Published intranets in SharePoint Server 2010
Applies to: SharePoint Server 2010
Summary: Learn about the tasks you should perform to plan, develop, deploy, operate, and use a published intranet site based on SharePoint Server 2010.
A published intranet site is a site that is internal to an organization and uses the publishing features in UNRESOLVED_TOKEN_VAL(1st_OSS_14) to host content for the whole organization. This is usually the main communications site or portal for the organization. Typically, such a site is not available to external users. The site is usually branded and is not a collaboration mechanism, but instead it's a place to provide information that should be widely shared with the whole organization.
To get started:
Review Key Features and Assumptions
Download and review the Task Map
Download and review the Tasks that you need to perform throughout the life cycle of a published intranet site
For this solution, the following features are used extensively:
Content approval workflow
Custom Web Parts
RSS feeds
For this solution, we made the following assumptions:
Content is managed and must be approved An editorial team sets the structure, standards, and schedule for content and approves content before it is published.
Content deployment is not required This solution has a combined authoring and publishing environment and does not have to have content deployment.
Collaboration sites are not included Collaboration sites have a different content structure and permission model. Search is used to index and expose content from related collaboration sites.
This task map provides an overview of the tasks that you must perform to set up a published intranet site in your organization.
The map is a visual representation of the tasks for each phase of the deployment life cycle. For detailed information, see the Tasks section.
A small preview version of the task map for the Published Intranet solution.
Download the Published Intranet task map
Zoom into the Published Intranet task map
Follow the tasks in the order in which they are presented to create and operate a published intranet site for your organization. View the tasks by downloading one of the following:
Complete task map (PDF format or Mindjet MindManager format)
Contains a high level visual display of all tasks identified for this solution.
Complete list of tasks with brief descriptions and links to more information (Microsoft Word format)
Contains a detailed list of tasks. Includes descriptions and links to content related to the tasks.
Design sample: Corporate deployment (SharePoint Server 2010)
Enterprise intranet publishing environment technical case study (SharePoint Server 2010)
SharePoint on the Internet and in the intranet—different environments, similar needs