Aquaforest PDF

Aquaforest PDF connector contains a group of actions that performs different PDF operations like splitting, text extraction, barcode extraction and OCR operations for Office 365 and Power Automate.
This connector is available in the following products and regions:
Service | Class | Regions |
Logic Apps | Standard | All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure Government regions - Azure China regions - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Automate | Premium | All Power Automate regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Apps | Premium | All Power Apps regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Contact | |
Name | Aquaforest Support |
URL | | |
Connector Metadata | |
Publisher | Aquaforest Limited |
Website | |
Privacy policy | policy.pdf |
Categories | Content and Files;Data |
Aquaforest PDF connector contains a group of actions that performs different PDF operations like splitting, text extraction, barcode extraction and OCR operations for Office 365 and Flow.
First of all, you need to create an Aquaforest PDF API Account. This account is used to manage Aquaforest PDF Actions and Aquaforest PDF API. Use your active email address, because the subscription will be linked to this address. If you already have an account, just sign in here.
Login to the developer portal, go to the Products page and select the product you want to subscribe to.
Click the Subscribe button
Click the Confirm button to confirm your subscription request
You can access your API keys in your Profile page
The connector supports the following authentication types:
Default | Parameters for creating connection. | All regions | Not shareable |
Applicable: All regions
Parameters for creating connection.
This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
API Key | securestring | The API Key for this api | True |
Name | Calls | Renewal Period |
API calls per connection | 100 | 60 seconds |
Extract PDF pages by barcode |
Extract PDF files based on barcode matches defined by the user. Visit [] for more information. |
Extract PDF pages by text |
Extract PDF files based on text matches defined by the user. Visit [] for more information. |
Get barcode value |
Get Barcode From PDF. Visit [] for more information. |
Get data from PDF |
This action will extract important data from PDF files in the form of Key/Value pairs. |
Get PDF properties |
Gets the information about a PDF file |
Get text from PDF |
Get Text From PDF files based on the text location and regular expressions. Visit [] for more information. |
OCR PDF or images |
Generate searchable PDF from an image PDF or scanned images. Visit [] for more information. |
Split PDF by barcode |
Splits PDF files based on barcode matches defined by the user. Visit [] for documentation. In addition the Aquaforest Zonal Extraction Tool is available at []. |
Split PDF by page |
Splits PDF files based on split options defined by the user. Visit [] for documentation. |
Split PDF by text match |
Splits PDF files based on text matches defined by the user. Visit [] for documentation. In addition the Aquaforest Zonal Extraction Tool is available at []. |
Extract PDF files based on barcode matches defined by the user. Visit [] for more information.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The content of the source file |
File Name Template
fileNameTemplate | True | string |
Template for the output file if barcode is found |
No File Template
noTextFileName | True | string |
Template for the output file if no barcode is found |
File Name
sourceFileName | True | string |
The name of the source file |
barcodeFormats | array of string |
Specify the types of Barcode you want to identify |
location | True | string |
Area of the page - use the Zonal tool to obtain coordinates: [] |
regex | string |
If a regular expression is provided here, we will match any extracted barcode to it and return the match. |
Extract PDF files based on text matches defined by the user. Visit [] for more information.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The content of the source file |
File Name Template
fileNameTemplate | True | string |
Template for the output file if the text matches are found |
No File Template
noTextFileName | True | string |
Template for the output file if no text match is found |
File Name
sourceFileName | True | string |
The name of the source file |
expression | array of string |
Provide one or more value(s) here to be used with the property above, we will return the first text value that matches the rule stated above. |
location | True | string |
Area of the page - use the Zonal tool to obtain coordinates: [] |
position | string |
Use this to refine the text you extract more, select an option that matches your requirements |
regex | string |
If a regular expression is provided here, we will match any extracted text to it and return the match. |
Get Barcode From PDF. Visit [] for more information.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Barcode Result Template
barcodeResultTemplate | True | string |
Template for the output text result if a barcode is found |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The content of the source file |
No Barcode Template
