Details of the Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty Baseline Global Policies Regulatory Compliance built-in initiative
The following article details how the Azure Policy Regulatory Compliance built-in initiative
definition maps to compliance domains and controls in Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty Baseline Global Policies.
For more information about this compliance standard, see
Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty Baseline Global Policies. To understand
Ownership, review the policy type and
Shared responsibility in the cloud.
The following mappings are to the Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty Baseline Global Policies controls. Many of the controls
are implemented with an Azure Policy initiative definition. To review the complete
initiative definition, open Policy in the Azure portal and select the Definitions page.
Then, find and select the [Preview]: Sovereignty Baseline - Global Policies Regulatory Compliance built-in
initiative definition.
Each control below is associated with one or more Azure Policy definitions.
These policies may help you assess compliance with the
control; however, there often is not a one-to-one or complete match between a control and one or
more policies. As such, Compliant in Azure Policy refers only to the policy definitions
themselves; this doesn't ensure you're fully compliant with all requirements of a control. In
addition, the compliance standard includes controls that aren't addressed by any Azure Policy
definitions at this time. Therefore, compliance in Azure Policy is only a partial view of your
overall compliance status. The associations between compliance domains, controls, and Azure Policy
definitions for this compliance standard may change over time. To view the change history, see the
GitHub Commit History.
SO.1 - Data Residency
Azure products must be deployed to and configured to use approved regions.
This policy enables you to restrict the locations your organization can specify when deploying resources. Use to enforce your geo-compliance requirements. Excludes resource groups, Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/b2cDirectories, and resources that use the 'global' region.
This policy enables you to restrict the locations your organization can specify when deploying Azure Cosmos DB resources. Use to enforce your geo-compliance requirements.
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