Créer des applications intelligentes
17 mars, 21 h - 21 mars, 10 h
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Le RichSuggestBox
est une combinaison de AutoSuggestBox et RichEditBox qui peuvent fournir des suggestions basées sur des préfixes personnalisables. Les suggestions sélectionnées sont incorporées et suivies dans le document en tant que jetons.
RichSuggestBox ressemble aux contrôles de texte couramment trouvés dans les applications sociales où vous tapez « @ » pour mentionner des personnes.
<!-- Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. -->
<Page x:Class="RichSuggestBoxExperiment.Samples.RichSuggestBoxMultiplePrefixesSample"
<DataTemplate x:Key="EmailTemplate">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Border Width="20"
Background="{ThemeResource AccentFillColorDefaultBrush}"
<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center"
Text="{Binding Initials}" />
<TextBlock Padding="8,0,0,0"
Text="{Binding DisplayName}" />
<DataTemplate x:Key="DataTemplate">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<SymbolIcon Symbol="{Binding Icon}" />
<TextBlock Margin="8,0,0,0"
Text="{Binding Text}" />
<DataTemplate x:Key="TokenTemplate">
<StackPanel Margin="0,4,0,12"
<Run Text="Text:" />
<Run FontWeight="SemiBold"
Text="{Binding DisplayText}" />
<Run Text="Position:" />
<Run FontWeight="SemiBold"
Text="{Binding Position}" />
<Run Text="Id:" />
<Run FontWeight="SemiBold"
Text="{Binding Id}" />
<local:SuggestionTemplateSelector x:Key="SuggestionTemplateSelector"
Data="{StaticResource DataTemplate}"
Person="{StaticResource EmailTemplate}" />
<StackPanel MinWidth="400"
<controls:RichSuggestBox x:Name="SuggestingBox"
Header="RichSuggestBox that supports multiple prefixes (@ and #)"
ItemTemplateSelector="{StaticResource SuggestionTemplateSelector}"
SuggestionRequested="SuggestingBox_SuggestionRequested" />
<ListView x:Name="TokenListView"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource TokenTemplate}" />
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using CommunityToolkit.WinUI.Controls;
using Microsoft.UI;
using Microsoft.UI.Text;
using Windows.UI;
using Windows.UI.Text;
namespace RichSuggestBoxExperiment.Samples;
[ToolkitSample(id: nameof(RichSuggestBoxMultiplePrefixesSample), "RichSuggestBox with multiple prefixes", description: $"A sample for showing how to create and use a {nameof(RichSuggestBox)} with multiple prefixes.")]
public sealed partial class RichSuggestBoxMultiplePrefixesSample : Page
private readonly List<SampleEmailDataType> _emailSamples = new List<SampleEmailDataType>()
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Marcus", FamilyName = "Perryman" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Michael", FamilyName = "Hawker" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Matt", FamilyName = "Lacey" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Alexandre", FamilyName = "Chohfi" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Filip", FamilyName = "Wallberg" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Shane", FamilyName = "Weaver" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Vincent", FamilyName = "Gromfeld" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Sergio", FamilyName = "Pedri" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Alex", FamilyName = "Wilber" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Allan", FamilyName = "Deyoung" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Adele", FamilyName = "Vance" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Grady", FamilyName = "Archie" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Megan", FamilyName = "Bowen" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Ben", FamilyName = "Walters" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Debra", FamilyName = "Berger" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Emily", FamilyName = "Braun" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Christine", FamilyName = "Cline" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Enrico", FamilyName = "Catteneo" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Davit", FamilyName = "Badalyan" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Diego", FamilyName = "Siciliani" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Raul", FamilyName = "Razo" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Miriam", FamilyName = "Graham" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Lynne", FamilyName = "Robbins" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Lydia", FamilyName = "Holloway" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Nestor", FamilyName = "Wilke" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Patti", FamilyName = "Fernandez" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Pradeep", FamilyName = "Gupta" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Joni", FamilyName = "Sherman" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Isaiah", FamilyName = "Langer" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Irvin", FamilyName = "Sayers" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Tung", FamilyName = "Huynh" },
private readonly List<SampleDataType> _samples = new List<SampleDataType>()
