KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem>.SetItem(Int32, TItem) Méthode
Certaines informations portent sur la préversion du produit qui est susceptible d’être en grande partie modifiée avant sa publication. Microsoft exclut toute garantie, expresse ou implicite, concernant les informations fournies ici.
Remplace l'élément à l'index spécifié par l'élément spécifié.
override void SetItem(int index, TItem item);
protected override void SetItem (int index, TItem item);
override this.SetItem : int * 'Item -> unit
Protected Overrides Sub SetItem (index As Integer, item As TItem)
- index
- Int32
Index de base zéro de l'élément à remplacer.
- item
- TItem
Nouvel élément.
Cette section contient deux exemples de code qui illustrent la substitution de la SetItem méthode pour fournir un comportement personnalisé pour définir la Collection<T>.Item[] propriété. Le premier exemple ajoute un événement de notification personnalisé et le second prend en charge une collection d’objets avec des clés mutables.
Exemple 1
L’exemple de code suivant montre comment remplacer les méthodes protégées , , et pour fournir un comportement personnalisé pour les Addméthodes , Removeet Clear pour définir la propriété par défaut Item[] (l’indexeur en C#).SetItemClearItemsRemoveItemInsertItem Le comportement personnalisé fourni dans cet exemple est un événement de notification nommé Changed
, qui est déclenché à la fin de chacune des méthodes remplacées.
L’exemple de code crée la SimpleOrder
classe, qui dérive de KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem> et représente un formulaire de commande simple. Le formulaire de commande contient des OrderItem
objets représentant des éléments triés. L’exemple de code crée également une SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs
classe pour contenir les informations sur l’événement et une énumération pour identifier le type de modification.
L’exemple de code illustre le comportement personnalisé en appelant les propriétés et les méthodes de la classe dérivée, dans la Main
méthode de la Demo
classe .
Cet exemple de code utilise des objets avec des clés immuables. Pour obtenir un exemple de code qui utilise des clés mutables, consultez ChangeItemKey.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
using namespace System::Collections::ObjectModel;
public enum class ChangeTypes
ref class SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs;
// This class represents a simple line item in an order. All the
// values are immutable except quantity.
public ref class OrderItem
int _quantity;
initonly int PartNumber;
initonly String^ Description;
initonly double UnitPrice;
OrderItem(int partNumber, String^ description, int quantity,
double unitPrice)
this->PartNumber = partNumber;
this->Description = description;
this->Quantity = quantity;
this->UnitPrice = unitPrice;
property int Quantity
int get() { return _quantity; };
void set(int value)
if (value < 0)
throw gcnew ArgumentException("Quantity cannot be negative.");
_quantity = value;
virtual String^ ToString() override
return String::Format(
"{0,9} {1,6} {2,-12} at {3,8:#,###.00} = {4,10:###,###.00}",
PartNumber, _quantity, Description, UnitPrice,
UnitPrice * _quantity);
// Event argument for the Changed event.
public ref class SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
OrderItem^ ChangedItem;
initonly ChangeTypes ChangeType;
OrderItem^ ReplacedWith;
SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(ChangeTypes change,
OrderItem^ item, OrderItem^ replacement)
this->ChangeType = change;
this->ChangedItem = item;
this->ReplacedWith = replacement;
// This class derives from KeyedCollection and shows how to override
// the protected ClearItems, InsertItem, RemoveItem, and SetItem
// methods in order to change the behavior of the default Item
// property and the Add, Clear, Insert, and Remove methods. The
// class implements a Changed event, which is raised by all the
// protected methods.
// SimpleOrder is a collection of OrderItem objects, and its key
// is the PartNumber field of OrderItem-> PartNumber is an Integer,
// so SimpleOrder inherits KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>.
// (Note that the key of OrderItem cannot be changed; if it could
// be changed, SimpleOrder would have to override ChangeItemKey.)
public ref class SimpleOrder : KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem^>
event EventHandler<SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs^>^ Changed;
// This parameterless constructor calls the base class constructor
// that specifies a dictionary threshold of 0, so that the internal
// dictionary is created as soon as an item is added to the
// collection.
