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Quickstart: Get news results using Bing News Search REST API and Go

This quickstart uses the Go language to call Bing News Search API. The results include names and URLs of news sources identified by the query string.


  • Install the Go binaries.
  • Install the go-spew library to use a deep pretty printer to display the results. Use this command to install the library: $ go get -u

Create a project and import libraries

Create a new Go project in your IDE or editor. Then, import net/http for requests, ioutil to read the response, encoding/json to handle the JSON text of results, and the go-spew library to parse the JSON results.

package main

import (

Create a struct to format the news search results

The NewsAnswer struct formats the data provided in the response JSON, which is multilevel and complex. The following implementation covers the essentials:

// This struct formats the answer provided by the Bing News Search API.
type NewsAnswer struct {
    ReadLink       string `json: "readLink"` 
    QueryContext   struct {
        OriginalQuery   string   `json: "originalQuery"`
		AdultIntent     bool        `json: "adultIntent"`
	} `json: "queryContext"`
	TotalEstimatedMatches   int  `json: totalEstimatedMatches"` 
	Sort  []struct {
	    Name    string  `json: "name"`
		ID       string    `json: "id"`
		IsSelected       bool  `json: "isSelected"`
		URL      string   `json: "url"`
	}  `json: "sort"` 
	Value   []struct   {
	    Name     string   `json: "name"`
		URL   string    `json: "url"`
		Image   struct   {
		    Thumbnail   struct  {
			    ContentUrl  string  `json: "thumbnail"`
				Width   int  `json: "width"`
				Height  int   `json: "height"`
			} `json: "thumbnail"` 
		    } `json: "image"` 
			Description  string  `json: "description"`
			Provider  []struct   {
			    Type   string    `json: "_type"`
				Name  string     `json: "name"`
			} `json: "provider"` 
			DatePublished   string   `json: "datePublished"`
	} `json: "value"` 

Declare the main function and define variables

The following code declares the main function and assigns the required variables. Confirm that the endpoint is correct, and then replace the token value with a valid subscription key from your Azure account.

func main() {
    // Verify the endpoint URI and replace the token string with a valid subscription key.  
    const endpoint = ""
    token := "YOUR-ACCESS-KEY"
    searchTerm := "Microsoft Cognitive Services"

    // Declare a new GET request.
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", endpoint, nil)
    if err != nil {

    // The rest of the code in this example goes here in the main function.

Query and header

Add the query string and access key header.

// Add the query to the request.  
param := req.URL.Query()
param.Add("q", searchTerm)
req.URL.RawQuery = param.Encode()

// Insert the subscription-key header.  
req.Header.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", token)

GET request

Create the client and send the GET request.

// Instantiate a client.  
client := new(http.Client)

// Send the request to Bing.  
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {

Send the request

Send the request and read the results by using ioutil.

resp, err := client.Do(req)
    if err != nil {

// Close the connection.	
defer resp.Body.Close()

// Read the results
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {

Handle the response

The Unmarshall function extracts information from the JSON text returned by the Bing News Search API. Then, display nodes from the results with the go-spew pretty printer.

// Create a new answer object 
ans := new(NewsAnswer)
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &ans)
if err != nil {
fmt.Print("Output of BingAnswer: \r\n\r\n")
// Iterate over search results and print the result name and URL.
for _, result := range ans.Value{
spew.Dump(result.Name, result.URL)


The following output contains the name and URL of each result:

(string) (len=91) "Cognitive Services Market: Global Industry Analysis and Opportunity Assessment, 2019 - 2025"
(string) (len=142) ""
(string) (len=104) "Microsoft calls for greater collaboration to harness the power of AI to empower people with disabilities"
(string) (len=115) ""
(string) (len=70) "Microsoft 'Intelligent Cloud Hub' to build AI-ready workforce in India"
(string) (len=139) ""
(string) (len=81) "Skills shortage is stopping many Asian companies from embracing A.I., study shows"
(string) (len=106) ""
(string) (len=143) "Cognitive Computing in Healthcare Market Emerging Top Key Vendors- Apixio, MedWhat, Healthcare X.0, Apple, Google, Microsoft, and IBM 2017-2025"
(string) (len=40) ""
(string) (len=49) "Microsoft launches AI skills initiative in Brazil"
(string) (len=80) ""
(string) (len=45) "Kuwait's CITRA and Microsoft host AI OpenHack"
(string) (len=70) ""
(string) (len=51) "CITRA and Microsoft collaborate to host AI workshop"
(string) (len=123) ""

Next steps