DiagramBuildValues Enum


Diagram Build Types

public enum DiagramBuildValues
public readonly struct DiagramBuildValues : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IEnumValue, DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IEnumValueFactory<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.DiagramBuildValues>, IEquatable<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.DiagramBuildValues>


Name Value Description
Whole 0

Diagram Build Type Enum ( Whole ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "whole".

DepthByNode 1

Diagram Build Type Enum ( Depth By Node ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "depthByNode".

DepthByBranch 2

Diagram Build Type Enum ( Depth By Branch ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "depthByBranch".

BreadthByNode 3

Diagram Build Type Enum ( Breadth By Node ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "breadthByNode".

BreadthByLevel 4

Diagram Build Type Enum ( Breadth By Level ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "breadthByLvl".

Clockwise 5

Diagram Build Type Enum ( Clockwise ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "cw".

ClockwiseIn 6

Diagram Build Type Enum ( Clockwise-In ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "cwIn".

ClockwiseOut 7

Diagram Build Type Enum ( Clockwise-Out ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "cwOut".

CounterClockwise 8

Diagram Build Type Enum ( Counter-Clockwise ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "ccw".

CounterClockwiseIn 9

Diagram Build Type Enum ( Counter-Clockwise-In ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "ccwIn".

CounterClockwiseOut 10

Diagram Build Type Enum ( Counter-Clockwise-Out ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "ccwOut".

InByRing 11

Diagram Build Type Enum ( In-By-Ring ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "inByRing".

OutByRing 12

Diagram Build Type Enum ( Out-By-Ring ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "outByRing".

Up 13

Diagram Build Type Enum ( Up ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "up".

Down 14

Diagram Build Type Enum ( Down ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "down".

AllAtOnce 15

Diagram Build Type Enum ( All At Once ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "allAtOnce".

Custom 16

Diagram Build Type Enum ( Custom ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "cust".


Diagram Build Type Enum ( All At Once ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "allAtOnce".


Diagram Build Type Enum ( Breadth By Level ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "breadthByLvl".


Diagram Build Type Enum ( Breadth By Node ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "breadthByNode".


Diagram Build Type Enum ( Clockwise ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "cw".


Diagram Build Type Enum ( Clockwise-In ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "cwIn".


Diagram Build Type Enum ( Clockwise-Out ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "cwOut".


Diagram Build Type Enum ( Counter-Clockwise ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "ccw".


Diagram Build Type Enum ( Counter-Clockwise-In ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "ccwIn".


Diagram Build Type Enum ( Counter-Clockwise-Out ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "ccwOut".


Diagram Build Type Enum ( Custom ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "cust".


Diagram Build Type Enum ( Depth By Branch ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "depthByBranch".


Diagram Build Type Enum ( Depth By Node ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "depthByNode".


Creates a new DiagramBuildValues enum instance


Diagram Build Type Enum ( Down ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "down".

Equality(DiagramBuildValues, DiagramBuildValues)

Diagram Build Type Enum ( In-By-Ring ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "inByRing".

Inequality(DiagramBuildValues, DiagramBuildValues)

Diagram Build Type Enum ( Out-By-Ring ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "outByRing".


Diagram Build Type Enum ( Up ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "up".


Diagram Build Type Enum ( Whole ).

When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "whole".

Applies to

Tuote Versiot
DocumentFormat.OpenXml 2.7.1, 2.7.2, 2.8.0, 2.8.1, 2.9.0, 2.9.1, 2.10.0, 2.10.1, 2.11.0, 2.11.1, 2.11.2, 2.11.3, 2.12.0, 2.12.1, 2.12.2, 2.12.3, 2.13.0, 2.13.1, 2.14.0, 2.15.0, 2.16.0, 2.17.1, 2.18.0, 2.19.0, 2.20.0, 3.0.0, 3.0.1