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Account", Icon = Symbol.Account },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Add Friend", Icon = Symbol.AddFriend },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Attach", Icon = Symbol.Attach },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Attach Camera", Icon = Symbol.AttachCamera },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Audio", Icon = Symbol.Audio },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Block Contact", Icon = Symbol.BlockContact },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Calculator", Icon = Symbol.Calculator },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Calendar", Icon = Symbol.Calendar },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Camera", Icon = Symbol.Camera },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Contact", Icon = Symbol.Contact },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Favorite", Icon = Symbol.Favorite },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Link", Icon = Symbol.Link },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Mail", Icon = Symbol.Mail },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Map", Icon = Symbol.Map },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Phone", Icon = Symbol.Phone },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Pin", Icon = Symbol.Pin },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Rotate", Icon = Symbol.Rotate },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Rotate Camera", Icon = Symbol.RotateCamera },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Send", Icon = Symbol.Send },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Tags", Icon = Symbol.Tag },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "UnFavorite", Icon = Symbol.UnFavorite },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "UnPin", Icon = Symbol.UnPin },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "Zoom", Icon = Symbol.Zoom },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "ZoomIn", Icon = Symbol.ZoomIn },
new SampleDataType() { Text = "ZoomOut", Icon = Symbol.ZoomOut },
public RichSuggestBoxMultiplePrefixesSample()
TokenListView.ItemsSource = SuggestingBox.Tokens;
private void SuggestingBox_SuggestionChosen(RichSuggestBox sender, SuggestionChosenEventArgs args)
if (args.Prefix == "#")
args.Format!.BackgroundColor = Colors.LightSlateGray;
args.Format.ForegroundColor = Colors.White;
args.Format.Bold = FormatEffect.On;
args.DisplayText = ((SampleDataType)args.SelectedItem!).Text;
args.DisplayText = ((SampleEmailDataType)args.SelectedItem!).DisplayName;
private void SuggestingBox_SuggestionRequested(RichSuggestBox sender, SuggestionRequestedEventArgs args)
if (args.Prefix == "#")
sender.ItemsSource = this._samples.Where(x => x.Text.Contains(args.QueryText!, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
sender.ItemsSource = this._emailSamples.Where(x => x.DisplayName.Contains(args.QueryText!, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
PlaceholderText="Leave a comment"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource SuggestionTemplate}"
Prefixes="@#" />
Lorsqu’une suggestion est sélectionnée, RichSuggestBox
attribue à l’élément sélectionné un guid unique Guid et un texte d’affichage (fourni par le développeur) pour constituer un jeton. Le texte d’affichage est ensuite rempli avec des espaces de largeur zéro (ZWSP) et inséré dans le document sous forme de lien hypertexte en utilisant l'identifiant comme adresse de lien. Ces liens hypertexte sont suivis et validés sur chaque modification de texte.
Le texte du jeton inséré dans le document a la disposition suivante : ZWSP – Caractère préfixe – Texte d’affichage – ZWSP.
Par exemple, un jeton avec « @ » comme préfixe et « John Doe » comme texte d’affichage est inséré comme suit :
"\u200b@John Doe\u200b"
Le texte du jeton contient des espaces de largeur zéro, qui sont des caractères Unicode.
Pour prendre en charge la fonction Annuler/Rétablir, RichSuggestBox
conserve tous les jetons dans une collection interne même lorsque le texte du jeton est supprimé du document. Ces jetons sont marqués comme inactifs et ne sont pas inclus dans la collection Tokens
. Utilisez la méthode ClearUndoRedoSuggestionHistory()
pour effacer les jetons inactifs ou la méthode Clear()
pour effacer tous les jetons.
L’exemple ci-dessous crée un RichSuggestBox
qui peut tokeniser à la fois les mentions (la requête commence par @
) et les hashtags (la requête commence par #
PlaceholderText="Leave a comment"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource SuggestionTemplate}"
Prefixes="@#" />
private void OnSuggestionChosen(RichSuggestBox sender, SuggestionChosenEventArgs args)
if (args.Prefix == "#")
// User selected a hashtag item
args.DisplayText = ((SampleHashtagDataType)args.SelectedItem).Text;
// User selected a mention item
args.DisplayText = ((SampleEmailDataType)args.SelectedItem).DisplayName;
private void OnSuggestionRequested(RichSuggestBox sender, SuggestionRequestedEventArgs args)
sender.ItemsSource = args.Prefix == "#"
? _hashtags.Where(x => x.Text.Contains(args.QueryText, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
: _emails.Where(x => x.DisplayName.Contains(args.QueryText, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
L’exemple ci-dessous crée un RichSuggestBox
qui n'autorise que la saisie de texte brut. Les seuls textes mis en forme dans le document sont des jetons.
