Execute XMLA on a Unix server

MARIE-MAGDELAINE Dimitri 0 Points de réputation


I would like to know what the best option is to trigger a SSAS cube refresh from an Unix server.


Today I am using powershell on windows with the powershell command line:

Invoke-ASCmd -Server myserver:port -InputFile my_refresh_instruction.xmla.


In a near future, we are planning to decommission the windows server that we are currently using, and we will only have Unix servers.


How can we execute XMLA on a Unix server ?

What is MS SQL Server support recommandation on this ? I can’t find any information on Internet ?

  • Do you recommend Powershell on Unix ?
  • Do you recommend to do it with an SQL Agent job ?



Many thanks for your help !

SQL Server
SQL Server
Famille de systèmes de gestion et d'analyse de base de données relationnelle Microsoft pour les solutions de commerce électronique, métier et d'entreposage de données.
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