ControlParser Classe
Certaines informations portent sur la préversion du produit qui est susceptible d’être en grande partie modifiée avant sa publication. Microsoft exclut toute garantie, expresse ou implicite, concernant les informations fournies ici.
public ref class ControlParser sealed
public sealed class ControlParser
type ControlParser = class
Public NotInheritable Class ControlParser
- Héritage
L’exemple de code suivant montre comment obtenir le balisage HTML d’un contrôle sur une page à l’aide de la ControlPersister classe et comment instancier un contrôle à partir de celle-ci à l’aide de la ControlParser classe . L’exemple montre également comment afficher les boîtes de dialogue Microsoft Windows à partir d’un concepteur.
#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
#using <System.Web.dll>
#using <System.Design.dll>
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Drawing::Design;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Web::UI;
using namespace System::Web::UI::Design;
using namespace System::Web::UI::WebControls;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::ComponentModel::Design;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms::Design;
// Provides a form with a multiline text box display.
private ref class StringDisplayForm: public Form
StringDisplayForm( String^ displayText )
this->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 400, 400 );
this->Text = "Control Persistence String";
System::Windows::Forms::TextBox^ tbox = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::TextBox;
tbox->Multiline = true;
tbox->Size = System::Drawing::Size( this->Width - 40, this->Height - 90 );
tbox->Text = displayText;
this->Controls->Add( tbox );
System::Windows::Forms::Button^ okButton = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button;
okButton->Text = "OK";
okButton->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 80, 24 );
okButton->Location = Point(this->Width - 100,this->Height - 60);
okButton->Anchor = AnchorStyles(AnchorStyles::Bottom | AnchorStyles::Right);
okButton->DialogResult = ::DialogResult::OK;
this->Controls->Add( okButton );
// Provides a form with a list for selection.
private ref class ControlSelectionForm: public Form
System::Windows::Forms::ListBox^ controlList;
ControlSelectionForm( array<System::Web::UI::Control^>^controlArray )
this->controlArray = controlArray;
this->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 400, 500 );
this->Text = "Control Persister Selection Form";
System::Windows::Forms::Label ^ label1 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label;
label1->Text = "Select the control to persist:";
label1->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 240, 20 );
label1->Location = Point(10,10);
this->Controls->Add( label1 );
controlList = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ListBox;
controlList->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 370, 400 );
controlList->Location = Point(10,30);
controlList->Anchor = AnchorStyles(AnchorStyles::Left | AnchorStyles::Top | AnchorStyles::Bottom | AnchorStyles::Right);
this->Controls->Add( controlList );
System::Windows::Forms::Button^ okButton = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button;
okButton->Text = "OK";
okButton->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 80, 24 );
okButton->Location = Point(this->Width - 100,this->Height - 60);
okButton->Anchor = AnchorStyles(AnchorStyles::Bottom | AnchorStyles::Right);
okButton->DialogResult = ::DialogResult::OK;
this->Controls->Add( okButton );
System::Windows::Forms::Button^ cancelButton = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button;
cancelButton->Text = "Cancel";
cancelButton->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 80, 24 );
cancelButton->Location = Point(this->Width - 200,this->Height - 60);
cancelButton->Anchor = AnchorStyles(AnchorStyles::Bottom | AnchorStyles::Right);
cancelButton->DialogResult = ::DialogResult::Cancel;
this->Controls->Add( cancelButton );
for ( int i = 0; i < controlArray->Length; i++ )
controlList->Items->Add( controlArray[ i ]->UniqueID );
// Provides a form with a multiline text box for input.
private ref class StringInputForm: public Form
System::Windows::Forms::TextBox^ tbox;
this->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 400, 400 );
this->Text = "Input Control Persistence String";
tbox = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::TextBox;
tbox->Multiline = true;
tbox->Size = System::Drawing::Size( this->Width - 40, this->Height - 90 );
tbox->Text = "";
this->Controls->Add( tbox );
System::Windows::Forms::Button^ okButton = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button;
okButton->Text = "OK";
okButton->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 80, 24 );
okButton->Location = Point(this->Width - 100,this->Height - 60);
okButton->Anchor = AnchorStyles(AnchorStyles::Bottom | AnchorStyles::Right);
okButton->DialogResult = ::DialogResult::OK;
this->Controls->Add( okButton );
System::Windows::Forms::Button^ cancelButton = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button;
cancelButton->Text = "Cancel";
cancelButton->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 80, 24 );
cancelButton->Location = Point(this->Width - 200,this->Height - 60);
cancelButton->Anchor = AnchorStyles(AnchorStyles::Bottom | AnchorStyles::Right);
cancelButton->DialogResult = ::DialogResult::Cancel;
this->Controls->Add( cancelButton );
// Web control designer provides an interface
// to use the ControlPersister and ControlParser.
