Troubleshoot issues with the Sales Premium features
This article helps you troubleshoot and resolve issues related to the Sales Premium features.
Issue: Can't install or Sales Insights features doesn't work as defined
This issue could occur when some of the processes that are related to Sales Insights are disabled in your organization and a warning message is displayed in the Sales Insights settings page as shown below:
One or more processes are disabled. Please enable them.
To solve this issue, enable the Sales Insights processes that are disabled. Follow these steps:
In your app, select the Settings icon, and then select Advanced Settings.
The Business Management page opens.
On the navigation bar, select Settings, and then under Process Center, select Processes.
On the Processes page, choose the All Processes view and the search for sale insights.
A list of Sales Insights processes is displayed.
Verify that the statuses of all Sales Insights processes are in Activated state. In this example, you can see that the Sales Insights ActionCard stat aggregator, Sales Insights CES API Handler, and Sales Insights create similar opportunity prediction model processes are in draft state.
Select the processes that are in Draft state and activate.
Microsoft Dynamics 365:n asiakaskokemusanalyytikkona olet vastuussa Dynamics 365 Sales -palvelun toiminnallisuuden määrittämisestä, mukauttamisesta ja laajentamisesta. Näin voit luoda liiketoimintaratkaisuja, jotka tukevat, automatisoivat ja nopeuttavat yrityksen myyntiprosessia.
Voit nopeuttaa myyntiprosessia Dynamics 365:n myynnin nopeuttaja -ohjelmalla. Se tarjoaa räätälöidyn käyttökokemuksen, joka auttaa heitä priorisoimaan asiakkaita ja tehostamaan toimintatapaansa.