noBarcodeTemplate | True | string |
Template for the output text result if no barcode is found |
Page Separator
pageSeparator | string |
Provide a page separator so that you can know where the page breaks are. |
pagerange | string |
Provide a page range you want to extract text from, this can be a single page number (1), multiple page numbers separated by commas (1,2,3), a page range (1-4) or a mixture of all (1,2,4-7). |
File Name
sourceFileName | True | string |
The name of the source file |
barcodeFormats | array of string |
Specify the types of Barcode you want to identify |
location | True | string |
Area of the page - use the Zonal tool to obtain coordinates: [] |
Page (Deprecated)
pagenumber | integer |
This property is deprecated, we advise you to use the Pages property. The Pages property applies to all zones and allows you select the pages you want to process. |
regex | string |
If a regular expression is provided here, we will match any extracted text to it and return the match. |
This action will extract important data from PDF files in the form of Key/Value pairs.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
settingName | True | string |
Enter the name of the setting here |
settingValue | True | string |
Enter the value of the setting here. |
Confidence Score
confidenceScore | number |
Set a higher confidence score to filter out values with lower confidence. You can set any value between 0 and 1. We recommend starting from 0.5 |
Date Conversion
dateAsISO | string |
Select which format to return date value as |
Expected Keys
expectedKeys | string |
Provide one key name per line to make values available to later actions without parsing JSON. |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The content of the source file |
Page Limit
pageLimit | integer |
Maximum number of pages to be processed |
Page Range
pageRange | string |
A string representation of the page numbers you want to process. E.g 1,3-4 |
Strip Currency Symbol
stripCurrencySymbol | boolean |
Set this to true if you want the symbols and strings to be removed before we return currency values |
Match Synonym
synonym | boolean |
Set this to true if you want us to return all the keys that are synonyms to the expected key. |
Synonym Dictionary
synonymDictionary | string |
You can provide a JSON array of “entry” objects, where each object contains a list of synonyms in an array. For instance, if you want “Invoice No” and “Invoice Number” (case-insensitive) to be interpreted as the same key, use the following JSON: [{'entry': [ 'Invoice No', 'invoice number' ]}] |
Trim Symbols
trimSymbols | boolean |
Set this to true if you want us to remove all leading and trailing symbols from the keys found before we match them to an expected key. |
Gets the information about a PDF file
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The content of the source file |
Page Limit
pageLimit | integer |
Maximum number of pages to be processed, this is only used to check if pages contain hidden text or to check if PDF is searchable |
- Body
- GetPDFInfoResponse
Get Text From PDF files based on the text location and regular expressions. Visit [] for more information.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The content of the source file |
No Text Match Template
noTextTemplate | True | string |
Template for the text to be returned if a match is not found |
Page Separator
pageSeparator | string |
Provide a page separator so that you can know where the page breaks are. |
pagerange | string |
Provide a page range you want to extract text from, this can be a single page number (1), multiple page numbers separated by commas (1,2,3), a page range (1-4) or a mixture of all (1,2,4-7). |
File Name
sourceFileName | True | string |
The name of the source file |
Text Result Template
textResultTemplate | True | string |
Template for the text to be returned if a match is found |
expression | array of string |
Provide one or more value(s) here to be used with the property above, we will return the first text value that matches the rule stated above. |
location | True | string |
Area of the page - use the Zonal tool to obtain coordinates: [] |
Page (Deprecated)
pagenumber | integer |
This property is deprecated, we advise you to use the Pages property. The Pages property applies to all zones and allows you select the pages you want to process. |
position | string |
Use this to refine the text you extract more, select an option that matches your requirements |
regex | string |
If a regular expression is provided here, we will match any extracted text to it and return the match. |
Generate searchable PDF from an image PDF or scanned images. Visit [] for more information.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
aquaforestImageTimeout | integer |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
author | string |
Set a custom Author in the output PDF document properties. |
autorotate | boolean |
Auto rotate the image – this will ensure all text oriented normally |
binarize | integer |
