The Reports page gives you access to various reports composed from events, and broken down by dates.
Before using Reports, make sure you have executed some API calls which have been captured by the Reports system already.
Access reports
To access the Reports page:
Use the side bar menu and navigate to Analytics.
Select the Reports tab.
Reports overview
The example shown below shows an overview of the Reports page.
The first section allows you to filter Reports by Type (Name).
The Date column lists the time intervals for all Reports that have been generated. You can select the Date label to access report details for a specific date.
The Name column identifies the Report Type uniquely. You can select the Name label to access report details for the corresponding Date.
When Report data is available, you can download a CSV representation of the data by selecting Download CSV.
When Report data is not available for a given day (no events that day), the Date and Name labels will render black, will not be selectable, and the option of downloading the report as a CSV will not be available.
Donnez aux utilisateurs métier les moyens de prendre des décisions importantes à l’aide de l’analytique et du reporting dans les applications de finances et d’opérations.
Learn about using custom tags to customize your events. Custom tags are a collection of key-value-pairs that studios can optionally include with an API request.