SimpleOrder() : KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem^>(nullptr, 0) {};
// This is the only method that absolutely must be overridden,
// because without it the KeyedCollection cannot extract the
// keys from the items.
virtual int GetKeyForItem(OrderItem^ item) override
// In this example, the key is the part number.
return item->PartNumber;
virtual void InsertItem(int index, OrderItem^ newItem) override
__super::InsertItem(index, newItem);
Changed(this, gcnew SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(
ChangeTypes::Added, newItem, nullptr));
virtual void SetItem(int index, OrderItem^ newItem) override
OrderItem^ replaced = this->Items[index];
__super::SetItem(index, newItem);
Changed(this, gcnew SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(
ChangeTypes::Replaced, replaced, newItem));
virtual void RemoveItem(int index) override
OrderItem^ removedItem = Items[index];
Changed(this, gcnew SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(
ChangeTypes::Removed, removedItem, nullptr));
virtual void ClearItems() override
Changed(this, gcnew SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(
ChangeTypes::Cleared, nullptr, nullptr));
// This method uses the internal reference to the dictionary
// to test fo
void AddOrMerge(OrderItem^ newItem)
int key = this->GetKeyForItem(newItem);
OrderItem^ existingItem = nullptr;
// The dictionary is not created until the first item is
// added, so it is necessary to test for null. Using
// AndAlso ensures that TryGetValue is not called if the
// dictionary does not exist.
if (this->Dictionary != nullptr &&
this->Dictionary->TryGetValue(key, existingItem))
existingItem->Quantity += newItem->Quantity;
public ref class Demo
static void Main()
SimpleOrder^ weekly = gcnew SimpleOrder();
weekly->Changed += gcnew
// The Add method, inherited from Collection, takes OrderItem->
weekly->Add(gcnew OrderItem(110072674, "Widget", 400, 45.17));
weekly->Add(gcnew OrderItem(110072675, "Sprocket", 27, 5.3));
weekly->Add(gcnew OrderItem(101030411, "Motor", 10, 237.5));
weekly->Add(gcnew OrderItem(110072684, "Gear", 175, 5.17));
// The Contains method of KeyedCollection takes TKey.
Console::WriteLine("\nContains(101030411): {0}",
// The default Item property of KeyedCollection takes the key
// type, Integer. The property is read-only.
Console::WriteLine("\nweekly[101030411]->Description: {0}",
// The Remove method of KeyedCollection takes a key.
// The Insert method, inherited from Collection, takes an
// index and an OrderItem.
Console::WriteLine("\nInsert(2, gcnew OrderItem(...))");
weekly->Insert(2, gcnew OrderItem(111033401, "Nut", 10, .5));
// The default Item property is overloaded. One overload comes
// from KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>; that overload
// is read-only, and takes Integer because it retrieves by key.
// The other overload comes from Collection<OrderItem>, the
// base class of KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>; it
// retrieves by index, so it also takes an Integer. The compiler
// uses the most-derived overload, from KeyedCollection, so the
// only way to access SimpleOrder by index is to cast it to
// Collection<OrderItem>. Otherwise the index is interpreted
// as a key, and KeyNotFoundException is thrown.
Collection<OrderItem^>^ coweekly = weekly;
Console::WriteLine("\ncoweekly[2].Description: {0}",
Console::WriteLine("\ncoweekly[2] = gcnew OrderItem(...)");
coweekly[2] = gcnew OrderItem(127700026, "Crank", 27, 5.98);
OrderItem^ temp = coweekly[2];
// The IndexOf method, inherited from Collection<OrderItem>,
// takes an OrderItem instead of a key.
Console::WriteLine("\nIndexOf(temp): {0}", weekly->IndexOf(temp));
// The inherited Remove method also takes an OrderItem->
weekly->AddOrMerge(gcnew OrderItem(110072684, "Gear", 1000, 5.17));
static void Display(SimpleOrder^ order)
for each( OrderItem^ item in order )
static void ChangedHandler(Object^ source,
SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs^ e)
OrderItem^ item = e->ChangedItem;
if (e->ChangeType == ChangeTypes::Replaced)
OrderItem^ replacement = e->ReplacedWith;
Console::WriteLine("{0} (quantity {1}) was replaced " +
"by {2}, (quantity {3}).", item->Description,
item->Quantity, replacement->Description,
else if(e->ChangeType == ChangeTypes::Cleared)
Console::WriteLine("The order list was cleared.");
Console::WriteLine("{0} (quantity {1}) was {2}.",
item->Description, item->Quantity, e->ChangeType);
void main()
/* This code example produces the following output:
Widget (quantity 400) was Added.
Sprocket (quantity 27) was Added.
Motor (quantity 10) was Added.
Gear (quantity 175) was Added.
110072674 400 Widget at 45.17 = 18,068.00
110072675 27 Sprocket at 5.30 = 143.10
101030411 10 Motor at 237.50 = 2,375.00
110072684 175 Gear at 5.17 = 904.75
Contains(101030411): True
weekly[101030411]->Description: Motor
Motor (quantity 10) was Removed.