This value should generally only be used under guidance from technical support. It can control the way that color images are processed and force binarization with a particular threshold. A value of 200 has been shown to generally give good results in testing, but this should be confirmed with "typical" customer documents. By setting this to -1 an alternative method is used which will attempt to separate the text from any background images or colors. This can give improved OCR results for certain documents such as newspaper and magazine pages. |
Black pixel limit
blackPixelLimit | float |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
Blank page threshold
blankPageThreshold | integer |
Use this to set the minimum number of "On Pixels" that must be present in the image for a page not to be considered blank. A value of -1 will turn off blank page detection. |
Box size
boxSize | integer |
This option is ideal for forms where sometimes boxes around text can cause an area to be identified as graphics. This option removes boxes from the temporary copy of the imaged used by the OCR engine. It does not remove boxes from the final image. Technically, this option removes connected elements with a minimum area (in pixels and defined by this property). This option is currently only applied for bi-tonal images. |
convertToTiff | boolean |
Each page in the PDF document is rasterized to a TIFF image. |
createProcess | boolean |
Set this to true if you want to launch process through pinvoke. |
Creation Date
creationDate | string |
Set a custom creation date in the output PDF document properties. The date string must be in the format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'. |
deskew | boolean |
Deskew (straighten) the image. |
despeckle | integer |
This removes all disconnected elements within the image that have height or width in pixels less than the specified figure. The maximum value is 9 and the default value is 0. |
dictionaryLookup | integer |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
dotmatrix | boolean |
Set this to true to improve recognition of dot-matrix fonts. Default value is false. If set to true for non dot-matrix fonts then the recognition can be poor. |
Enable debug output
enableDebugOutput | boolean |
Enables debug output. |
Compress PDF (MRC)
enableMrc | boolean |
This enables Mixed Raster Compression which can dramatically reduce the output size of PDFs comprising color scans. Note that this option is only suitable when the source is not a PDF or using ConvertToTiff. |
PDF/A Output
enablePDFAOutput | boolean |
Whether or not to output as PDF/A. |
Error mode
errorMode | integer |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
Source file content
fileContent | True | byte |
Content of the file to OCR |
Source file name with extension
fileNameWithExtension | True | string |
The source file name with extension or just the extension (with a leading period '.') |
Flip detect
flipDetect | integer |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
Grayscale quality
grayscaleQuality | integer |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
heuristics | integer |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
jbig2EncFlags | string |
These are the flags that will be passed to the application used to generate JBIG2 versions of images used in PDF generation (assuming this compression is enabled). This option should generally only be used under guidance from technical support. |
language | enum |
Selecting one of the option below sets the language to be used for the OCR processing. The default language is English. |
libTiffSavePageAsBmp | boolean |
Sometimes if there is an image which is 1bpp and has LZW compression, the pre-processing can cause the colour of the image to be inverted (black to white and white to black). Set this to true to avoid this. |
Maximum deskew
maxDeskew | float |
Maximum angle by which a page will be deskewed. This option should generally only be used under guidance from technical support ( |
Minimum deskew confidence
minDeskewConfidence | float |
This option should generally only be used under guidance from technical support ( |
Modified Date
modifiedDate | string |
Set a custom modified date in the output PDF document properties. The date string must be in the format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'. |
morph | string |
Morphological options that will be applied to the binarized image before OCR. If set to empty none is applied. Common options include those listed below but for more options please contact |
mrcBackgroundFactor | integer |
Sampling size for the background portion of the image. The higher the number, the larger the size of the image blocks used for averaging which will result in a reduction in size but also quality. Default value is 3 |
mrcForegroundFactor | integer |
Sampling size for the foreground portion of the image. The higher the number, the larger the size of the image blocks used for averaging which will result in a reduction in size but also quality. Default value is 3 |
mrcQuality | integer |
JPEG quality setting (percentage value 1 - 100) for use in saving the background and foreground images. Default value is 75 |
mrcTimeout | integer |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
noPictures | boolean |