public ref class ControlParserPersisterDesigner: public System::Web::UI::Design::ControlDesigner
: ControlDesigner()
property System::ComponentModel::Design::DesignerVerbCollection^ Verbs
// Provides designer verb menu commands to
// persist a control and to load a persisted control.
[System::Security::Permissions::PermissionSetAttribute(System::Security::Permissions::SecurityAction::Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
virtual System::ComponentModel::Design::DesignerVerbCollection^ get() override
DesignerVerbCollection^ dvc = gcnew DesignerVerbCollection;
dvc->Add( gcnew DesignerVerb( "Load Persisted Control...",gcnew EventHandler( this, &ControlParserPersisterDesigner::loadPersistedControl ) ) );
dvc->Add( gcnew DesignerVerb( "Parse and Save Control...",gcnew EventHandler( this, &ControlParserPersisterDesigner::saveControl ) ) );
return dvc;
// Displays a textbox form to receive an HTML
// String* that represents a control, and creates
// a toolbox item for the control, if not already
// present in the selected toolbox category.
void loadPersistedControl( Object^ /*sender*/, EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
// Display a StringInputForm to obtain a persisted control String*.
StringInputForm^ inputForm = gcnew StringInputForm;
if ( inputForm->ShowDialog() != DialogResult::OK )
if ( inputForm->tbox->Text->Length < 2 )
// Obtain an IDesignerHost* for the design-mode document.
IDesignerHost^ host = dynamic_cast<IDesignerHost^>(this->Component->Site->GetService( IDesignerHost::typeid ));
// Create a Web control from the persisted control String*.
System::Web::UI::Control^ ctrl = ControlParser::ParseControl( host, inputForm->tbox->Text->Trim() );
// Create a Web control toolbox item for the type of the control
WebControlToolboxItem^ item = gcnew WebControlToolboxItem( ctrl->GetType() );
// Add the Web control toolbox item to the toolbox
IToolboxService^ toolService = dynamic_cast<IToolboxService^>(this->Component->Site->GetService( IToolboxService::typeid ));
if ( toolService != nullptr )
toolService->AddToolboxItem( item );
throw gcnew Exception( "IToolboxService* was not found." );
// Displays a list of controls in the project, if any,
// and displays the HTML representing the persisted, selected control.
void saveControl( Object^ /*sender*/, EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
// Get the collection of components in the current
// design mode document.
ComponentCollection^ documentComponents = this->Component->Site->Container->Components;
// Filter the components to those that derive from the
// System::Web::UI::Control class.
// Create an IComponent* array of the maximum possible length needed.
array<IComponent^>^filterArray = gcnew array<IComponent^>(documentComponents->Count);
// Count the total qualifying components.
int total = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < documentComponents->Count; i++ )
// If the component derives from System::Web::UI::Control,
// copy a reference to the control to the filterArray
// array and increment the control count.
if ( System::Web::UI::Control::typeid->IsAssignableFrom( documentComponents[i]->GetType() ) )
if ( (dynamic_cast<System::Web::UI::Control^>(documentComponents[i]))->UniqueID != nullptr )
filterArray[total] = documentComponents[i];
if ( total == 0 )
throw gcnew Exception( "Document contains no System::Web::UI::Control components." );
// Move the components that derive from System::Web::UI::Control to a
// new array of the correct size.
array<System::Web::UI::Control^>^controlArray = gcnew array<System::Web::UI::Control^>(total);
for ( int i = 0; i < total; i++ )
controlArray[i] = dynamic_cast<System::Web::UI::Control^>(filterArray[i]);
// Create a ControlSelectionForm to provide a persistence
// configuration interface.
ControlSelectionForm^ selectionForm = gcnew ControlSelectionForm( controlArray );
// Display the form.
if ( selectionForm->ShowDialog() != DialogResult::OK )
// Validate the selection.
if ( selectionForm->controlList->SelectedIndex == -1 )
throw gcnew Exception( "You must select a control to persist." );
// Parse the selected control.