Insert(2, gcnew OrderItem(...))
Nut (quantity 10) was Added.
coweekly[2].Description: Nut
coweekly[2] = gcnew OrderItem(...)
Nut (quantity 10) was replaced by Crank, (quantity 27).
IndexOf(temp): 2
Crank (quantity 27) was Removed.
Widget (quantity 400) was Removed.
110072675 27 Sprocket at 5.30 = 143.10
110072684 1175 Gear at 5.17 = 6,074.75
The order list was cleared.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
// This class derives from KeyedCollection and shows how to override
// the protected ClearItems, InsertItem, RemoveItem, and SetItem
// methods in order to change the behavior of the default Item
// property and the Add, Clear, Insert, and Remove methods. The
// class implements a Changed event, which is raised by all the
// protected methods.
// SimpleOrder is a collection of OrderItem objects, and its key
// is the PartNumber field of OrderItem. PartNumber is an Integer,
// so SimpleOrder inherits KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>.
// (Note that the key of OrderItem cannot be changed; if it could
// be changed, SimpleOrder would have to override ChangeItemKey.)
public class SimpleOrder : KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>
public event EventHandler<SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs> Changed;
// This parameterless constructor calls the base class constructor
// that specifies a dictionary threshold of 0, so that the internal
// dictionary is created as soon as an item is added to the
// collection.
public SimpleOrder() : base(null, 0) {}
// This is the only method that absolutely must be overridden,
// because without it the KeyedCollection cannot extract the
// keys from the items.
protected override int GetKeyForItem(OrderItem item)
// In this example, the key is the part number.
return item.PartNumber;
protected override void InsertItem(int index, OrderItem newItem)
base.InsertItem(index, newItem);
EventHandler<SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs> temp = Changed;
if (temp != null)
temp(this, new SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(
ChangeType.Added, newItem, null));
protected override void SetItem(int index, OrderItem newItem)
OrderItem replaced = Items[index];
base.SetItem(index, newItem);
EventHandler<SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs> temp = Changed;
if (temp != null)
temp(this, new SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(
ChangeType.Replaced, replaced, newItem));
protected override void RemoveItem(int index)
OrderItem removedItem = Items[index];
EventHandler<SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs> temp = Changed;
if (temp != null)
temp(this, new SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(
ChangeType.Removed, removedItem, null));
protected override void ClearItems()
EventHandler<SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs> temp = Changed;
if (temp != null)
temp(this, new SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(
ChangeType.Cleared, null, null));
// Event argument for the Changed event.
public class SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
private OrderItem _changedItem;
private ChangeType _changeType;
private OrderItem _replacedWith;
public OrderItem ChangedItem { get { return _changedItem; }}
public ChangeType ChangeType { get { return _changeType; }}
public OrderItem ReplacedWith { get { return _replacedWith; }}
public SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs(ChangeType change,
OrderItem item, OrderItem replacement)
_changeType = change;
_changedItem = item;
_replacedWith = replacement;
public enum ChangeType
public class Demo
public static void Main()
SimpleOrder weekly = new SimpleOrder();
weekly.Changed += new
// The Add method, inherited from Collection, takes OrderItem.
weekly.Add(new OrderItem(110072674, "Widget", 400, 45.17));
weekly.Add(new OrderItem(110072675, "Sprocket", 27, 5.3));
weekly.Add(new OrderItem(101030411, "Motor", 10, 237.5));
weekly.Add(new OrderItem(110072684, "Gear", 175, 5.17));
// The Contains method of KeyedCollection takes TKey.
Console.WriteLine("\nContains(101030411): {0}",
// The default Item property of KeyedCollection takes the key
// type, Integer. The property is read-only.
Console.WriteLine("\nweekly[101030411].Description: {0}",
// The Remove method of KeyedCollection takes a key.
// The Insert method, inherited from Collection, takes an
// index and an OrderItem.
Console.WriteLine("\nInsert(2, new OrderItem(...))");
weekly.Insert(2, new OrderItem(111033401, "Nut", 10, .5));
// The default Item property is overloaded. One overload comes
// from KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>; that overload
// is read-only, and takes Integer because it retrieves by key.
// The other overload comes from Collection<OrderItem>, the
// base class of KeyedCollection<int, OrderItem>; it
// retrieves by index, so it also takes an Integer. The compiler
// uses the most-derived overload, from KeyedCollection, so the
// only way to access SimpleOrder by index is to cast it to
// Collection<OrderItem>. Otherwise the index is interpreted
// as a key, and KeyNotFoundException is thrown.