DisabledFormattingAccelerators="All" />
<!-- Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. -->
<Page x:Class="RichSuggestBoxExperiment.Samples.RichSuggestBoxPlainTextSample"
<DataTemplate x:Key="EmailTemplate">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Border Width="20"
Background="{ThemeResource AccentFillColorDefaultBrush}"
<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center"
Text="{Binding Initials}" />
<TextBlock Padding="8,0,0,0"
Text="{Binding DisplayName}" />
<DataTemplate x:Key="TokenTemplate">
<StackPanel Margin="0,4,0,12"
<Run Text="Text:" />
<Run FontWeight="SemiBold"
Text="{Binding DisplayText}" />
<Run Text="Position:" />
<Run FontWeight="SemiBold"
Text="{Binding Position}" />
<Run Text="Id:" />
<Run FontWeight="SemiBold"
Text="{Binding Id}" />
<local:SuggestionTemplateSelector x:Key="SuggestionTemplateSelector"
Data="{StaticResource DataTemplate}"
Person="{StaticResource EmailTemplate}" />
<Flyout x:Key="TokenSelectedFlyout">
<ContentPresenter x:Name="FlyoutPresenter"
ContentTemplate="{StaticResource EmailTemplate}" />
<StackPanel MinWidth="400"
<controls:RichSuggestBox x:Name="SuggestingBox"
FlyoutBase.AttachedFlyout="{StaticResource TokenSelectedFlyout}"
Header="Plain text RichSuggestBox with on token pointer over flyout"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource EmailTemplate}"
TokenPointerOver="SuggestingBox_TokenPointerOver" />
<ListView x:Name="TokenListView"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource TokenTemplate}" />
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using CommunityToolkit.WinUI.Controls;
using Microsoft.UI;
using Microsoft.UI.Dispatching;
using Microsoft.UI.Text;
using Windows.UI;
using Windows.System;
using Windows.UI.Text;
namespace RichSuggestBoxExperiment.Samples;
[ToolkitSample(id: nameof(RichSuggestBoxPlainTextSample), "RichSuggestBox with plain text", description: $"A sample for showing how to create and use a {nameof(RichSuggestBox)} with plain text.")]
public sealed partial class RichSuggestBoxPlainTextSample : Page
private DispatcherQueue _dispatcherQueue;
private readonly List<SampleEmailDataType> _emailSamples = new List<SampleEmailDataType>()
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Marcus", FamilyName = "Perryman" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Michael", FamilyName = "Hawker" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Matt", FamilyName = "Lacey" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Alexandre", FamilyName = "Chohfi" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Filip", FamilyName = "Wallberg" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Shane", FamilyName = "Weaver" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Vincent", FamilyName = "Gromfeld" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Sergio", FamilyName = "Pedri" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Alex", FamilyName = "Wilber" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Allan", FamilyName = "Deyoung" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Adele", FamilyName = "Vance" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Grady", FamilyName = "Archie" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Megan", FamilyName = "Bowen" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Ben", FamilyName = "Walters" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Debra", FamilyName = "Berger" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Emily", FamilyName = "Braun" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Christine", FamilyName = "Cline" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Enrico", FamilyName = "Catteneo" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Davit", FamilyName = "Badalyan" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Diego", FamilyName = "Siciliani" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Raul", FamilyName = "Razo" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Miriam", FamilyName = "Graham" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Lynne", FamilyName = "Robbins" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Lydia", FamilyName = "Holloway" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Nestor", FamilyName = "Wilke" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Patti", FamilyName = "Fernandez" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Pradeep", FamilyName = "Gupta" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Joni", FamilyName = "Sherman" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Isaiah", FamilyName = "Langer" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Irvin", FamilyName = "Sayers" },
new SampleEmailDataType() { FirstName = "Tung", FamilyName = "Huynh" },
public RichSuggestBoxPlainTextSample()
_dispatcherQueue = DispatcherQueue.GetForCurrentThread();
TokenListView.ItemsSource = SuggestingBox.Tokens;
private void SuggestingBox_SuggestionChosen(RichSuggestBox sender, SuggestionChosenEventArgs args)
args.DisplayText = ((SampleEmailDataType)args.SelectedItem!).DisplayName;
private void SuggestingBox_SuggestionRequested(RichSuggestBox sender, SuggestionRequestedEventArgs args)
sender.ItemsSource = this._emailSamples.Where(x => x.DisplayName.Contains(args.QueryText!, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
private void SuggestingBox_TokenPointerOver(RichSuggestBox sender, RichSuggestTokenPointerOverEventArgs args)
var flyout = (Flyout)FlyoutBase.GetAttachedFlyout(sender);
var pointerPosition = args.CurrentPoint!.Position;
if (flyout?.Content is ContentPresenter cp && sender.TextDocument!.Selection.Type != SelectionType.Normal &&
(!flyout.IsOpen || cp.Content != args.Token!.Item))
this._dispatcherQueue.TryEnqueue(() =>
cp.Content = args.Token!.Item;
flyout.ShowAt(sender, new FlyoutShowOptions
Position = pointerPosition,
ExclusionRect = sender.GetRectFromRange(args.Range!),
ShowMode = FlyoutShowMode.TransientWithDismissOnPointerMoveAway,
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Créer des applications intelligentes
17 mars, 21 h - 21 mars, 10 h
Rejoignez la série de rencontres pour créer des solutions IA évolutives basées sur des cas d’usage réels avec d’autres développeurs et experts.
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Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
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