29. huhtik. klo 14 - 30. huhtik. klo 19
Liity viimeisiin Windows Server -virtuaalitapahtumiin 29.–30. huhtikuuta, niin saat syvälliset tekniset istunnot ja reaaliaikaisen Q&A:n Microsoftin teknikoiden kanssa.
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Troubleshooting NCSI (Network Connectivity Status Indicator) issues are generally performed with packet capture data but NCSI event logs can also be a useful tool when correlated with the packet traffic. This guide serves to assist users on how diagnosing NCSI issues from common scenarios.
To open the Event Viewer, right-click on Start > Event Viewer.
Alternatively, open the Run prompt by pressing Win+R and typing eventviewer.exe.
Expand Applications and Service Logs > Microsoft > Windows > NCSI.
Right-click NCSI, select View > Show Analytic and Debug Logs.
Right-click on Analytic under the NCSI folder, select Enable Log.
A dialog box may notify you that you may lose Analytic and Debug log events when logging is enabled. Select Ok to proceed.
Performing the actions mentioned above will facilitate in data retrieval. For easier analysis, convert the generated logs to text format. While in the Event Viewer, follow these steps:
Expand Applications and Service Logs > Microsoft > Windows > NCSI.
The "Save As" dialog box opens. Set the "save as type" to text (*.txt), name your file and select your location. Select Save.
Here's an example of a successful connection output:
Information 4/26/2023 12:17:46 PM Microsoft-Windows-NCSI 4013 Internet Connectivity Detection Active Internet Probe started on interface {611346db-8fbb-473d-808b-6c7573b3ef4d}
Information 4/26/2023 12:17:46 PM Microsoft-Windows-NCSI 4017 Internet Connectivity Detection Active Internet Probe (HTTP) started on interface {611346db-8fbb-473d-808b-6c7573b3ef4d}
Information 4/26/2023 12:17:48 PM Microsoft-Windows-NCSI 4005 Wait for Internet Connectivity Entered State: Internet Connectivity Interface Luid: 0x6008001000000
Information 4/26/2023 12:18:07 PM Microsoft-Windows-NCSI 4018 Internet Connectivity Detection Active Internet Probe (HTTP) finished on interface {611346db-8fbb-473d-808b-6c7573b3ef4d}
Information 4/26/2023 12:18:07 PM Microsoft-Windows-NCSI 4014 Internet Connectivity Detection Active Internet Probe finished on interface {611346db-8fbb-473d-808b-6c7573b3ef4d} (false)
Here's an example of a failed connection output:
Information 4/26/2023 12:01:02 PM Microsoft-Windows-NCSI 4013 Internet Connectivity Detection Active Internet Probe started on interface {611346db-8fbb-473d-808b-6c7573b3ef4d}
Information 4/26/2023 12:01:02 PM Microsoft-Windows-NCSI 4017 Internet Connectivity Detection Active Internet Probe (HTTP) started on interface {611346db-8fbb-473d-808b-6c7573b3ef4d}
Information 4/26/2023 12:01:04 PM Microsoft-Windows-NCSI 4005 Wait for Internet Connectivity Entered State: Local Connectivity Interface Luid: 0x6008001000000
Information 4/26/2023 12:03:23 PM Microsoft-Windows-NCSI 4018 Internet Connectivity Detection Active Internet Probe (HTTP) finished on interface {611346db-8fbb-473d-808b-6c7573b3ef4d}
Warning 4/26/2023 12:03:23 PM Microsoft-Windows-NCSI 4051 None Active probe result code on interface {611346db-8fbb-473d-808b-6c7573b3ef4d} (0x6008001000000 Family: V4) = 12007
Correlate both the Analytic and Operational NCSI events with the packet capture timestamps to determine whether the active probe was fired, if it completed, and why it failed. To learn more about Winhttp error codes, see error messages (Winhttp.h).
You can troubleshoot an issue by forcing an active probe to see if it completes. The easiest way to do this is to cause a network change event. The following demonstrates this on both wired and wireless connections:
29. huhtik. klo 14 - 30. huhtik. klo 19
Liity viimeisiin Windows Server -virtuaalitapahtumiin 29.–30. huhtikuuta, niin saat syvälliset tekniset istunnot ja reaaliaikaisen Q&A:n Microsoftin teknikoiden kanssa.
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