Collection<OrderItem> coweekly = weekly;
Console.WriteLine("\ncoweekly[2].Description: {0}",
Console.WriteLine("\ncoweekly[2] = new OrderItem(...)");
coweekly[2] = new OrderItem(127700026, "Crank", 27, 5.98);
OrderItem temp = coweekly[2];
// The IndexOf method, inherited from Collection<OrderItem>,
// takes an OrderItem instead of a key.
Console.WriteLine("\nIndexOf(temp): {0}", weekly.IndexOf(temp));
// The inherited Remove method also takes an OrderItem.
// Increase the quantity for a line item.
Console.WriteLine("\ncoweekly(1) = New OrderItem(...)");
coweekly[1] = new OrderItem(coweekly[1].PartNumber,
coweekly[1].Description, coweekly[1].Quantity + 1000,
private static void Display(SimpleOrder order)
foreach( OrderItem item in order )
private static void ChangedHandler(object source,
SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs e)
OrderItem item = e.ChangedItem;
if (e.ChangeType==ChangeType.Replaced)
OrderItem replacement = e.ReplacedWith;
Console.WriteLine("{0} (quantity {1}) was replaced " +
"by {2}, (quantity {3}).", item.Description,
item.Quantity, replacement.Description,
else if(e.ChangeType == ChangeType.Cleared)
Console.WriteLine("The order list was cleared.");
Console.WriteLine("{0} (quantity {1}) was {2}.",
item.Description, item.Quantity, e.ChangeType);
// This class represents a simple line item in an order. All the
// values are immutable except quantity.
public class OrderItem
private int _partNumber;
private string _description;
private double _unitPrice;
private int _quantity;
public int PartNumber { get { return _partNumber; }}
public string Description { get { return _description; }}
public double UnitPrice { get { return _unitPrice; }}
public int Quantity { get { return _quantity; }}
public OrderItem(int partNumber, string description, int quantity,
double unitPrice)
_partNumber = partNumber;
_description = description;
_quantity = quantity;
_unitPrice = unitPrice;
public override string ToString()
return String.Format(
"{0,9} {1,6} {2,-12} at {3,8:#,###.00} = {4,10:###,###.00}",
PartNumber, _quantity, Description, UnitPrice,
UnitPrice * _quantity);
/* This code example produces the following output:
Widget (quantity 400) was Added.
Sprocket (quantity 27) was Added.
Motor (quantity 10) was Added.
Gear (quantity 175) was Added.
110072674 400 Widget at 45.17 = 18,068.00
110072675 27 Sprocket at 5.30 = 143.10
101030411 10 Motor at 237.50 = 2,375.00
110072684 175 Gear at 5.17 = 904.75
Contains(101030411): True
weekly[101030411].Description: Motor
Motor (quantity 10) was Removed.
Insert(2, new OrderItem(...))
Nut (quantity 10) was Added.
coweekly[2].Description: Nut
coweekly[2] = new OrderItem(...)
Nut (quantity 10) was replaced by Crank, (quantity 27).
IndexOf(temp): 2
Crank (quantity 27) was Removed.
Widget (quantity 400) was Removed.
coweekly(1) = New OrderItem(...)
Gear (quantity 175) was replaced by Gear, (quantity 1175).
110072675 27 Sprocket at 5.30 = 143.10
110072684 1175 Gear at 5.17 = 6,074.75
The order list was cleared.
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
' This class derives from KeyedCollection and shows how to override
' the protected ClearItems, InsertItem, RemoveItem, and SetItem
' methods in order to change the behavior of the default Item
' property and the Add, Clear, Insert, and Remove methods. The
' class implements a Changed event, which is raised by all the
' protected methods.
' SimpleOrder is a collection of OrderItem objects, and its key
' is the PartNumber field of OrderItem. PartNumber is an Integer,
' so SimpleOrder inherits KeyedCollection(Of Integer, OrderItem).
' (Note that the key of OrderItem cannot be changed; if it could
' be changed, SimpleOrder would have to override ChangeItemKey.)
Public Class SimpleOrder
Inherits KeyedCollection(Of Integer, OrderItem)
Public Event Changed As EventHandler(Of SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs)
' This parameterless constructor calls the base class constructor
' that specifies a dictionary threshold of 0, so that the internal
' dictionary is created as soon as an item is added to the
' collection.