String^ persistedData = ControlPersister::PersistControl( controlArray[ selectionForm->controlList->SelectedIndex ] );
// Display the control persistence String* in a text box.
StringDisplayForm^ displayForm = gcnew StringDisplayForm( persistedData );
// Simple text display control hosts the ControlParserPersisterDesigner.
public ref class ControlParserPersisterDesignerControl: public WebControl
String^ text;
property String^ Text
String^ get()
return text;
void set( String^ value )
text = value;
: WebControl()
text = "Right-click here to access control persistence methods in design mode";
virtual void Render( HtmlTextWriter^ output ) override
output->Write( Text );
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Design;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.Design;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;
namespace ControlParserPersisterDesignerControl_CS
// Web control designer provides an interface
// to use the ControlPersister and ControlParser.
// The DesignerActionListCollection must run under "FullTrust",
// so you must also require your designer to run under "FullTrust".
Name = "FullTrust")]
Name = "FullTrust")]
public class ControlParserPersisterDesigner :
private DesignerActionListCollection _actLists = null;
public ControlParserPersisterDesigner()
: base()
// Creates designer menu commands to persist
// a control and to load a persisted control.
public override DesignerActionListCollection ActionLists
if (_actLists == null)
_actLists = new DesignerActionListCollection();
_actLists.Add(new ParserActionList(this));
return _actLists;
// A custom class for the DesignerActionList
private class ParserActionList : DesignerActionList
private ControlParserPersisterDesigner _parent;
private DesignerActionItemCollection _items;
public ParserActionList(ControlParserPersisterDesigner parent) :
_parent = parent;
public override DesignerActionItemCollection GetSortedActionItems()
if (_items == null)
// Create the collection
_items = new DesignerActionItemCollection();
_items.Add(new DesignerActionMethodItem(this, "saveControl", "Parse and Save Control...", true));
_items.Add(new DesignerActionMethodItem(this, "loadPersistedControl", "Load Persisted Control...", true));
return _items;
// Displays a list of controls in the project, if any,
// and displays the HTML markup for the selected control.
private void saveControl()
// Get the collection of components in the current
// design mode document.
ComponentCollection documentComponents =
// Filter the components to those that derive from the
// System.Web.UI.Control class.
// Create an IComponent array of the maximum possible length needed.
IComponent[] filterArray = new IComponent[documentComponents.Count];
// Count the total qualifying components.
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < documentComponents.Count; i++)
// If the component derives from System.Web.UI.Control,
// copy a reference to the control to the filterArray
// array and increment the control count.
if (typeof(System.Web.UI.Control).IsAssignableFrom(
if (((System.Web.UI.Control)documentComponents[i]).UniqueID
!= null)
filterArray[total] = documentComponents[i];
if (total == 0)
throw new Exception(
"Document contains no System.Web.UI.Control components.");
// Move the components that derive from System.Web.UI.Control to a
// new array of the correct size.
System.Web.UI.Control[] controlArray =
new System.Web.UI.Control[total];
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
controlArray[i] = (System.Web.UI.Control)filterArray[i];
// Create a ControlSelectionForm to select a control.
ControlSelectionForm selectionForm =
new ControlSelectionForm(controlArray);
// Display the form.
if (selectionForm.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
// Validate the selection.
if (selectionForm.controlList.SelectedIndex == -1)
throw new Exception("You must select a control to persist.");
// Parse the selected control into a persistence string.
string persistedData = ControlPersister.PersistControl(
// Display the persistence string in a text box.
StringDisplayForm displayForm =
new StringDisplayForm(persistedData);
// Displays a textbox form to receive an HTML
// string that represents a control, and creates
// a toolbox item for the control, if not already
// present in the selected toolbox category.
private void loadPersistedControl()
// Display a StringInputForm to obtain a persisted control string.
StringInputForm inputForm = new StringInputForm();
if (inputForm.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
if (inputForm.TBox.Text.Length < 2)
// Obtain an IDesignerHost for the design-mode document.
IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost)
// Create a Web control from the HTML markup.
