Appointments aren't synchronized to Exchange or Outlook in Microsoft Dynamics 365
If appointments aren't synchronized to Microsoft Exchange or Outlook after being created in Microsoft Dynamics 365, check the steps in this article to ensure your mailbox is configured correctly.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Original KB number: 4509420
Cause 1: The mailbox record isn't configured to synchronize appointments, contacts, and tasks
An administrator should verify the mailbox is configured to synchronize appointments, contacts, and tasks:
Within the Microsoft Dynamics 365 web application, navigate to Settings and then select Email Configuration.
Select Mailboxes and then change the view to Active Mailboxes.
Open the mailbox record for the user.
Verify the Appointments, Contacts, and Tasks synchronization method is configured to use Server-Side Synchronization, and the mailbox is tested and enabled. The Appointments, Contacts, and Tasks Status should be Success.
If the mailbox is configured to use Dynamics 365 for Outlook, verify the user has Dynamics 365 for Outlook installed and running on their computer.
Cause 2: The appointment doesn't meet the conditions used in synchronization filters for the Appointment entity
To solve this issue, you should verify the properties of the appointment record meet the conditions in your synchronization filters:
Select the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the screen and then select Options.
Select the Synchronization tab and then select the option to view or manage filters.
Locate the filter(s) for the Returned Type set to Appointment.
The default filter only synchronizes appointments where you're a party on the appointment but aren't just the owner. This means you need to be in the Required Attendees field or the Organizer field.
Microsoft Dynamics 365:n asiakaskokemusanalyytikkona olet vastuussa Dynamics 365 Sales -palvelun toiminnallisuuden määrittämisestä, mukauttamisesta ja laajentamisesta. Näin voit luoda liiketoimintaratkaisuja, jotka tukevat, automatisoivat ja nopeuttavat yrityksen myyntiprosessia.