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(Nothing, 0)
End Sub
' This is the only method that absolutely must be overridden,
' because without it the KeyedCollection cannot extract the
' keys from the items.
Protected Overrides Function GetKeyForItem( _
ByVal item As OrderItem) As Integer
' In this example, the key is the part number.
Return item.PartNumber
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub InsertItem( _
ByVal index As Integer, ByVal newItem As OrderItem)
MyBase.InsertItem(index, newItem)
RaiseEvent Changed(Me, New SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs( _
ChangeType.Added, newItem, Nothing))
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub SetItem(ByVal index As Integer, _
ByVal newItem As OrderItem)
Dim replaced As OrderItem = Items(index)
MyBase.SetItem(index, newItem)
RaiseEvent Changed(Me, New SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs( _
ChangeType.Replaced, replaced, newItem))
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub RemoveItem(ByVal index As Integer)
Dim removedItem As OrderItem = Items(index)
RaiseEvent Changed(Me, New SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs( _
ChangeType.Removed, removedItem, Nothing))
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub ClearItems()
RaiseEvent Changed(Me, New SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs( _
ChangeType.Cleared, Nothing, Nothing))
End Sub
End Class
' Event argument for the Changed event.
Public Class SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs
Inherits EventArgs
Private _changedItem As OrderItem
Private _changeType As ChangeType
Private _replacedWith As OrderItem
Public ReadOnly Property ChangedItem As OrderItem
Return _changedItem
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property ChangeType As ChangeType
Return _changeType
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property ReplacedWith As OrderItem
Return _replacedWith
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal change As ChangeType, ByVal item As OrderItem, _
ByVal replacement As OrderItem)
_changeType = change
_changedItem = item
_replacedWith = replacement
End Sub
End Class
Public Enum ChangeType
End Enum
Public Class Demo
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim weekly As New SimpleOrder()
AddHandler weekly.Changed, AddressOf ChangedHandler
' The Add method, inherited from Collection, takes OrderItem.
weekly.Add(New OrderItem(110072674, "Widget", 400, 45.17))
weekly.Add(New OrderItem(110072675, "Sprocket", 27, 5.3))
weekly.Add(New OrderItem(101030411, "Motor", 10, 237.5))
weekly.Add(New OrderItem(110072684, "Gear", 175, 5.17))
' The Contains method of KeyedCollection takes TKey.
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Contains(101030411): {0}", _
' The default Item property of KeyedCollection takes the key
' type, Integer. The property is read-only.
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "weekly(101030411).Description: {0}", _
' The Remove method of KeyedCollection takes a key.
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Remove(101030411)")
' The Insert method, inherited from Collection, takes an
' index and an OrderItem.
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Insert(2, New OrderItem(...))")
weekly.Insert(2, New OrderItem(111033401, "Nut", 10, .5))
' The default Item property is overloaded. One overload comes
' from KeyedCollection(Of Integer, OrderItem); that overload
' is read-only, and takes Integer because it retrieves by key.
' The other overload comes from Collection(Of OrderItem), the
' base class of KeyedCollection(Of Integer, OrderItem); it
' retrieves by index, so it also takes an Integer. The compiler
' uses the most-derived overload, from KeyedCollection, so the
' only way to access SimpleOrder by index is to cast it to
' Collection(Of OrderItem). Otherwise the index is interpreted
' as a key, and KeyNotFoundException is thrown.
Dim coweekly As Collection(Of OrderItem) = weekly
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "coweekly(2).Description: {0}", _
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "coweekly(2) = New OrderItem(...)")
coweekly(2) = New OrderItem(127700026, "Crank", 27, 5.98)
Dim temp As OrderItem = coweekly(2)
' The IndexOf method, inherited from Collection(Of OrderItem),
' takes an OrderItem instead of a key.
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "IndexOf(temp): {0}", _
' The inherited Remove method also takes an OrderItem.
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Remove(temp)")
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "RemoveAt(0)")
' Increase the quantity for a line item.
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "coweekly(1) = New OrderItem(...)")
coweekly(1) = New OrderItem(coweekly(1).PartNumber, _
coweekly(1).Description, coweekly(1).Quantity + 1000, _
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Display(ByVal order As SimpleOrder)
For Each item As OrderItem In order
Next item
End Sub
Private Shared Sub ChangedHandler(ByVal source As Object, _
ByVal e As SimpleOrderChangedEventArgs)
Dim item As OrderItem = e.ChangedItem
If e.ChangeType = ChangeType.Replaced Then
Dim replacement As OrderItem = e.ReplacedWith
Console.WriteLine("{0} (quantity {1}) was replaced " & _
"by {2}, (quantity {3}).", item.Description, _
item.Quantity, replacement.Description, replacement.Quantity)
ElseIf e.ChangeType = ChangeType.Cleared Then
Console.WriteLine("The order list was cleared.")