By default, if an area of the document is identified as a graphic area then no OCR processing is run on that area. However, certain documents may include areas or boxes that are identified as "graphic" or "picture" areas but that actually do contain useful text. Setting NoPictures to True will cause it to ignore areas identified as pictures whilst setting it to False will force OCR of areas identified as pictures. |
ocrProcessSetupTimeout | integer |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
ocrTimeout | integer |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
password | string |
The password to open the source PDF file |
pdfToImageBpp | enum |
The Bits Per Pixel to use for the rasterized PDF page when using engine 1. This only applies for documents that are processed using ConvertToTiff. The default value for this property is taken from the PDF page. |
pdfToImageCompression | enum |
The compression to set to the images extracted or rasterized from each page of the source PDF file. These images are then OCRed to create the searchable PDF. The default value for this property is taken from each page in the source PDF file. |
pdfToImageDpi | enum |
The DPI to set to the images rasterized from each page of the source PDF file. These images are then OCRed to create the searchable PDF. The default value for this property is taken from each page in the source PDF file. |
pdfToImageForceVectorCheck | boolean |
This setting is useful when dealing with documents that contains vector objects (e.g. CAD drawings). By default, pages that contain only vector objects are rasterized. Pages that do not have any images but contain vector objects as well as electronic text are skipped from rasterization. However, sometimes there can be a page that contains vector objects (CAD drawings) but its title may be in electronic text. To force rasterizing pages like these, set this property to true. |
pdfToImageIncludeText | boolean |
When set to False this will prevent the conversion of real text (i.e. electronically generated as opposed to text that is part of a scanned image) from being rendered in the page images extracted from the PDF. This is because the text is already searchable and so generally does not require OCR. The value can be set to True however if the OCR is required on this real text. |
pdfToImageMaxRes | integer |
The maximum resolution of the rasterized images. If the resolution retrieved from the PDF page is bigger than this value, it will be set to this value. The default value for this property is 600. |
pdfToImageMinRes | integer |
The minimum resolution of the rasterized images. If the resolution retrieved from the PDF page is lower than this value, it will be set to this value. The default value for this property is 200. |
PDF/A Version
pdfaVersion | enum |
The PDF/A version. |
pipeClientConnectionTimeout | integer |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
removeBlankPage | boolean |
Remove blank pages when BlankPageThreshold is greater than -1 and ConvertToTiff is true. |
removeLines | boolean |
Remove lines from images fpr better recognition. |
restartEngineEvery | integer |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
Retain bookmarks
retainBookmarks | boolean |
Retains any bookmarks from the source file in the output when using ConvertToTiff. |
Retain creation date
retainCreationDate | boolean |
Retains the creation date of the source file in the output PDF document properties. |
Retain metadata
retainMetadata | boolean |
Retains any metadata from the source file in the output when using ConvertToTiff. |
Retain modified date
retainModifiedDate | boolean |
Retains the modified date of the source file in the output PDF document properties. |
Retain viewer preferences
retainViewerPreferences | boolean |
Retains any PDF Viewer Preferences, Page Mode and Page Layout from source file in the output when using ConvertToTiff. |
savePredespeckle | boolean |
This will use the original image (i.e. before applying pre-processing) in the output PDF. |
tables | boolean |
This option when set to true, tries to OCR within table cells. |
textLayerFilterHeight | integer |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
textLayerFilterHeightInverted | integer |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
textLayerFilterPercentage | float |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
textLayerFilterPercentageInverted | float |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
textLayerFilterRatio | float |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
textLayerFilterRatioInverted | float |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
textLayerFilterWidth | integer |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
textLayerFilterWidthInverted | integer |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
textLayerMaxBoxes | integer |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
Tidy-up mode
tidyUpMode | integer |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
Validate PDF/A
validatePDFA | boolean |
Whether or not to validate the PDF/A document after conversion |
Word match threshold
wordMatchThreshold | float |
Contact technical support ( for guidance on using this property. |
Response data for OCR operation
- Body
- ocr_response
Splits PDF files based on barcode matches defined by the user. Visit [] for documentation. In addition the Aquaforest Zonal Extraction Tool is available at [].
