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Deploy a user-managed glossary

Azure AI Translator containers enable you to run several features of the Translator service in your own environment and are great for specific security and data governance requirements.

There can be times when you're running a container with a multi-layered ingestion process when you discover that you need to implement an update to sentence and/or phrase files. Since the standard phrase and sentence files are encrypted and read directly into memory at runtime, you need to implement a quick-fix engineering solution to implement a dynamic update. This update can be implemented using our user-managed glossary feature:

  • To deploy the phrase​fix solution, you need to create a phrase​fix glossary file to specify that a listed phrase is translated in a specified way.

  • To deploy the sent​fix solution, you need to create a sent​fix glossary file to specify an exact target translation for a source sentence.

  • The phrase​fix and sent​fix files are then included with your translation request and read directly into memory at runtime.

Managed glossary workflow


UTF-16 LE is the only accepted file format for the managed-glossary folders. For more information about encoding your files, see Encoding

  1. To get started manually creating the folder structure, you need to create and name your folder. The managed-glossary folder is encoded in UTF-16 LE BOM format and nests phrase​fix or sent​fix source and target language files. Let's name our folder customhotfix. Each folder can have phrase​fix and sent​fix files. You provide the source (src) and target (tgt) language codes with the following naming convention:

    Glossary file name format Example file name


    • The phrase​fix solution is an exact find-and-replace operation. Any word or phrase listed is translated in the way specified.
    • The sent​fix solution is more precise and allows you to specify an exact target translation for a source sentence. For a sentence match to occur, the entire submitted sentence must match the sent​fix entry. If only a portion of the sentence matches, the entry doesn't match.
    • If you're hesitant about making sweeping find-and-replace changes, we recommend, at the outset, solely using the sent​fix solution.
  2. Next, to dynamically reload glossary entry updates, create a version.json file within the customhotfix folder. The version.json file should contain the following parameters: VersionId. An integer value.

    Sample version.json file

        "VersionId": 5


    Reload can be controlled by setting the following environmental variables when starting the container:

    • HotfixReloadInterval=. Default value is 5 minutes.
    • HotfixReloadEnabled=. Default value is true.
  3. Use the docker run command

    Docker run command required options

    docker run --rm -it -p 5000:5000 \
    -e eula=accept \
    -e billing={ENDPOINT_URI} \
    -e apikey={API_KEY} \
    -e Languages={LANGUAGES_LIST} \
    -e HotfixDataFolder={path to glossary folder}

    Example docker run command

    docker run -rm -it -p 5000:5000 \
    -v /mnt/d/models:/usr/local/models -v /mnt/d /customerhotfix:/usr/local/customhotfix \
    -e EULA=accept \
    -e billing={ENDPOINT_URI} \
    -e apikey={API_Key} \
    -e Languages=en,es \
    -e HotfixDataFolder=/usr/local/customhotfix\

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