Console.WriteLine("{0} (quantity {1}) was {2}.", _
item.Description, item.Quantity, e.ChangeType)
End If
End Sub
End Class
' This class represents a simple line item in an order. All the
' values are immutable except quantity.
Public Class OrderItem
Private _partNumber As Integer
Private _description As String
Private _unitPrice As Double
Private _quantity As Integer
Public ReadOnly Property PartNumber As Integer
Return _partNumber
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Description As String
Return _description
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property UnitPrice As Double
Return _unitPrice
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Quantity() As Integer
Return _quantity
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal partNumber As Integer, _
ByVal description As String, _
ByVal quantity As Integer, _
ByVal unitPrice As Double)
_partNumber = partNumber
_description = description
_quantity = quantity
_unitPrice = unitPrice
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return String.Format( _
"{0,9} {1,6} {2,-12} at {3,8:#,###.00} = {4,10:###,###.00}", _
PartNumber, _quantity, Description, UnitPrice, _
UnitPrice * _quantity)
End Function
End Class
' This code example produces the following output:
'Widget (quantity 400) was Added.
'Sprocket (quantity 27) was Added.
'Motor (quantity 10) was Added.
'Gear (quantity 175) was Added.
'110072674 400 Widget at 45.17 = 18,068.00
'110072675 27 Sprocket at 5.30 = 143.10
'101030411 10 Motor at 237.50 = 2,375.00
'110072684 175 Gear at 5.17 = 904.75
'Contains(101030411): True
'weekly(101030411).Description: Motor
'Motor (quantity 10) was Removed.
'Insert(2, New OrderItem(...))
'Nut (quantity 10) was Added.
'coweekly(2).Description: Nut
'coweekly(2) = New OrderItem(...)
'Nut (quantity 10) was replaced by Crank, (quantity 27).
'IndexOf(temp): 2
'Crank (quantity 27) was Removed.
'Widget (quantity 400) was Removed.
'coweekly(1) = New OrderItem(...)
'Gear (quantity 175) was replaced by Gear, (quantity 1175).
'110072675 27 Sprocket at 5.30 = 143.10
'110072684 1175 Gear at 5.17 = 6,074.75
'The order list was cleared.
Exemple 2
L’exemple de code suivant montre comment remplacer la méthode protégée ChangeItemKey pour prendre en charge les clés mutables, et comment remplacer les méthodes protégées InsertItem, RemoveItem, ClearItemset SetItem pour maintenir l’intégrité des clés et de la collection.
L’exemple de code crée la MutableKeys
collection, qui dérive de KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem>, et de la MutableKey
classe . La MutableKey
classe a une propriété settable Key
. Lorsqu’une nouvelle clé est affectée à la propriété, l’éditeur de propriétés appelle la internal
méthode (Friend
en Visual Basic) ChangeKey
de la collection pour tester si la nouvelle clé est en conflit avec une clé existante. Si c’est le cas, une exception est levée et la valeur de la propriété n’est pas modifiée.
Pour maintenir la connexion entre un MutableKey
objet et la MutableKeys
collection et empêcher l’insertion d’un objet dans deux collections, la MutableKey
classe a un internal
champ (Friend
en Visual Basic). Collection
Ce champ est géré par les méthodes protégées qui fournissent un comportement personnalisé pour l’ajout et la suppression d’éléments de la collection, comme la InsertItem méthode . Le champ est défini lorsque l’élément est ajouté à une collection et effacé lorsque l’élément est supprimé.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
// This class demonstrates one way to use the ChangeItemKey
// method to store objects with keys that can be changed. The
// ChangeItemKey method is used to keep the internal lookup
// Dictionary in sync with the keys of the stored objects.