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The content of the source file |
File Name Template
fileNameTemplate | True | string |
Template for the output file if barcode is found |
Pages with no Match
noMatch | string |
Depending on the split option you choose above, some pages will have no barcode value. Choose what to do the these pages. |
No Barcode Match Template
noTextFileName | True | string |
Template for the output file if no barcode is found |
File Name
sourceFileName | True | string |
The name of the source file |
Output File Options
splitOption | string |
Use this to refine the text you extract more, select an option that matches your requirements |
barcodeFormats | array of string |
Specify the types of Barcode you want to identify |
location | True | string |
Area of the page - use the Zonal tool to obtain coordinates: [] |
regex | string |
If a regular expression is provided here, we will match any extracted barcode to it and return the match. |
Splits PDF files based on split options defined by the user. Visit [] for documentation.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The content of the source file. |
Output File Name
fileNameTemplate | True | string |
Target file template which can include %UNIQUEn (unique number starting at 1, zero padded to n digits) and %FILENAME (original filename without the extension). |
File Name
sourceFileName | True | string |
The name of the source file. |
Split Type
splitOption | True | string |
Choose the split operation to use for each file. |
Page Range
pageRange | string |
Set of page ranges separated by commas that defines which pages from the original should be extracted. |
Repeat Every
repeatEvery | integer |
Apply the page range to each set of Page Ranges pages within the document. For example if 2-4 is specified for page ranges, and 4 is specified as the repeating range, then the range is re-applied every 4 pages. |
Retain bookmarks
retainBookmarks | boolean |
Generated files will include bookmarks from the original file. |
Retain metadata
retainMetadata | boolean |
Generated files will include metadata(such as Author and Title) from the original file. |
Splits PDF files based on text matches defined by the user. Visit [] for documentation. In addition the Aquaforest Zonal Extraction Tool is available at [].
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
File Content
fileContent | True | byte |
The content of the source file |
File Name Template
fileNameTemplate | True | string |
Template for the output file if the text matches are found |
Pages with no Match
noMatch | string |
Depending on the split option you choose above, some pages will have no text value extracted. Choose what to do the these pages. |
No File Template
noTextFileName | True | string |
Template for the output file if no text match is found |
File Name
sourceFileName | True | string |
The name of the source file |
Output File Options
splitOption | string |
Choose the location of the page with the barcode in the output files from the split operation. |
expression | array of string |
Provide one or more value(s) here to be used with the property above, we will return the first text value that matches the rule stated above. |
location | True | string |
Area of the page - use the Zonal tool to obtain coordinates: [] |
position | string |
Use this to refine the text you extract more, select an option that matches your requirements |
regex | string |
If a regular expression is provided here, we will match any extracted text to it and return the match. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
ErrorMessage | string |
If the value of Is Successful is false, we will return an Error Message |
Is Successful
IsSuccessful | boolean |
This will return true if at least one page was extracted |
License Info
LicenceInfo | string |
Information about your API subscription key |
Extract Output Files
SplittedFile | array of object |
Array of Extracted Files |
(File Content)
SplittedFile.SplitFileContent | byte |
A base 64 string representing the File Content |
(File Name)
SplittedFile.SplitFileName | string |
A string containing the generated File Name |
(Page Number)
SplittedFile.pageNumber | string |
The page range containing the page number where the extraction occurred |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Error Message
ErrorMessage | string |
If the value of Is Successful is false, we will return an Error Message |
Is Successful
IsSuccessful | boolean |
If the Text was matched successfully |
License Info
LicenceInfo | string |
Information about your API subscription key |
Text Result
TextResult | string |
A string generated from applying the extracted text to the Text Result Template provided. Note if the page count is greater than one will concatenate all the pages using the Page Separator. |
TextResults | array of object |
An array containing a list of pages and the extracted text values |
(Page Number)
TextResults.pageNumber | string |
The page where the text was found |
(Page Text)
TextResults.valueExtracted | string |
A string generated from applying the extracted text to the Text Result Template provided. |
(Zone Values)
TextResults.zoneValues | array of string |
An array containing the text extracted from each zone. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
