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IMixedRealityInputSystem Interface


Manager interface for a Input system in the Mixed Reality Toolkit All replacement systems for providing Input System functionality should derive from this interface

public interface class IMixedRealityInputSystem : IDisposable, Microsoft::MixedReality::Toolkit::IMixedRealityEventSystem



The configuration profile for the service.

(Inherited from IMixedRealityService)

List of IMixedRealityControllers currently detected by the input manager.


List of the Interaction Input Sources as detected by the input manager like hands or motion controllers.


List of event listeners that are registered to this Event System.

(Inherited from IMixedRealityEventSystem)

The current Eye Gaze Provider that's been implemented by this Input System.


The current Focus Provider that's been implemented by this Input System.


The current Gaze Provider that's been implemented by this Input System.


Typed representation of the ConfigurationProfile property.


Indicates if input is currently enabled or not.


Optional Priority attribute if multiple services of the same type are required, enables targeting a service for action.

(Inherited from IMixedRealityService)

Optional Priority to reorder registered managers based on their respective priority, reduces the risk of race conditions by prioritizing the order in which managers are evaluated.

(Inherited from IMixedRealityService)

The current Raycast Provider that's been implemented by this Input System.



Clear all fallback input handlers off the stack.


Clear the input disable stack, which will immediately re-enable input.


Clear all modal input handlers off the stack.


Optional Destroy function to perform cleanup of the service before the Mixed Reality Toolkit is destroyed.

(Inherited from IMixedRealityService)

Optional Disable function to pause the service.

(Inherited from IMixedRealityService)

Optional Enable function to enable / re-enable the service.

(Inherited from IMixedRealityService)

Generates a new unique input source id.

HandleEvent<T>(BaseEventData, ExecuteEvents.EventFunction<T>)

The main function for handling and forwarding all events to their intended recipients.

(Inherited from IMixedRealityEventSystem)

The initialize function is used to setup the service once created. This method is called once all services have been registered in the Mixed Reality Toolkit.

(Inherited from IMixedRealityService)

Optional LateUpdate function to that is called after Update has been called on all services.

(Inherited from IMixedRealityService)

Remove the last game object from the fallback input stack.


Pop disabled input state. When the last disabled state is popped off the stack input will be re-enabled.


Remove the last game object from the modal input stack.


Push a game object into the fallback input stack. Any input handlers on the game object are given input events when no modal or focused objects consume the event.


Push a disabled input state onto the Input System. While input is disabled no events will be sent out and the cursor displays a waiting animation.


Push a game object into the modal input stack. Any input handlers on the game object are given priority to input events before any focused objects.

RaiseDictationComplete(IMixedRealityInputSource, String, AudioClip)
RaiseDictationError(IMixedRealityInputSource, String, AudioClip)
RaiseDictationHypothesis(IMixedRealityInputSource, String, AudioClip)
RaiseDictationResult(IMixedRealityInputSource, String, AudioClip)
RaiseFloatInputChanged(IMixedRealityInputSource, Handedness, MixedRealityInputAction, Single)

Raise Float Input Changed.

RaiseFocusChanged(IMixedRealityPointer, GameObject, GameObject)

Raise the focus changed event.

RaiseFocusEnter(IMixedRealityPointer, GameObject)

Raise the focus enter event.

RaiseFocusExit(IMixedRealityPointer, GameObject)

Raise the focus exit event.

RaiseGestureCanceled(IMixedRealityController, MixedRealityInputAction)

Raise the Gesture Canceled Event.

RaiseGestureCompleted(IMixedRealityController, MixedRealityInputAction, MixedRealityPose)

Raise the Gesture Completed Event.

RaiseGestureCompleted(IMixedRealityController, MixedRealityInputAction, Quaternion)

Raise the Gesture Completed Event.

RaiseGestureCompleted(IMixedRealityController, MixedRealityInputAction, Vector2)

Raise the Gesture Completed Event.

RaiseGestureCompleted(IMixedRealityController, MixedRealityInputAction, Vector3)

Raise the Gesture Completed Event.

RaiseGestureCompleted(IMixedRealityController, MixedRealityInputAction)

Raise the Gesture Completed Event.

RaiseGestureStarted(IMixedRealityController, MixedRealityInputAction)

Raise the Gesture Started Event.

RaiseGestureUpdated(IMixedRealityController, MixedRealityInputAction, MixedRealityPose)

Raise the Gesture Updated Event.

RaiseGestureUpdated(IMixedRealityController, MixedRealityInputAction, Quaternion)

Raise the Gesture Updated Event.

RaiseGestureUpdated(IMixedRealityController, MixedRealityInputAction, Vector2)

Raise the Gesture Updated Event.

RaiseGestureUpdated(IMixedRealityController, MixedRealityInputAction, Vector3)

Raise the Gesture Updated Event.

RaiseGestureUpdated(IMixedRealityController, MixedRealityInputAction)

Raise the Gesture Updated Event.