System.Web.UI.Control ctrl =
ControlParser.ParseControl(host, inputForm.TBox.Text.Trim());
// Create a Web control toolbox item for the type of the control
System.Web.UI.Design.WebControlToolboxItem item =
new System.Web.UI.Design.WebControlToolboxItem(ctrl.GetType());
// Add the Web control toolbox item to the toolbox
IToolboxService toolService = (IToolboxService)
if (toolService != null)
throw new Exception("IToolboxService was not found.");
// Simple text display control hosts the ControlParserPersisterDesigner.
public class ControlParserPersisterDesignerControl :
private string _text;
public string Text
get { return _text; }
set { _text = value; }
public ControlParserPersisterDesignerControl()
: base()
_text = "Right-click here to access control persistence " +
"methods in design mode";
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output)
// Provides a form with a list for selection.
internal class ControlSelectionForm : Form
private System.Web.UI.Control[] controlArray;
public System.Windows.Forms.ListBox controlList;
public ControlSelectionForm(System.Web.UI.Control[] controlArray)
this.controlArray = controlArray;
this.Size = new Size(400, 500);
this.Text = "Control Selection Form";
System.Windows.Forms.Label label1 =
new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
label1.Text = "Select a control to parse:";
label1.Size = new Size(240, 20);
label1.Location = new Point(10, 10);
controlList = new System.Windows.Forms.ListBox();
controlList.Size = new Size(370, 400);
controlList.Location = new Point(10, 30);
controlList.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top |
AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right;
System.Windows.Forms.Button okButton =
new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
okButton.Text = "OK";
okButton.Size = new Size(80, 24);
okButton.Location =
new Point(this.Width - 100, this.Height - 60);
okButton.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right;
okButton.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
System.Windows.Forms.Button cancelButton =
new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
cancelButton.Text = "Cancel";
cancelButton.Size = new Size(80, 24);
cancelButton.Location =
new Point(this.Width - 200, this.Height - 60);
cancelButton.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right;
cancelButton.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
for (int i = 0; i < controlArray.Length; i++)
// Provides a form with a multiline text box display.
internal class StringDisplayForm : Form
private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox tbox =
new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
public System.Windows.Forms.TextBox TBox
get { return tbox; }
set { tbox = value; }
public StringDisplayForm(string displayText)
this.Size = new Size(400, 300);
this.Text = "Control Persistence String";
TBox.Multiline = true;
TBox.Size = new Size(this.Width - 40, this.Height - 90);
TBox.Text = displayText;
System.Windows.Forms.Button okButton =
new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
okButton.Text = "OK";
okButton.Size = new Size(80, 24);
okButton.Location =
new Point(this.Width - 100, this.Height - 60);
okButton.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right;
okButton.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
// Provides a form with a multiline text box for input.
internal class StringInputForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form
private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox tbox =
new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
public System.Windows.Forms.TextBox TBox
get { return tbox; }
public StringInputForm()
this.Size = new Size(400, 300);
this.Text = "Input Control Persistence String";
tbox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
tbox.Multiline = true;
tbox.Size = new Size(this.Width - 40, this.Height - 90);
tbox.Text = "";
System.Windows.Forms.Button okButton =
new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
okButton.Text = "OK";
okButton.Size = new Size(80, 24);
okButton.Location =
new Point(this.Width - 100, this.Height - 60);
okButton.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right;
okButton.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
System.Windows.Forms.Button cancelButton =
new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
cancelButton.Text = "Cancel";
cancelButton.Size = new Size(80, 24);
cancelButton.Location =
new Point(this.Width - 200, this.Height - 60);
cancelButton.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right;
cancelButton.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Design
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.UI.Design
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Windows.Forms.Design
Namespace ControlParserPersisterDesignerControl_VB
' Web control designer provides an interface
' to use the ControlPersister and ControlParser.
' The DesignerActionListCollection must run under "FullTrust",
' so you must also require your designer to run under "FullTrust".
<System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute( _
System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, _
Name:="FullTrust")> _
<System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute( _
Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, _
Name:="FullTrust")> _
Public Class ControlParserPersisterDesigner
Inherits System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner
Private _actLists As DesignerActionListCollection
Public Sub New()
End Sub
' Creates designer menu commands to persist
' a control and to load a persisted control.
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ActionLists() As System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerActionListCollection
If IsNothing(_actLists) Then
_actLists = New DesignerActionListCollection()
_actLists.Add(New ParserActionList(Me))
End If
Return _actLists
End Get
End Property
'Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Verbs() _
'As System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection
' Get
' Dim dvc As New DesignerVerbCollection()
' dvc.Add(New DesignerVerb("Load Persisted Control...", _
' New EventHandler(AddressOf Me.loadPersistedControl)))
' dvc.Add(New DesignerVerb("Parse and Save Control...", _
' New EventHandler(AddressOf Me.saveControl)))
' Return dvc
' End Get
'End Property
' Displays a textbox form to receive an HTML
' string that represents a control, and creates
' a toolbox item for the control, if not already
' present in the selected toolbox category.