// MutableKeys stores MutableKey objects, which have an Integer
// Key property that can be set. Therefore, MutableKeys inherits
// KeyedCollection(Of Integer, MutableKey).
public class MutableKeys : KeyedCollection<int, MutableKey>
// This parameterless constructor delegates to the base class
// constructor that specifies a dictionary threshold. A
// threshold of 0 means the internal Dictionary is created
// the first time an object is added.
public MutableKeys() : base(null, 0) {}
protected override int GetKeyForItem(MutableKey item)
// The key is MutableKey.Key.
return item.Key;
protected override void InsertItem(int index, MutableKey newItem)
if (newItem.Collection != null)
throw new ArgumentException("The item already belongs to a collection.");
base.InsertItem(index, newItem);
newItem.Collection = this;
protected override void SetItem(int index, MutableKey newItem)
MutableKey replaced = Items[index];
if (newItem.Collection != null)
throw new ArgumentException("The item already belongs to a collection.");
base.SetItem(index, newItem);
newItem.Collection = this;
replaced.Collection = null;
protected override void RemoveItem(int index)
MutableKey removedItem = Items[index];
removedItem.Collection = null;
protected override void ClearItems()
foreach( MutableKey mk in Items )
mk.Collection = null;
internal void ChangeKey(MutableKey item, int newKey)
base.ChangeItemKey(item, newKey);
public void Dump()
if (Dictionary == null)
Console.WriteLine(" The dictionary has not been created.");
Console.WriteLine(" Dictionary entries");
Console.WriteLine(" ------------------");
foreach( KeyValuePair<int, MutableKey> kvp in Dictionary )
Console.WriteLine(" {0} : {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
Console.WriteLine("\n List of items");
Console.WriteLine(" -------------");
foreach( MutableKey mk in Items )
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", mk);
public class Demo
public static void Main()
MutableKeys mkeys = new MutableKeys();
// The Add method is inherited from Collection.
mkeys.Add(new MutableKey(110072674, "Widget"));
mkeys.Add(new MutableKey(110072675, "Sprocket"));
Console.WriteLine("\nCreate and insert a new item:");
MutableKey test = new MutableKey(110072684, "Gear");
mkeys.Insert(1, test);
Console.WriteLine("\nTry to insert the item again:");
mkeys.Insert(1, test);
catch(ArgumentException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message);
Console.WriteLine("\nChange the Key property of the item:");
test.Key = 100000072;
Console.WriteLine("\nTry to set the Key property to an existing key:");
test.Key = 110072674;
catch(ArgumentException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message);
private static void Display(MutableKeys order)
foreach( MutableKey item in order )
// This class has a key that can be changed.
public class MutableKey
public MutableKey(int newKey, string newValue)
_key = newKey;
Value = newValue;
} //New
public string Value;
internal MutableKeys Collection;
private int _key;
public int Key
return _key;
if (Collection != null)
Collection.ChangeKey(this, value);
_key = value;
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("{0,9} {1}", _key, Value);
/* This code example produces the following output:
Dictionary entries
110072674 : 110072674 Widget
110072675 : 110072675 Sprocket
List of items
110072674 Widget
110072675 Sprocket
Create and insert a new item:
Dictionary entries
110072674 : 110072674 Widget
110072675 : 110072675 Sprocket
110072684 : 110072684 Gear
List of items
110072674 Widget
110072684 Gear
110072675 Sprocket
Try to insert the item again:
Error: The item already belongs to a collection.
Change the Key property of the item:
Dictionary entries
110072674 : 110072674 Widget
110072675 : 110072675 Sprocket
100000072 : 100000072 Gear
List of items
110072674 Widget
100000072 Gear
110072675 Sprocket
Try to set the Key property to an existing key:
Error: An item with the same key has already been added.
Dictionary entries
110072674 : 110072674 Widget
110072675 : 110072675 Sprocket
100000072 : 100000072 Gear
List of items
110072674 Widget
100000072 Gear
110072675 Sprocket
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
' This class demonstrates one way to use the ChangeItemKey
' method to store objects with keys that can be changed. The
' ChangeItemKey method is used to keep the internal lookup
' Dictionary in sync with the keys of the stored objects.
' MutableKeys stores MutableKey objects, which have an Integer
' Key property that can be set. Therefore, MutableKeys inherits
' KeyedCollection(Of Integer, MutableKey).
Public Class MutableKeys
Inherits KeyedCollection(Of Integer, MutableKey)
' This parameterless constructor delegates to the base class
' constructor that specifies a dictionary threshold. A
' threshold of 0 means the internal Dictionary is created
' the first time an object is added.
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(Nothing, 0)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Function GetKeyForItem( _
ByVal item As MutableKey) As Integer
' The key is MutableKey.Key.
Return item.Key
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub InsertItem( _
ByVal index As Integer, ByVal newItem As MutableKey)
If newItem.Collection IsNot Nothing Then _
Throw New ArgumentException("The item already belongs to a collection.")