BarcodeResult | string |
A string generated from applying the extracted text to the barcode Result Template provided. Note if the page count is greater than one will concatenate all the pages using the Page Separator. |
BarcodeResults | array of object |
An array containing a list of pages and the extracted barcode values |
(Page Number)
BarcodeResults.pageNumber | string |
The page where the barcode was found |
(Page Barcode)
BarcodeResults.valueExtracted | string |
A string generated from applying the extracted barcode value to the barcode Result Template provided. |
(Zone Values)
BarcodeResults.zoneValues | array of string |
An array containing the barcode extracted from each zone. |
Error Message
ErrorMessage | string |
If the value of Is Successful is false, we will return an Error Message |
Is Successful
IsSuccessful | boolean |
If a barcode was detected |
License Info
LicenceInfo | string |
Information about your API subscription key |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Error Message
ErrorMessage | string |
If the value of Is Successful is false, we will return an Error Message |
Is Successful
IsSuccessful | boolean |
This will return true if at least one split page was matched. |
License Info
LicenceInfo | string |
Information about your API subscription key |
Split Output Files
SplittedFile | array of object |
Array containing each of the split files together with details like the generated file name and page number. |
(File Content)
SplittedFile.SplitFileContent | byte |
A base 64 string representing the File Content |
(File Name)
SplittedFile.SplitFileName | string |
A string containing the generated File Name |
(Page Range)
SplittedFile.pageNumber | string |
The page range containing the page numbers of the split operation |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Allow Assembly
AllowAssembly | boolean |
Allow rotation, insertion or deletion of pages. |
Allow Degraded Printing
AllowDegradedPrinting | boolean |
Allow low-quality printing. |
Allow Extract Contents
AllowExtractContents | boolean |
Allow extraction of text and graphics. |
Allow Extract For Accessibility
AllowExtractForAccessibility | boolean |
Allow extraction of text and graphics in support of accessibility. |
Allow Fill In Form
AllowFillInForm | boolean |
Allow filling of form fields. |
Allow Modify Annotations
AllowModifyAnnotations | boolean |
Allow modification of annotations. |
Allow Modify Contents
AllowModifyContents | boolean |
Allow modification of contents. |
Allow Printing
AllowPrinting | boolean |
Allow high-quality printing. |
Author | string |
Who created the document. |
Creation Date
CreationDate | string |
This is the date and time the PDF was created. |
Creator | string |
The originating application or library. |
Error message
ErrorMessage | string |
If the value of Is Successful is false, we will return an Error Message |
File Size (bytes)
FileSize | number |
The size of the file in bytes |
Has Hidden Text
HasHiddenText | boolean |
This will return true if the PDF file has an OCR layer. |
Is Encrypted
IsEncrypted | boolean |
This will return true if this document is encrypted or not. |
Is Searchable
IsSearchable | boolean |
This will return true if the PDF file is searchable. |
Is Successful
IsSuccessful | boolean |
Returns true if the action was successful. |
Keywords | string |
Keywords can be comma separated. |
License Info
LicenceInfo | string |
Json summary of your subscription quota. |
Modified Date
ModifiedDate | string |
This property represents the date and time the PDF was last modified |
Number of Pages
NumberofPages | integer |
The number of pages in the PDF file. |
PDF Version
PDFversion | number |
The version of the PDF specification the document was built against. |
Producer | string |
The product that created the PDF. In the early days of PDF people would use a Creator application like Microsoft Word to write a document, print it to a PostScript file and then the Producer would be Acrobat Distiller, the application that converted the PostScript file to a PDF. Nowadays Creator and Producer are often the same or one field is left blank. |
Subject | string |
What is the document about. |
Title | string |
The title of the document. |
Trapped | string |
This property is a Boolean value that indicates whether the document has been trapped. Trapping is a pre-press process which introduces color areas into color separations in order to obscure potential register errors. |
XMP Metadata
XmpMetadata | string |
The Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) is an ISO standard, originally created by Adobe Systems Inc., for the creation, processing and interchange of standardized and custom metadata for digital documents and data sets. |
Response data for OCR operation
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Error message
ErrorMessage | string |
If the value of Is Successful is false, we will return an Error Message |
Is Successful
IsSuccessful | boolean |
Returns true if the OCR was successful. |
License Info
LicenceInfo | string |
Information about your API subscription key |
Log file content
LogFileContent | byte |
The log contents of the operation |
Processed file content
OutputFileContent | byte |
File generated by the Aquaforest PDF converter. |