Private Class ParserActionList
Inherits DesignerActionList
Private _parent As ControlParserPersisterDesigner
Private _items As DesignerActionItemCollection
Public Sub New(ByVal parent As ControlParserPersisterDesigner)
_parent = parent
End Sub
Public Overrides Function GetSortedActionItems() As System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerActionItemCollection
If IsNothing(_items) Then
_items = New DesignerActionItemCollection()
_items.Add(New DesignerActionMethodItem(Me, "saveControl", "Parse and Save Control...", True))
_items.Add(New DesignerActionMethodItem(Me, "loadPersistedControl", "Load Persisted Control...", True))
End If
Return _items
End Function
' Displays a list of controls in the project, if any,
' and displays the HTML markup for the selected control.
Private Sub saveControl()
' Get the collection of components in the current
' design mode document.
Dim documentComponents As ComponentCollection = _
' Filter the components to those that derive from the
' System.Web.UI.Control class.
' Create an IComponent array of the maximum possible length needed.
Dim filterArray(documentComponents.Count) As IComponent
' Count the total qualifying components.
Dim total As Integer = 0
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To documentComponents.Count - 1
' If the component derives from System.Web.UI.Control,
' copy a reference to the control to the filterArray
' array and increment the control count.
If GetType(System.Web.UI.Control).IsAssignableFrom(CType(documentComponents(i), Object).GetType()) Then
If Not (CType(documentComponents(i), System.Web.UI.Control).UniqueID Is Nothing) Then
filterArray(total) = documentComponents(i)
total += 1
End If
End If
Next i
If total = 0 Then
Throw New Exception( _
"Document contains no System.Web.UI.Control components.")
End If
' Move the components that derive from System.Web.UI.Control to a
' new array of the correct size.
Dim controlArray(total - 1) As System.Web.UI.Control
For i = 0 To total - 1
controlArray(i) = CType(filterArray(i), System.Web.UI.Control)
Next i
' Create a ControlSelectionForm to provide a persistence
' configuration interface.
Dim selectionForm As New ControlSelectionForm(controlArray)
' Display the form.
If selectionForm.ShowDialog() <> DialogResult.OK Then
End If
' Validate the selection.
If selectionForm.controlList.SelectedIndex = -1 Then
Throw New Exception("You must select a control to persist.")
End If
' Parse the selected control.
Dim persistedData As String = ControlPersister.PersistControl( _
' Display the control persistence string in a text box.
Dim displayForm As New StringDisplayForm(persistedData)
End Sub
' Displays a textbox form to receive an HTML
' string that represents a control, and creates
' a toolbox item for the control, if not already
' present in the selected toolbox category.
Private Sub loadPersistedControl()
' Display a StringInputForm to obtain a persisted control string.
Dim inputForm As New StringInputForm()
If inputForm.ShowDialog() <> DialogResult.OK Then
End If
If inputForm.TxBox.Text.Length < 2 Then
End If
' Obtain an IDesignerHost for the design-mode document.
Dim host As IDesignerHost = CType(Me.Component.Site.GetService(GetType(IDesignerHost)), IDesignerHost)
' Create a Web control from the persisted control string.
Dim ctrl As System.Web.UI.Control = ControlParser.ParseControl(host, inputForm.TxBox.Text.Trim())
' Create a Web control toolbox item for the type of the control.
Dim item As New System.Web.UI.Design.WebControlToolboxItem(ctrl.GetType())
' Add the Web control toolbox item to the toolbox.
Dim toolService As IToolboxService = CType(Me.Component.Site.GetService(GetType(IToolboxService)), IToolboxService)
If Not (toolService Is Nothing) Then
Throw New Exception("IToolboxService was not found.")
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Class
' Simple text display control hosts the ControlParserPersisterDesigner.
<DesignerAttribute(GetType(ControlParserPersisterDesigner), _
GetType(IDesigner))> _
Public Class ControlParserPersisterDesignerControl
Inherits System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl
Private _text As String
<Bindable(True), _
Category("Appearance"), _
DefaultValue("")> _
Public Property [Text]() As String
Return _text
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
_text = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub New()
[Text] = "Right-click here to access control persistence " & _
"methods in design mode"
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub Render(ByVal output As HtmlTextWriter)
End Sub
End Class
' Provides a form with a list for selection.
