Interface IProcessable

Cette API prend en charge l'infrastructure SQL Server 2012 et n'est pas destinée à être utilisée directement à partir de votre code.

Represents an object that is processable.

Espace de noms :  Microsoft.AnalysisServices
Assembly :  Microsoft.AnalysisServices (en Microsoft.AnalysisServices.dll)


public interface IProcessable

Le type IProcessable expose les membres suivants.


  Nom Description
Propriété publique LastProcessed Infrastructure. Gets the date and time on which the IProcessable was last processed.
Propriété publique State Infrastructure. Gets the current state of the IProcessable that was last processed.

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  Nom Description
Méthode publique CanProcess Infrastructure. Indicates whether the IProcessable can perform the specified processing.
Méthode publique Process() Infrastructure. Executes a process that is associated with the IProcessable with the default type.
Méthode publique Process(ProcessType) Infrastructure. Executes a process that is associated with the IProcessable with the specified type.
Méthode publique Process(ProcessType, ErrorConfiguration) Infrastructure. Executes a process that is associated with the IProcessable with the specified process type error configuration.
Méthode publique Process(ProcessType, ErrorConfiguration, XmlaWarningCollection) Infrastructure. Executes a process that is associated with the IProcessable with the specified process type, error configuration and warnings.
Méthode publique Process(ProcessType, ErrorConfiguration, XmlaWarningCollection, ImpactDetailCollection) Infrastructure. Executes a process that is associated with the IProcessable with the specified process type, error configuration, warnings and impact details.
Méthode publique Process(ProcessType, ErrorConfiguration, XmlaWarningCollection, ImpactDetailCollection, Boolean) Infrastructure. Executes a process that is associated with the IProcessable with the specified process type, error configuration, warnings and impact details.

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Espace de noms Microsoft.AnalysisServices