Énumération StorageMode

Determines the storage mode for the object.

Espace de noms :  Microsoft.AnalysisServices
Assembly :  Microsoft.AnalysisServices (en Microsoft.AnalysisServices.dll)


public enum StorageMode


Nom de membre Description
Holap Specifies that the storage mode is hybrid OLAP. Part of the data is stored in Molap and part in Rolap.
InMemory Specifies that the storage mode is proprietary Analysis Services xVelocity in-memory analytics engine (VertiPaq).
Molap Specifies that the storage mode is Proprietary Analysis Services, or Multi-dimensional OLAP, files.
Rolap Specifies that the storage mode is relational OLAP (ROLAP).

Voir aussi


Espace de noms Microsoft.AnalysisServices