": "Path-Where-To-Place-Public-Key-On-VM",
                                "keyData": "PEM-Encoded-public-key-file"
            "storageProfile": {
                "osDisk": {
                    "osType": "Windows|Linux",
                    "name": "OSDiskName",
                    "diskSizeGB": "10",
                    "caching": "ReadWrite",
                    "managedDisk": {
                        "id": "CSM Id of the managed disk",
                        "storageAccountType": "Standard_LRS"
                    "diskRestorePoint": {
                        "id": "/subscriptions/<subId>/resourceGroups/<rgName>/restorePointCollections/<rpcName>/restorePoints/<rpName>/diskRestorePoints/<diskRestorePointName>"
                "dataDisks": [
                        "lun": "0",
                        "name": "datadisk0",
                        "diskSizeGB": "10",
                        "caching": "ReadWrite",
                        "managedDisk": {
                            "id": "CSM Id of the managed disk",
                            "storageAccountType": "Standard_LRS"
                        "diskRestorePoint": {
                            "id": "/subscriptions/<subId>/resourceGroups/<rgName>/restorePointCollections/<rpcName>/restorePoints/<rpName>/diskRestorePoints/<diskRestorePointName>"
            "diagnosticsProfile": {
                "bootDiagnostics": {
                    "enabled": true,
                    "storageUri": ""
        "provisioningState": "Succeeded | Failed | Creating | Deleting",
        "provisioningDetails": {
            "creationTime": "Creation Time of Restore point in UTC"

Get the VM restore points Copy/Replication status

After the copy of VM restore points is initiated, you can track the copy status by calling the GET instance view (?$expand=instanceView) on the target VM restore point.

URI request



    "id": "CSM Id of the restore point",
    "name": "name of the restore point",
    "properties": {
        "optionalProperties": "opaque bag of properties to be passed to extension",
        "sourceRestorePoint": {
            "id": "/subscriptions/{subid}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/microsoft.compute/restorePointCollections/{restorePointCollectionName}/restorePoints/{restorePointName}"
        "consistencyMode": "CrashConsistent | FileSystemConsistent | ApplicationConsistent",
        "sourceMetadata": {
            "vmId": "Unique Guid of the VM from which the restore point was created",
            "location": "source VM location",
            "hardwareProfile": {
                "vmSize": "Standard_A1"
            "osProfile": {
                "computername": "",
                "adminUsername": "",
                "secrets": [
                        "sourceVault": {
                            "id": "/subscriptions/<subId>/resourceGroups/<rgName>/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/<keyvault-name>"
                        "vaultCertificates": [
                                "certificateUrl": "https://<keyvault-name><secret-name>/<secret-version>",
                                "certificateStore": "certificateStoreName on Windows"
                "customData": "",
                "windowsConfiguration": {
                    "provisionVMAgent": "true|false",
                    "winRM": {
                        "listeners": [
                                "protocol": "http"
                                "protocol": "https",
                                "certificateUrl": ""
                    "additionalUnattendContent": [
                            "pass": "oobesystem",
                            "component": "Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup",
                            "settingName": "FirstLogonCommands|AutoLogon",
                            "content": "<XML unattend content>"
                    "enableAutomaticUpdates": "true|false"
                "linuxConfiguration": {
                    "disablePasswordAuthentication": "true|false",
                    "ssh": {
                        "publicKeys": [
                                "path": "Path-Where-To-Place-Public-Key-On-VM",
                                "keyData": "PEM-Encoded-public-key-file"
            "storageProfile": {
                "osDisk": {
                    "osType": "Windows|Linux",
                    "name": "OSDiskName",
                    "diskSizeGB": "10",
                    "caching": "ReadWrite",
                    "managedDisk": {
                        "id": "CSM Id of the managed disk",
                        "storageAccountType": "Standard_LRS"
                    "diskRestorePoint": {
                        "id": "/subscriptions/<subId>/resourceGroups/<rgName>/restorePointCollections/<rpcName>/restorePoints/<rpName>/diskRestorePoints/<diskRestorePointName>"
                "dataDisks": [
                        "lun": "0",
                        "name": "datadisk0",
                        "diskSizeGB": "10",
                        "caching": "ReadWrite",
                        "managedDisk": {
                            "id": "CSM Id of the managed disk",
                            "storageAccountType": "Standard_LRS"
                        "diskRestorePoint": {
                            "id": "/subscriptions/<subId>/resourceGroups/<rgName>/restorePointCollections/<rpcName>/restorePoints/<rpName>/diskRestorePoints/<diskRestorePointName>"
            "diagnosticsProfile": {
                "bootDiagnostics": {
                    "enabled": true,
                    "storageUri": ""
        "provisioningState": "Succeeded | Failed | Creating | Deleting",
        "provisioningDetails": {
            "creationTime": "Creation Time of Restore point in UTC"
        "instanceView": {
            "statuses": [
                    "code": "ReplicationState/succeeded",
                    "level": "Info",
                    "displayStatus": "Replication succeeded"
            "diskRestorePoints": [
                    "id": "<diskRestorePoint Arm Id>",
                    "replicationStatus": {
                        "status": {
                            "code": "ReplicationState/succeeded",
                            "level": "Info",
                            "displayStatus": "Replication succeeded"
                        "completionPercent": "<completion percentage of the replication>"

Next steps