

View personal and organization information

The Account settings dashboard in Permissions Management allows you to view personal information, passwords, and account preferences. This information can't be modified because the user information is pulled from Microsoft Entra-only User Session Time(min).

View personal information

  • From the Permissions Management home page, select the down arrow to the right of the User (your initials) menu, then select Account Settings.

    The Personal Information box displays your First Name, Last Name, and the Email Address used to register your account with Permissions Management.

View current organization information

  1. From the Permissions Management home page, select the down arrow to the right of the User (your initials) menu, then select Account Settings.

    The Current Organization Information displays the Name of your organization, the Tenant ID box, and the User Session Timeout (min).

  2. To change duration of the User Session Timeout (min), select Edit (the pencil icon), then enter the number of minutes before you want a user session to time out.

  3. Select the checkmark to confirm your new setting.

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