The BrushType enumeration indicates the type of brush. There are five types of brushes. |
The CombineMode enumeration specifies how a new region is combined with an existing region. |
The CompositingMode enumeration specifies how rendered colors are combined with background colors. This enumeration is used by the Graphics::GetCompositingMode and Graphics::SetCompositingMode methods of the Graphics class. |
The CompositingQuality enumeration specifies whether gamma correction is applied when colors are blended with background colors. |
The CoordinateSpace enumeration specifies coordinate spaces. |
The DashCap enumeration specifies the type of graphic shape to use on both ends of each dash in a dashed line. |
The DashStyle enumeration specifies the line style of a line drawn with a Windows GDI+ pen. The line can be drawn by using one of several predefined styles or a custom style. |
The DriverStringOptions enumeration specifies the spacing, orientation, and quality of the rendering for driver strings. |
The EmfPlusRecordType enumeration identifies metafile record types used in Windows Metafile Format (WMF), Enhanced Metafile (EMF), and EMF+ files. The elements of the EmfPlusRecordType enumeration come in three groups. |
Specifies options for the Metafile::EmfToWmfBits method, which converts an Enhanced Metafile (EMF) metafile to a Windows Metafile Format (WMF) metafile. |
The EmfType enumeration specifies the nature of the records that are placed in an Enhanced Metafile (EMF) file. This enumeration is used by several constructors in the Metafile class. |
The EncoderParameterValueType enumeration specifies data types for image codec (encoder/decoder) parameters. An element of this enumeration is assigned to the Type data member of an EncoderParameter object. |
The EncoderValue enumeration specifies values that can be passed as arguments to image encoders. For more information about image encoders, see Using Image Encoders and Decoders . |
The FillMode enumeration specifies how to fill areas that are formed when a path or curve intersects itself. |
The FlushIntention enumeration specifies when to flush the queue of graphics operations. |
The FontStyle enumeration specifies the style of the typeface of a font. Styles can be combined. |
The HatchStyle enumeration specifies the hatch pattern used by a brush of type HatchBrush. The hatch pattern consists of a solid background color and lines drawn over the background. |
The HotkeyPrefix enumeration specifies how to display hot keys. There are three options:_do nothing, display hot keys underlined, and hide the hot key underlines. |
The ImageType enumeration indicates whether an image is a bitmap or a metafile. The Image::GetType method returns an element of this enumeration. |
The InterpolationMode enumeration specifies the algorithm that is used when images are scaled or rotated. This enumeration is used by the Graphics::GetInterpolationMode and Graphics::SetInterpolationMode methods of the Graphics class. |
The LinearGradientMode enumeration specifies the direction in which the change of color occurs for a linear gradient brush. |
The LineCap enumeration specifies the type of graphic shape to use on the end of a line drawn with a Windows GDI+ pen. |
The LineJoin enumeration specifies how to join two lines that are drawn by the same pen and whose ends meet. At the intersection of the two line ends, a line join makes the join look more continuous. |
The MatrixOrder enumeration specifies the order of multiplication when a new matrix is multiplied by an existing matrix. |
The MetafileFrameUnit enumeration specifies the unit of measure for a metafile frame rectangle. |
The MetafileType enumeration specifies types of metafiles. The MetafileHeader::GetType method returns an element of this enumeration. |
The ObjectType enumeration indicates the object type value of an EMF+ record. |
The PathPointType enumeration indicates point types and flags for the data points in a path. |
The PenAlignment enumeration specifies the alignment of a pen relative to the stroke that is being drawn. |
The PenType enumeration indicates the type of pattern, texture, or gradient that a pen draws. |
The PixelOffsetMode enumeration specifies the pixel offset mode of a Graphics object. This enumeration is used by the Graphics::GetPixelOffsetMode and Graphics::SetPixelOffsetMode methods of the Graphics class. |
The SmoothingMode enumeration specifies the type of smoothing (antialiasing) that is applied to lines and curves. This enumeration is used by the Graphics::GetSmoothingMode and Graphics::SetSmoothingMode methods of the Graphics class. |
The StringAlignment enumeration specifies how a string is aligned in reference to the bounding rectangle. A bounding rectangle is used to define the area in which the text displays. |
The StringDigitSubstitute enumeration specifies how to substitute digits in a string according to a user's locale or language. |
The StringFormatFlags enumeration specifies text layout information (such as orientation and clipping) and display manipulations (such as ellipsis insertion, digit substitution, and representation of characters that are not supported by a font). |
The StringTrimming enumeration specifies how to trim characters from a string so that the string fits into a layout rectangle. The layout rectangle is used to position and size the display string. |
The TextRenderingHint enumeration specifies the process used to render text. The process affects the quality of the text. |
The Unit enumeration specifies the unit of measure for a given data type. |
The WarpMode enumeration specifies warp modes that can be used to transform images. |
The WrapMode enumeration specifies how repeated copies of an image are used to tile an area. |