MyBase.InsertItem(index, newItem)
newItem.Collection = Me
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub SetItem(ByVal index As Integer, _
ByVal newItem As MutableKey)
Dim replaced As MutableKey = Items(index)
If newItem.Collection IsNot Nothing Then _
Throw New ArgumentException("The item already belongs to a collection.")
MyBase.SetItem(index, newItem)
newItem.Collection = Me
replaced.Collection = Nothing
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub RemoveItem(ByVal index As Integer)
Dim removedItem As MutableKey = Items(index)
removedItem.Collection = Nothing
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub ClearItems()
For Each mk As MutableKey In Items
mk.Collection = Nothing
End Sub
Friend Sub ChangeKey(ByVal item As MutableKey, _
ByVal newKey As Integer)
MyBase.ChangeItemKey(item, newKey)
End Sub
Public Sub Dump()
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "DUMP:")
If Dictionary Is Nothing Then
Console.WriteLine(" The dictionary has not been created.")
Console.WriteLine(" Dictionary entries")
Console.WriteLine(" ------------------")
For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of Integer, MutableKey) In Dictionary
Console.WriteLine(" {0} : {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value)
End If
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & " List of items")
Console.WriteLine(" -------------")
For Each mk As MutableKey In Items
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", mk)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Demo
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim mkeys As New MutableKeys()
' The Add method is inherited from Collection.
mkeys.Add(New MutableKey(110072674, "Widget"))
mkeys.Add(New MutableKey(110072675, "Sprocket"))
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Create and insert a new item:")
Dim test As New MutableKey(110072684, "Gear")
mkeys.Insert(1, test)
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Try to insert the item again:")
mkeys.Insert(1, test)
Catch ex As ArgumentException
Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message)
End Try
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Change the Key property of the item:")
test.Key = 100000072
Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Try to set the Key property to an existing key:")
test.Key = 110072674
Catch ex As ArgumentException
Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Display(ByVal order As MutableKeys)
For Each item As MutableKey In order
Next item
End Sub
End Class
' This class has a key that can be changed.
Public Class MutableKey
Public Sub New(ByVal newKey As Integer, ByVal newValue As String)
_key = newKey
Value = newValue
End Sub
Public Value As String
Friend Collection As MutableKeys
Private _key As Integer
Public Property Key As Integer
Return _key
End Get
If Collection IsNot Nothing Then
Collection.ChangeKey(Me, value)
End If
_key = value
End Set
End Property
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return String.Format("{0,9} {1}", _key, Value)
End Function
End Class
' This code example produces the following output:
' Dictionary entries
' ------------------
' 110072674 : 110072674 Widget
' 110072675 : 110072675 Sprocket
' List of items
' -------------
' 110072674 Widget
' 110072675 Sprocket
'Create and insert a new item:
' Dictionary entries
' ------------------
' 110072674 : 110072674 Widget
' 110072675 : 110072675 Sprocket
' 110072684 : 110072684 Gear
' List of items
' -------------
' 110072674 Widget
' 110072684 Gear
' 110072675 Sprocket
'Try to insert the item again:
'Error: The item already belongs to a collection.
'Change the Key property of the item:
' Dictionary entries
' ------------------
' 110072674 : 110072674 Widget
' 110072675 : 110072675 Sprocket
' 100000072 : 100000072 Gear
' List of items
' -------------
' 110072674 Widget
' 100000072 Gear
' 110072675 Sprocket
'Try to set the Key property to an existing key:
'Error: An item with the same key has already been added.
' Dictionary entries
' ------------------
' 110072674 : 110072674 Widget
' 110072675 : 110072675 Sprocket
' 100000072 : 100000072 Gear
' List of items
' -------------
' 110072674 Widget
' 100000072 Gear
' 110072675 Sprocket
Le dictionnaire de recherche est mis à jour en conséquence. Autrement dit, la clé de l’élément en cours de remplacement est supprimée du dictionnaire de recherche et la clé du nouvel élément est ajoutée.
Cette méthode est une opération O(1).
Remplacez cette méthode pour fournir un comportement personnalisé pour définir la Item[] propriété héritée de la Collection<T> classe générique.
Cette méthode n’affecte pas le comportement de la KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem>.Item[] propriété, qui est en lecture seule.
Appelez l’implémentation de la classe de base de cette méthode pour définir l’élément dans la collection sous-jacente et mettre à jour le dictionnaire de recherche.
Produit | Versions |
.NET | Core 1.0, Core 1.1, Core 2.0, Core 2.1, Core 2.2, Core 3.0, Core 3.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
.NET Framework | 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1 |
.NET Standard | 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.0, 2.1 |
UWP | 10.0 |
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