Friend Class ControlSelectionForm
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private controlArray() As System.Web.UI.Control
Public controlList As System.Windows.Forms.ListBox
Public Sub New(ByVal controlArray() As System.Web.UI.Control)
Me.controlArray = controlArray
Me.Size = New Size(400, 500)
Me.Text = "Control Persister Selection Form"
Dim label1 As New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
label1.Text = "Select the control to persist:"
label1.Size = New Size(240, 20)
label1.Location = New Point(10, 10)
controlList = New System.Windows.Forms.ListBox()
controlList.Size = New Size(370, 400)
controlList.Location = New Point(10, 30)
controlList.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left Or AnchorStyles.Top _
Or AnchorStyles.Bottom Or AnchorStyles.Right
Dim okButton As New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
okButton.Text = "OK"
okButton.Size = New Size(80, 24)
okButton.Location = New Point(Me.Width - 100, Me.Height - 60)
okButton.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom Or AnchorStyles.Right
okButton.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
Dim cancelButton As New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
cancelButton.Text = "Cancel"
cancelButton.Size = New Size(80, 24)
cancelButton.Location = New Point(Me.Width - 200, Me.Height - 60)
cancelButton.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom Or AnchorStyles.Right
cancelButton.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To controlArray.Length - 1
Next i
End Sub
End Class
' Provides a form with a multiline text box display.
Friend Class StringDisplayForm
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private tbox As New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
Public Property TxBox() As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Return tbox
End Get
Set(ByVal value As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)
tbox = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal displayText As String)
Me.Size = New Size(400, 300)
Me.Text = "Control Persistence String"
Dim tbox As New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
tbox.Multiline = True
tbox.Size = New Size(Me.Width - 40, Me.Height - 90)
tbox.Text = displayText
Dim okButton As New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
okButton.Text = "OK"
okButton.Size = New Size(80, 24)
okButton.Location = New Point(Me.Width - 100, Me.Height - 60)
okButton.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom Or AnchorStyles.Right
okButton.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
End Sub
End Class
' Provides a form with a multiline text box for input.
Friend Class StringInputForm
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private tbox As New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
Public Property TxBox() As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Return tbox
End Get
Set(ByVal value As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)
tbox = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub New()
Me.Size = New Size(400, 400)
Me.Text = "Input Control Persistence String"
tbox = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
tbox.Multiline = True
tbox.Size = New Size(Me.Width - 40, Me.Height - 90)
tbox.Text = ""
Dim okButton As New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
okButton.Text = "OK"
okButton.Size = New Size(80, 24)
okButton.Location = New Point(Me.Width - 100, Me.Height - 60)
okButton.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom Or AnchorStyles.Right
okButton.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
Dim cancelButton As New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
cancelButton.Text = "Cancel"
cancelButton.Size = New Size(80, 24)
cancelButton.Location = New Point(Me.Width - 200, Me.Height - 60)
cancelButton.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom Or AnchorStyles.Right
cancelButton.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
La classe T :System.Web.UI.Design.ControlParser fournit des méthodes qui peuvent créer un contrôle T :System.Web.UI.Control ou une interface T :System.Web.UI.ITemplate en analysant une chaîne de balisage représentant un contrôle ou un modèle de contrôle.
Equals(Object) |
Détermine si l'objet spécifié est égal à l'objet actuel. (Hérité de Object) |
Get |
Fait office de fonction de hachage par défaut. (Hérité de Object) |
Get |
Obtient le Type de l'instance actuelle. (Hérité de Object) |
Memberwise |
Crée une copie superficielle du Object actuel. (Hérité de Object) |
Parse |
Crée un contrôle à partir du balisage spécifié à l'aide de l'hôte de concepteur spécifié. |
Parse |
Crée un contrôle à partir du balisage spécifié à l'aide des directives et de l'hôte de concepteur spécifiés. |
Parse |
Crée un tableau de contrôles à partir du balisage spécifié à l'aide de l'hôte de concepteur spécifié. |
Parse |
Crée une interface ITemplate à partir du balisage de modèle spécifié. |
Parse |
Analyse le balisage de modèle spécifié et crée une interface ITemplate. |
To |
Retourne une chaîne qui représente l'objet actuel. (Hérité de Object) |
Produit | Versions |
.NET Framework | 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1 |
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