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View deployment history with Azure Resource Manager

Azure Resource Manager enables you to view your deployment history. You can examine specific operations in past deployments and see which resources were deployed. This history contains information about any errors.

The deployment history for a resource group is limited to 800 deployments. As you near the limit, deployments are automatically deleted from the history. For more information, see Automatic deletions from deployment history.

For help with resolving particular deployment errors, see Troubleshoot common Azure deployment errors.

Correlation ID and support

Each deployment has a correlation ID, which is used to track related events. If you create an Azure support request, support may ask you for the correlation ID. Support uses the correlation ID to identify the operations for the failed deployment.

The examples in this article show how to retrieve the correlation ID.

Resource group deployments

You can view details about a resource group deployment through the Azure portal, PowerShell, Azure CLI, or REST API.

  1. Select the resource group you want to examine.

    Screenshot of selecting resource group.

  2. Select the link under Deployments.

    Screenshot of resource group overview that shows successful deployment.

  3. Select one of the deployments from the deployment history.

    Screenshot of highlighted link for a resource deployment.

  4. A summary of the deployment is displayed, including the correlation ID.

    Screenshot of resource group deployment history that highlights correlation ID.

Subscription deployments

You can view the history of deployments to a subscription.

  1. Select the subscription you want to examine.

    Screenshot of selecting subscription.

  2. In the left pane, select Deployments.

    Screenshot of subscription with deployments option.

  3. Select one of the deployments from the deployment history.

    Screenshot of deployment history for a subscription.

  4. A summary of the deployment is displayed, including the correlation ID.

    Screenshot of subscription deployment history that highlights correlation ID.

Management group deployments

You can view the history of deployments to a management group.

  1. Select the management group you want to examine. If you don't have sufficient permissions to view details about the management group, you won't be able to select it.

    Screenshot of selecting management group.

  2. In the left pane, select Deployments.

    Screenshot of management group overview that shows deployment option.

  3. Select one of the deployments from the deployment history.

    Screenshot of deployment history for management group.

  4. A summary of the deployment is displayed, including the correlation ID.

    Screenshot of management group deployment history that highlights correlation ID.

Tenant deployments

You can view the history of deployments to a tenant.

The portal doesn't currently show tenant deployments.

Deployment operations and error message

Each deployment can include multiple operations. To see more details about a deployment, view the deployment operations. When a deployment fails, the deployment operations include an error message.

  1. On the summary for a deployment, select Operation details.

    Screenshot of failed deployment that highlights link for operation details.

  2. You see the details for that step of the deployment. When an error occurs, the details include the error message.

    Screenshot of failed deployment's operation details.

Next steps