Exchange Onlinen hallinta Windows PowerShellin avulla - Training
Tässä moduulissa käsitellään postilaatikoiden, resurssien ja järjestelmänvalvojaroolien hallintaa Exchange Onlinessa PowerShellin kanssa.
Tätä selainta ei enää tueta.
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Notwithstanding any other terms that may be applicable to your use of the EWS Content (defined below), the following restrictions apply to your use of documentation, software code or other materials made available by Microsoft from this web site that are associated with Microsoft Exchange Web Services Managed API, version 1.1 or later, or Exchange Web Services in Exchange Server 2010 SP1 or later versions of the Exchange Server product, including any pre-release or finalized versions thereof (collectively, "EWS Content"): you may use the EWS Content solely in programs developed by you that interoperate with Microsoft Exchange Server.
Exchange Onlinen hallinta Windows PowerShellin avulla - Training
Tässä moduulissa käsitellään postilaatikoiden, resurssien ja järjestelmänvalvojaroolien hallintaa Exchange Onlinessa PowerShellin kanssa.