RaiseHandJointsUpdated(IMixedRealityInputSource, Handedness, IDictionary<TrackedHandJoint,MixedRealityPose>)

Notify system that articulated hand joint info has been updated

RaiseHandMeshUpdated(IMixedRealityInputSource, Handedness, HandMeshInfo)

Notify system that articulated hand mesh has been updated

RaiseOnInputDown(IMixedRealityInputSource, Handedness, MixedRealityInputAction)

Raise the input down event.

RaiseOnInputUp(IMixedRealityInputSource, Handedness, MixedRealityInputAction)

Raise the input up event.

RaiseOnTouchCompleted(IMixedRealityInputSource, IMixedRealityController, Handedness, Vector3)
RaiseOnTouchStarted(IMixedRealityInputSource, IMixedRealityController, Handedness, Vector3)
RaiseOnTouchUpdated(IMixedRealityInputSource, IMixedRealityController, Handedness, Vector3)
RaisePointerClicked(IMixedRealityPointer, MixedRealityInputAction, Int32, Handedness, IMixedRealityInputSource)

Raise the pointer clicked event.

RaisePointerDown(IMixedRealityPointer, MixedRealityInputAction, Handedness, IMixedRealityInputSource)

Raise the pointer down event.

RaisePointerDragged(IMixedRealityPointer, MixedRealityInputAction, Handedness, IMixedRealityInputSource)

Raise the pointer dragged event.

RaisePointerUp(IMixedRealityPointer, MixedRealityInputAction, Handedness, IMixedRealityInputSource)

Raise the pointer up event.

RaisePoseInputChanged(IMixedRealityInputSource, Handedness, MixedRealityInputAction, MixedRealityPose)

Raise the 6 degrees of freedom input event.

RaisePositionInputChanged(IMixedRealityInputSource, Handedness, MixedRealityInputAction, Vector2)

Raise the 2 degrees of freedom input event.

RaisePositionInputChanged(IMixedRealityInputSource, Handedness, MixedRealityInputAction, Vector3)

Raise the 3 degrees of freedom input event.

RaisePreFocusChanged(IMixedRealityPointer, GameObject, GameObject)

Raise the pre-focus changed event.

RaiseRotationInputChanged(IMixedRealityInputSource, Handedness, MixedRealityInputAction, Quaternion)

Raise the 3 degrees of freedom input event.

RaiseSourceDetected(IMixedRealityInputSource, IMixedRealityController)

Raise the event that the Input Source was detected.

RaiseSourceLost(IMixedRealityInputSource, IMixedRealityController)

Raise the event that the Input Source was lost.

RaiseSourcePoseChanged(IMixedRealityInputSource, IMixedRealityController, MixedRealityPose)

Raise the event that the Input Source position was changed.

RaiseSourcePositionChanged(IMixedRealityInputSource, IMixedRealityController, Vector2)

Raise the event that the Input Source position was changed.

RaiseSourcePositionChanged(IMixedRealityInputSource, IMixedRealityController, Vector3)

Raise the event that the Input Source position was changed.

RaiseSourceRotationChanged(IMixedRealityInputSource, IMixedRealityController, Quaternion)

Raise the event that the Input Source position was changed.

RaiseSourceTrackingStateChanged(IMixedRealityInputSource, IMixedRealityController, TrackingState)

Raise the event that the Input Source's tracking state has changed.

RaiseSpeechCommandRecognized(IMixedRealityInputSource, RecognitionConfidenceLevel, TimeSpan, DateTime, SpeechCommands)

Registers a GameObject to listen for events from this Event System.

(Inherited from IMixedRealityEventSystem)

Registers the given handler as a global listener for all events handled via the T interface. T must be an interface type, not a class type, derived from IEventSystemHandler.

(Inherited from IMixedRealityEventSystem)
RequestNewGenericInputSource(String, IMixedRealityPointer[], InputSourceType)
RequestNewGlobalInputSource(String, IMixedRealityFocusProvider, InputSourceType)

Optional Reset function to perform that will Reset the service, for example, whenever there is a profile change.

(Inherited from IMixedRealityService)

Unregisters a GameObject from listening for events from this Event System.

(Inherited from IMixedRealityEventSystem)

Unregisters the given handler as a global listener for all events handled via the T interface. T must be an interface type, not a class type, derived from IEventSystemHandler.

(Inherited from IMixedRealityEventSystem)

Optional Update function to perform per-frame updates of the service.

(Inherited from IMixedRealityService)



Event that's raised when the Input is disabled.


Event that's raised when the Input is enabled.

Applies to

Produit Versions
MRTK2 Unity 2018 2.5.0, 2.5.1, 2.5.2, 2.5.3, 2.5.4, 2.6.0, 2.7.0
MRTK2 Unity 2019 2.5.0, 2.5.1, 2.5.2, 2.5.3, 2.5.4, 2.6.0, 2.7.0, 2.8.0
MRTK2 Unity 2020 2.5.2, 2.5.3, 2.5.4, 2.6.0, 2.7.0, 2.8.0